Then, before charging, he took a last look at the yellow-haired girl kneeling on the ground with an apologetic look.


He saw several yellow men with green leaves on their heads sticking out of the ground, staring at him straight.

"Huh?" Bumigak was stunned for a moment.

What is this?

Is this some kind of new species of magic beast? Why hasn't he seen it before?

No, it seems to have been seen before, and it looks a little familiar, but where...

Just as he was stunned, some yellow man suddenly shouted something.

Then, this group of yellow men suddenly jumped out of the soil, holding up machetes, swords, hammers, axes, and fire sticks in their hands, shouting in a language that Bumigak couldn't understand, and rushed towards the magic beast.

Looking at the strong and short bodies of the group of yellow men, he suddenly remembered, aren't these the group of cubs following the green-haired guy?

Why did it appear...

"Hey, brother, you got beaten badly," the green-haired figure appeared beside him at some point, speaking the same language he couldn't understand.

Appearing with him were the short female magician he had seen before, the somewhat shy cat-girl archer, and the gathering maniac who had recently become famous in the guild.

"You..." Bumigak was a little stunned.

"We saw you running out of the city alone, so we followed you," Yain said, looking coldly at the yellow-haired girl kneeling on the ground.

She clenched the staff in her hand, but didn't say anything. She was silent for a while, then looked away and said coldly: "Okay, don't be stunned, we should prepare to break through."

106. Looks so cute, will you cry for a long time after a punch?

Liu Ji unexpectedly discovered that this group of potato kids seemed to be much more powerful than he imagined.

He thought they just became able to beat up little hooligans and monsters. They probably didn't know how to use their weapons when they just got them, so they should just play around.

As a result, he suddenly found that he was small and his vision was small.

Potato boy holding two knives flashed, his movements were smooth, his moves were professional, and he could give a monster a complete set of pedicure care in a blink of an eye, directly chopping the opponent to the ground.

Potato boy holding a sledgehammer followed closely behind him. After the two-knife boy knocked down one, he would hit the monster's head with a hammer. The hammer head was almost as big as his body, and he swung it vigorously. If he hit the monster, he would not only smash the monster's head, but also cause a severe concussion.

Potato boy holding a big sword rushed forward, not easily attacking, relying on the sword body of the big sword as a shield to protect his companions, but once he found an opportunity, he would temporarily retreat, accumulate power and chop the monster with a sword, and each time he could directly send a monster to the west.

The potato boy holding a shield and sword was actively covering his teammates. When the big sword potato boy retreated, he pushed forward. When the big sword potato boy moved forward, he went to support the side. He took the opportunity to poke the giant beast's eyes. I don't know if the damage is high, but it is extremely insulting.

The potato boy holding the giant axe waited for the opportunity under his cover. Once there was a chance, he swung the axe and hit the monster's head. At the least, the head was broken and bleeding, and at the worst, the skull was opened on the spot.

The potato boy holding the long knife was playing more colorfully. I don't know what was wrong with him. He didn't chop or cut. He just kept holding the long knife to find an opportunity to stab the dragon. When he stabbed, he jumped up with the force and chopped the opponent in mid-air. The action was quite handsome, but the accuracy was not good. Two out of three slashes could only hit the ground.

But in comparison, he was still not as colorful as the potato boy holding the steel stick.

Just look at him holding a stick and hitting here and there, and he kept flying up and down in the team. Although I don't understand what he is doing, it doesn't seem to have caused any damage, but I just feel that he seems to be very happy.

With seven potatoes leading the way, the breakout process was much smoother than expected. Only Mo Wente seemed to want to test his sword and actively participated in the charge. Liu Ji didn't need to do much, just followed him.

The only thing to pay attention to is to protect Bumigak and guard against some monsters that try to attack him.

This brother has a lot of injuries. Monsters will have evil thoughts when they see injured fellows in the wild, and the same is true when they see people.

What's more, this man is holding a weak girl who looks fragile.

From time to time, monsters want to attack Bumigak from the air, and Guoguo can only shoot arrows continuously.

These are the fifty arrows she just bought. In this kind of battle, it is basically impossible to recover arrows without recall inscriptions. It is estimated that she will run out of ammunition and food after this battle.

