Some timid hunters even closed their eyes unconsciously, as if they didn't dare to see what would happen next...

At this moment, something happened that no one expected.

Suddenly, seven potato men holding weapons came out from the city wall, waving various weapons and rushing towards the ankylosaur.

Then they were all knocked away.

I don't know what they were thinking. They were not heavyweights. Wouldn't this be the end of rushing into someone's face?

Just when the hunters were stunned by this inappropriate and speechless subtle scene, a holy light fell from the sky.

The giant shield phantom shining with golden light slammed into the hard skull of the ankylosaur.

This blow shook the earth.

The huge body of the ankylosaur, which was hundreds of meters long, was smashed to a stop, and half of the hard dragon head was smashed into the ground.

At this moment, both the hunters and the monsters stopped their movements for a while, looking at the figure on the ankylosaur's head in astonishment.

It was a tall knight in mithril armor.

She held a shield in one hand, and used the golden shield shadow to press the ankylosaurus' head tightly, while the other hand raised the long sword in her hand.

The golden holy light condensed on the sword, and along with the complex syllables she kept reciting, a huge holy sword was gradually condensing in the air.

Then, she swung the sword downward.

The holy sword pierced straight into the gap between the ankylosaurus' skull and carapace.

Blood splattered.

The ankylosaurus struggled violently, raised its head, and directly lifted the knight up, roaring with its head raised, a terrifying energy brewing in its mouth, and it was about to bombard the knight.

But who knew that the next second, white light wings spread out behind the knight, her figure drew an elegant arc in the air, and then she backhanded a shield and hit the ankylosaurus' head again.

The upper and lower jaws of the ankylosaurus were fused together by this blow, and the angry breath exploded directly in its own mouth.

Although it was its own breath, which could not hurt it, the energy shock that was suffocated in its mouth still shook it dizzy, staggered, and fell to the ground.

At this time, the Holy Light Sword fell from the air again, pierced straight into the wound just cut, and then exploded in the neck of the Ankylosaurus.

This time, the Ankylosaurus could not resist.

Its huge head was blown off, and its huge body fell to the ground, leaving this world forever.

At this moment, the Warcraft and hunters fell into a brief stagnation again.

The next moment, the hunters cheered like a tsunami.

It was the relief of surviving the disaster and the excitement of witnessing hope.

At this time, the knight turned around and shouted loudly: "I don't care whether you recognize me or not, or whether you know who I am. Now! You only need to know one thing! Next, I will be your commander!"

116. Everyone else, please make way. My teacher said she is going to start a big move!

Looking at the dazzling holy light on the battlefield, Yayin knew that Xieluo had taken action.

She estimated that Xieluo had actually wanted to take action a long time ago, but he probably took everyone's feelings into consideration, so he held back until now.

However, on the other hand, the situation must be quite bad to force her to take action with all her strength.

Yayin did not dare to delay any longer. She chanted the spell lightly, and jumped up and jumped directly onto the city wall.

Liu Ji was still struggling with the problem of the sudden disappearance of Potato Boys. Seeing this, he hurriedly followed.

As soon as he stood firm, looking at the endless and chaotic herd of beasts in front of him, Liu Ji's eyes widened involuntarily.

The scene was so spectacular that he thought he was watching a special effects movie.

From the bottom of the city wall to the entrance of the forest in the distance, there were scattered monster corpses, and the corpses under the city wall were piled into a small hill.

Since the appearance of the silver-armored knight wearing holy light, the hunters' battle situation has indeed improved a lot.

In any case, since Bumigak did not appear, they really need a suitable backbone.

Although they did not know this knight who suddenly appeared, the opponent's two shields and two swords killed the ankylosaur with his own strength, which was enough to prove his strength.

Therefore, the leaders of several major hunting groups tacitly accepted the command position of the silver-armored knight.

And the facts proved that their choice was wise.

This knight was obviously an experienced battlefield commander. After a few simple commands, the formation was restored to order. He also used his mobility in the air to look at the entire battlefield. Not only did he command the front line, but he could also take into account the other walls that were less stressed but also under attack.

"It looks like the battle is going well," Liu Ji muttered.

"It only looks okay," Ya Yin shook her head slightly, "If this goes on, they will be dragged to death sooner or later."

Ya Yin's voice was not loud, and she used a spell, but it also attracted the attention of several hunters.

However, they did not seem to have any intention of refutation, but instead each showed a helpless bitter smile.

Yes, they also knew that this would not work.

