It was a pitch-black cloak.

And in that pitch-black cloth, there were eleven blood-like interlaced marks.

Mo Wente's pupils shrank immediately, and his heart was alarmed.

This cloak, there is no mistake, this is a king knight!

The eleventh king knight!

And at the moment when this thought appeared in Mo Wente's mind.

The man whose face could not be seen clearly also raised his head and looked in the direction of Mo Wente.

Mo Wente was so scared that his hair stood on end, and the whole person turned into a residual shadow and fled out of the cave.

120. One punch, the whole world is quiet

After Mo Wente rushed out of the cave, he ran for several kilometers without daring to stop.

When Dragon City was destroyed, the scene of the seventh king knight chopping the black dragon king with three swords was still vivid in his mind.

And the black dragon king Mosalmis was the former master of the dark judgment, the strongest swordsman in Dragon City.

That man, to Mo Wente, was once the most heroic hero in the story, a legend of the Black Dragon Clan.

However, facing the man with seven bloodstains on his cloak, he was as powerless as a child.

The look of despair when he died was deeply imprinted in Mo Wente's heart, making him unforgettable.

Wang Qi, for them, was enough to represent despair.

"No, we have to notify them to leave here..." Mo Wente thought so, glancing behind him.

Very good, the other party didn't follow.

Now he had to rush back to the town and notify everyone to leave quickly...

In an instant, Mo Wente's hair stood up, and the long sword came out of his body instantly, and he slashed in front of him with a backhand.

However, this knife was like a stick hitting pig iron, which made his right hand numb, and the long sword in his hand almost slipped out of his hand.

But it was also with this recoil that Mo Wente was able to change direction instantly, turn his body, and fly into the air.

Flying into the sky, he could see clearly that it was the king rider with eleven bloodstains on his cloak.

At this moment, he was carrying a heavy sword, holding up his left hand, looking up, and silently looking at Mowente.

The "strike" that made Mowente's arm numb just now was just his left hand raised casually?

"What a ghost," Mowente cursed in his heart.

However, the more ghostly thing was still to come.

The king rider's knees slightly crouched, and the next moment, the ground where he had stood suddenly cracked, and the violent air waves spread rapidly around.

In just a moment, he appeared in front of Mowente.

A simple punch made Mowente feel that he was facing the scythe of the god of death.

With his wings flapping at the fastest speed, Mowente narrowly avoided the blow.

But even so, the strong wind of the punch still scraped a layer of fine scratches on his wings.

Regardless of the pain, Mo Wente turned around and dived down to the ground, diving into the woods below.

As he turned and moved, his hidden talent was fully activated. He released a shadow puppet bait every three steps. Mo Wente had no intention of holding back and used all his strength to escape.

However, Wang Qi did not continue to chase him.

He was floating in the air at this moment, watching the dragon in the distance.

"Strange, this monster is getting weaker..."

He murmured, his voice low and hoarse.

"Well, that's good, a little weaker, I can save two knives later..."

As he said that, he cast his eyes on the Mir City on the side.

"Super-level magic... It's easy to deal with the monster tide. Well, it should be just right when this magic is completed."

As he said that, he actually sat down in the air, and then closed his eyes slightly.



Faster, faster...

Movente didn't dare to stop for a moment, bursting out at the fastest speed in his life, dodging all the way, and finally after throwing out three shadow puppets in a row, he turned and hid in a shadow.

He couldn't go back to the city directly, because that would lead Wangqi directly to Mir City. No matter how small the possibility was, he had to get rid of the other party before going back.

Hiding in the shadow, Movente still felt his heart beating wildly. He felt the situation of the puppets he left behind, but found that none of the puppets were destroyed.

This situation made him feel uncertain. Either the other party didn't chase him at all, or all these puppets were discovered.

Movente didn't dare to bet on which possibility it was. He could only hide here first, while being alert to the surroundings, and quietly feeling the situation of the puppets.

But, he also didn't dare to wait here all the time.

If the other party bypassed him and attacked the city directly, it would be all over.

What to do?

Is there any good way?

What is this...

Just as Mo Wente was thinking this, suddenly, with a bang, two old men fell from the air and fell in front of him.

With them, there was also a small white fantasy beast.

As soon as it landed, the little fantasy beast turned directly in his direction and said, "Boy, don't hide, that guy is not chasing you, send these two old guys back!"



At this moment, on the other side, Snow looked at the King Knight sitting in the air in the distance, his face solemn.

One of these huge troubles is enough to kill, but I didn't expect there would be another one.

Twelve King Knights, any one of them is enough to cause a disaster.

According to this situation, they are afraid that they can't take care of the hunters in this city.