As for Yain, she is asking about Bumigak's condition.

This brother's mental state is obviously not right. She wants to find out what happened during that period of time.

But it was precisely because the brother's mental state was not quite right that the questioning process was not very smooth.

Fortunately, it was not too difficult for Yayin to piece together the original appearance of the incident from the fragmentary statements, and soon, she figured out the general idea.

This "girl" was someone he "accidentally" met in the city. At that time, she was "looking for help everywhere" to find someone who could save her "father".

But because of his "negligence", an "accident" occurred during the rescue process, and the "girl's father" died tragically at the mouth of the monster.

Then because of this "accident", more "accidents" followed, causing "the girl's other companions" to die at the mouth of the monster.

He desperately wanted to save people "because of self-blame", which led to this appearance.

Unfortunately, in the end, "no one was saved".

Sense of déjà vu...

This feeling is too familiar to Yayin.

Her teacher stepped into her trap step by step, but the process was longer and more tortuous, but the result was the same. Her teacher did not find out the truth until his death.

If she had not returned to her original appearance after the matter was completed because the conditions for awakening were met, even Yayin would probably be kept in the dark until now.

Recalling everything in the past, Yayin's anger could not stop rising.

She clenched her teeth, and the hand holding the staff kept shaking. She could only keep telling herself in her heart that if she endured this moment, she would have a greater chance of tearing this bastard into pieces.

Liu Ji noticed Yayin's abnormality.

No, to be precise, Liu Ji had already noticed it at the door of the clothing store. The moment Yayin saw Bu Mijiak passing by, her face changed.

But because Yain hadn't told him about these things, and because Mowente was there before, everyone communicated in the common language. Yain just used a spell to give him two simple instructions, so he didn't quite understand why Yain had such an expression.

But he could guess.

The first thing he thought of was whether Bumigak owed Yain money.

But thinking about it carefully, it seemed unlikely.

First of all, Yain was not a stingy person. Secondly, he had been with Yain, and he had never seen her and Bumigak have any conflicts. The last time they met, they were fine.

So, if the problem was not with Bumigak, then...

He looked at the girl in Bumigak's arms.

Slender, weak, thin body, small stature, too white skin, and a face full of lost souls, a distressing expression, and the little movements that inadvertently showed her dependence on Bumijak, all of these are so pitiful...


Maybe it's because he has already listed her as a suspect, but now he feels a little strange.

Because she is too perfect, perfect and there is no place that is inappropriate.

According to some people who did character design in the previous life, just looking at the appearance and movements, this is a perfect template for a sickly character.

These days, tsunderes have been retired, and this kind of pure "single attribute" character is almost invisible in works. As a result, he encountered one in reality?

"Is it a white bone spirit?" Liu Ji couldn't help but think.

But this acting is too good, right?


But in short, Yayin has no signs of taking more actions now, and Liu Ji only plans to keep an eye on this woman for a while.

However, considering Yain's expression as if she had seen the murderer of her father, if necessary...

I don't know if her head is hard enough to withstand a punch from me.

At the beginning, Misa told him that the output limit of this body is enough to shake his body apart, but he has never tried it. What does it feel like?

107. Your refusal to use anesthesia makes it difficult for me to treat you!

Mil City, Hunting Guild Hall.

The riots among the monsters outside the city just now scared many hunting teams. At this moment, many teams have just returned to the city and learned about the beast tide.

Although since Luo Ye's speech, the hunters have basically reached a consensus on the beast tide, but there are too many hunters returning this time. After hearing about the beast tide, the hunters who don't know the truth can't help but panic at the first time, causing a lot of commotion.

The old president and Luo Ye are now preparing city defense weapons and recruiting mercenaries. Without people to calm the scene, the hunters subconsciously look for Bumijak.

But they soon learned that even Bumigak was not in the city now. He said that he went to the wild alone to save a caravan.

After receiving this news, the hunters were not in a hurry.

Since Bumigak was out, they just had to wait for him to come back.

The invincible hunting king went to the wild to investigate in person. When he came back, he would definitely bring them reliable information.

As for the danger brought by the wild beast riot, it was dangerous for them, but Bumigak would definitely come back unscathed.