The battle seemed to be balanced, but they only had so many people. Over time, the state would only get worse, and the opponent's monsters were different back and forth. In a sense, they were actually dealing with a super-large-scale round-robin battle.

"What should I do? How about I just kill them?" Liu Ji suggested.

"No matter how you only have one person, the battle line is too long, it's useless," Yayin said, looking around, and finally locked his eyes on the cloud platform behind the city wall.

Standing there at the moment are dozens of mercenaries recruited by the old president, including mages and archers, but their level is...

"Liu Ji, although I know this request may be a bit overwhelming," Yayin turned around and said, "But can you help me guard it for an hour?"

"Huh? Can you just blow away everything that comes towards you?" Liu Ji grinned, "That's not easy. It can take a day, not to mention an hour."

"Then, I believe you," Yayin said, jumping lightly to the middle of the giant cloud platform behind the city wall.

Then, she paused her staff, and a strong wave of magic power spread around.

"Gentlemen and ladies, I'm sorry," Yayin felt waves of air surge around her body, "You should go fight on the city wall. This place belongs to me now."

The mercenaries were all stunned. A grumpy old man spoke at that time, saying directly in five words: "Who is Nijiba?"

Then he was gently thrown down from above by Liu Ji who suddenly appeared.

With a shrill scream, he fell onto the soft quicksand.

"I'm sorry, everyone," Liu Ji clapped his hands. At this moment, he seemed quite sarcastic as he spoke in mantras, "My teacher is going to turn on the power. Please stay out of the way for the time being. Thank you for your cooperation."



So sad……

I feel so uncomfortable...

It was as if someone had opened his throat and kept pouring feed into it.

So sad……

My stomach feels so uncomfortable, my throat feels so uncomfortable, my hands and feet feel so uncomfortable...

The whole body was inflating like an inflated balloon, and the nourishment known as strength was poured into the body as if it was bursting every cell.

Every breath was accompanied by severe pain.

Every time I flap my wings, I feel heartbroken.

The dragon stretched its wings and widened its eyes, searching for the breath to wake it up.

Enemy, that is the breath of the enemy.

This is the mission engraved in its soul. As long as the enemy is eliminated, it can go back to sleep.

Only sleeping can make him feel better.

It wants to sleep, but it can't. It has to find its enemy first...

But, where is the enemy, where is the enemy, where are the people, where...

The dragon looked at the town in the distance.

Is that there?

No, not there, there are no enemies there...

At least, there were no enemies...

However, it smelled the enemy's scent.

It must be somewhere, it must be somewhere...

Is it down there?

No, there are just a bunch of corpses there, and the corpses are not enemies.

Are you really in that city?

Are you there? Are you there?

Are you there, are you?

As long as the city is destroyed, it can go back to sleep, right?

As long as we kill all the humans in sight, the enemies will naturally disappear, right?


The dragon panted heavily, it wanted to sleep, it wanted to be released, it wanted to destroy...

So, it flapped its wings and flew towards the city.

But at this moment, a flash sonic bomb exploded in front of him.

The dazzling bright light made it close its eyes unconsciously, and the strong sonic boom made it feel a tinnitus.

who is it?

It shook its head and looked down.

There, standing were three humans as small as ants.

Is it them?

Are they enemies?

No, that's not right, they don't have the aura of the enemy...

Sure enough, I still want to go to that city.

It flapped its wings and wanted to move forward.

But the next second, several sonic bombs detonated in front of it.

The giant dragon was stunned and closed its eyes. The harsh noise made it even more irritated.

It looked at the people on the ground.

It doesn't understand why the other party would do such a thing when it is clearly not an enemy...

It was a little annoyed, but it wanted to sleep more now, so it decided to ignore these three people and continue towards the city.

However, the next moment, its peripheral vision caught sight of the person on the ground.

The other party seemed to have taken out a round ball several times larger than his body size.

"What is that?" It was about to turn around and take a look, but the next second, the ball suddenly hit its head.


The blazing light stung its eyes, and the blazing sonic boom seemed to explode its scalp.

At that moment, it lost its balance in flight.

Although it regained its vision and hearing in the next second, when it opened its eyes, it was already covered with weeds.

With a bang, the giant dragon fell to the ground, setting off a terrifying air wave dozens of meters high.

"What am I talking about? Sure enough, no matter how big a flying dragon is, it will always be afraid of flash bombs..."

It watched the tiny human walking towards it, speaking a familiar language that it had not used for many years and could no longer speak.

"I'm sorry, even if I die, I can't let you destroy our city."

The tiny human pulled out his toothpick-like knife and pointed at it provocatively.

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