Unfortunately, Yayin's magic has now been deployed nearly halfway, and it is too late to stop it.

Now we can only wait for Yayin to complete his magic first, and then he will return to the city and run away with everyone.

But before that, he could only lead the dragon in the direction of that guy as much as possible.

But damn, he could feel that the dragon's power was constantly weakening. There was no doubt that his potato battle was successful.

However, he was not happy at all, and even felt a little regretful.

If he had known there was such a thing, he shouldn't have thrown those potatoes into it, and should have let the dragon in its prime have a chance to have a chance with the king...


But that's not right either.

Although the idea is wonderful, in that case, Mill City will probably have to be trampled to pieces by this dragon before this guy appears.

The troops under the tyrant have always been like this. No matter how powerful they are, they will choose the optimal strategy to reduce losses.

It's as if they are not here to fight, but to settle accounts. If one soldier can die less, they will never die more. If one soldier can die in exchange for two soldiers living, they will donate that soldier without hesitation. Lose.

Like an indifferent war machine, the word human touch has never been relevant to them.

"But according to their way of doing things, Yayin, a super magician, can be regarded as working for them. It's so damn unpleasant," Snow cursed inwardly.

But, so what.

Just like he is still helping to drag this giant dragon, knowing that he is the snipe and the clam fighting with each other, but he can only bite the bullet and wait for the fisherman to arrive.

When the conditions for conspiracy are perfect enough, it is no different from conspiracy.

"She's not willing to give in, her mother is always like this..." Snow cursed in his heart, "Can't I give them pain once, even if I can tear off a piece of their flesh..."



At this time, Mill City.

On the rooftop, with a loud noise, the body of a black-horned sky-winged dragon slumped down.

With just one blow, this giant dragon standing at the top of the canyon's ecological chain died on the spot.

In the center of its body, there was a horrifyingly large hole that penetrated from front to back.

For a moment, the entire battlefield was silent. Everyone, including the flying dragon in the sky, looked at the person who had struck this blow in astonishment.

It was a man with conspicuous green hair.

At this moment, he was looking at his right hand in disbelief.

It should have seemed that the dragon was a little bigger, so he used a little more force, but this power...

"Damn it," Liu Ji swallowed the non-existent saliva, "What on earth are these brats eating..."

121.What happened to Wang Qi? Even the tyrant beat up this body

Time passed by minute by minute.

Mowente successfully brought the two old people back to the city, and Yayin's magic was gradually coming to an end.

With the full protection of Liu Ji and others and the best support of the hunters, they had already withstood the fiercest attack of the flying dragons.

Now that the magic is nearly complete, terrifying pressure has begun to gather over the city. Under this pressure, the timid flying dragons have begun to flee one after another, and even the monsters in the frontal battlefield have begun to panic.

At this time, only Feilong, who was extremely courageous, dared to try to harass Yayin. Liu Ji and others could just deal with it casually, and there was basically no pressure.

Now, everyone present, whether it is Liu Ji and others, the fighting hunters, or the residents of the city, are all watching the magic that is condensing in the air.

Circle after circle of magic circles spread out in the sky, and the gathered magic power emitted a gleaming light, connecting in series between the magic circles to form a huge pillar of light.

Thin streaks of thunder and lightning even slowly emerged in the air, and the crackling sound of the electric current seemed to be igniting the fireworks at the beginning of the performance.

Dark clouds began to gather.

Circles of rolling clouds surrounded the sky above Mill City, covering the entire sky with a radius of several kilometers except for the area directly above the city.

As the dark clouds appeared, Yayin's chant became louder and louder, and the mantras seemed to symphony with the thunder.

Rumble, roar.

The light of thunder has not yet appeared, but the roar of thunder has already resounded in everyone's heart.

That was not real thunder, but the war song of thunder.

With a click, one of the gems surrounding Ya Yin shattered and turned into decayed debris that withered and scattered.

A stream of pure energy shot straight into the sky along the array, and the clouds surged like a vortex of ocean currents hanging upside down in the sky.

The flying dragons could no longer sit still. Some reluctantly glanced at the battlefield in front of the city and fled into the distance.

Those who were unwilling to leave began their final madness, frantically impacting the cloud platform.

It's a pity that the hunters can't do what they want.

At this moment, almost all the city defense crossbows turned around and fired randomly at the giant dragon in the air.

The hunters on the frontal battlefield desperately resisted the defense line and tried their best to hold back the herd of animals that also began to charge desperately.

Another gem shattered, and thunder like a bell in the sky resounded through the sky. The sound echoed on the battlefield, like the death knell before death came.

However, to the hunters, it was as sweet as the trumpet of victory.


The last gem was broken.

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