Just like he did at the end of every mission for many years.



The Fairy Jump Inn.

Bumigak lay on the bed, trembling and breathing heavily.

Seeing this, Kalidora temporarily stopped the treatment and asked, "Does it hurt? How about I give you some pain relief?"

"No, no..." Bumigak gritted his teeth and said, "This pain will make me remember it, I need it."

"But the treatment does not need it," Kalidora said helplessly, "You have to relax a little, otherwise it will be difficult for me to help you suture the wound."

"This... OK, I'll try my best, huh... I'll try my best," Bumigak said while taking a deep breath.

Feeling Bumigak's tense muscles constantly relaxing, Kalidora was helpless and could only continue to suture his wounds.

To be honest, this was the first time in her life that she had met a patient who was so seriously injured and so stubborn.

Bumigak had dozens of wounds of various sizes all over his body. Although none of them injured his muscles and bones, many of them had very large wounds and had to be disinfected and sutured before they could be healed.

In addition, he has rough skin and thick flesh, so it is very laborious to sew up. It is not easy for Callidora to complete his entire treatment process alone.

But Weiluo hasn't come back yet, and Callidora can only support herself first. Although Mowente is standing by, he can only help her wipe her sweat or hand her something.

After all, in Yayin's words, the current Bumijiak must not be allowed to appear in front of the hunters.

The ever-victorious Hunting King is an important pillar of the hunters' confidence. The beast tide is imminent. If the hunters' confidence is now affected by Bumijiak's embarrassing return, the impact will bring many uncertain troubles. Who can do not know either.

In the next room, Yayin, Liu Ji, Guoguo, Osa and Jilunini were guarding the yellow-haired girl.

Originally, the person Ya Yin wanted to find the most when she came back was Snow, but unfortunately, Snow is not here now.

He was the first one to return to the hotel, but after Callidora told him about Yain's instructions, he said he wanted to confirm something and left the city again.

Ya Yin is not worried about whether anything will happen to him, but he wants to confirm something...

Anyway, Yayin has no clue at all.

Snow and her teacher had some friendship before, and Snow knew a lot about her, but Yayin really didn't know much about Snow.

But Yayin is not in a hurry. Now the yellow-haired girl is still immersed in the grief of "the sudden death of her whole family", and she looks completely lost. According to her current personality, she has suffered such a blow, which may last for a long time. She will remain as she is now.

Yayin locked her in a transparent soundproof enclosure and temporarily monitored her.

"So, Yayin, what are you going to do with her?" Guoguo asked.

"Build a physical composite magic array, throw it into her, then activate it directly, and cremate her on the spot," Yayin shrugged. "What I'm confused about now is not how to cook her, but I can't figure out what she wants. What to do.”

“The ultimate goal is not to build a fucking spiral dog house anyway,” Gironini interjected. “It’s just a matter of the process.”

"That's the problem," Yayin said. "It stands to reason that the strongest person in this city is Bumichak. If it was just to build a fucking spiral dog house, she would just take the opportunity to build a fucking spiral dog house in the wild." Isn’t it okay to just kill Micah?”

"Perhaps she was too confident and set the conditions for her to wake up until she was killed?" Jilunini said with a smile, "But she didn't expect you to have a hand in it?"

"It's not impossible, but it's hard for me to accept that she would make such a low-level mistake," Yain shook her head.

"Could it be that there are actually stronger people besides Bumigaak here?" Osa interjected, "For example, the guild leader here? We haven't met him yet, right?"

"It's unlikely. Their president is too old and has been relegated to the second line for a long time," Yayin still shook her head.

"Well, that's it..." Osa rubbed the center of his brows, feeling helpless, "Then, how about we work backwards from the results, hoping to inflict heavy damage on Bumijak, thereby damaging the morale of all hunters?"

"If it's for this reason, would killing him directly to make up for it would damage the morale of the hunters?" Jilunini sighed, "Anyway, I can't figure it out..."

Ao Sa rubbed his chin and said no more.

The discussion reached an impasse again.

Seeing everyone's distress, Liu Ji couldn't sit still, poked Yayin, and asked with a curse: "Well, Yayin, what's going on now, can you tell me?"

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