Maybe, Liu Ji consumed too much energy in this battle, so he temporarily turned back into a potato or something like that...


Or maybe he died, so he turned back into a potato.

But no one wanted to think so, and they didn't dare to say it.

In short, they finally chose to bring some food and drinks to Ya Yin, and then went down for the time being.

Although Ya Yin and Liu Ji were the biggest contributors to their fight against the beast tide, they should have been the protagonists of their celebration party, but since Ya Yin didn't want to participate, they naturally wouldn't force her.

Moreover, they also fought the beast tide with all their strength, and this celebration party also belonged to them.

Listening to the noise below, Ya Yin was a little confused.

It had been several hours since they killed Wang Qi. Logically, if the tyrant came at the first time, he should have arrived long ago.

This is very strange.

In the first two hours, Ya Yin only felt that this was the torment before the death penalty.

But after waiting for a long time, she couldn't help but feel lucky...

Could it be that the tyrant didn't feel it?

Could it be that the tyrant actually wouldn't come?


Reason told her that this was impossible and unreasonable.

There was no reason why the tyrant couldn't feel it.

If he felt it, there was no reason not to come.

It was more likely that he was just delayed because of something. He would come sooner or later.

However, maybe she should use this time to take Liu Ji away. In this way, maybe at least it would delay the destruction of Mir City?


No, if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem to work. If the tyrant wants to find the trace, he must come to Mir City first, and then follow the path to find them.

It shouldn't be difficult for him to destroy this place.

"Alas..." Ya Yin sighed.

"You've won the battle, but you're still so worried? Can you tell me the reason?"

A somewhat old voice came from behind.

Ya Yin turned around and found a gray-haired old hunter holding a glass of beer standing behind her.

"Oh, it's Mr. President, hello," Yain nodded slightly to the old hunter, "As for the reason, are you sure you want to hear it?"

"It sounds like I'd better not listen?" The old hunter shrugged.

"Well, I think so," Yain smiled.

At least in this way, the hunters can still have a happy drink party now.

The old hunter smiled helplessly, sat down next to Yain, and picked up a skewer of barbecue next to him.

"Well, it's a pity, it's all cold," he said, but still took a bite.

"Then heat it up," Yain said, circling his fingers in the air, chanting a spell, and the warm sun ball instantly wrapped the several plates of barbecue. After a few seconds, it became hot again as if it was just out of the oven.

"Oh, this is good," the old hunter said, changing a hot skewer.

Yain smiled and retracted her gaze.

The old hunter ate the hot barbecue, looked at Ya Yin, then looked at the flower pot she was holding, and asked: "By the way, how is his condition?"

"I think he's probably okay," Ya Yin said casually, "maybe he just needs some time to recover..."

"Oh, so," the old hunter nodded.

The two fell into silence again.

After taking a sip of wine, the old hunter spoke again: "Little girl, why don't you talk to me?"

"Hmm?" Ya Yin glanced at him and asked, "Hmm, okay, what do you want to talk about?"

"Talk about where you came from, how about this matter?" said the old hunter.

"This..." Ya Yin was stunned.

Subconsciously, she wanted to find an excuse to fool around.

But, thinking that the tyrant would be here soon, Ya Yin changed her mind again.

"Okay, I'll tell you," Yain sighed, "We came from the other side of the Buried Desert..."

"That great desert that the earthwalkers call the end of the world?" The old hunter raised his eyebrows, "There are people on that side?"

"Yes, not only are there people, but there are a lot of people, of all races, and large cities," Yain shook his head, "Unfortunately, it's all in the past..."

"It's in the past?" The old hunter frowned, "What happened?"

"It happened... Ha, forget it, you will know it sooner or later anyway," Yain sighed, "Because, a man appeared, he and his army destroyed the entire world over there."

"Is it the army with cloaks?" the old hunter asked.

"Hmm?" Yain frowned and looked at the old hunter and asked, "How did you know?"

"I just found out not long ago," said the old hunter, "I went to nearby cities to find reinforcements and informed them about the beast tide, but... those cities are now at war, and the troops invading them are those wearing cloaks."

"What..." Yain was stunned at first, but soon, she reacted and it seemed more reasonable.

After all, there are even front cavalry and king cavalry here at the same time, which is obviously not a coincidence.

Just like if you find a cockroach at home, it must mean there is a group.

Obviously, the tyrant's troops have already fought to this side of the desert.

"The perverted man you killed before, he also had a cloak," said the old hunter, "In fact, this beast tide may have been caused by them, right?"

"I'm not sure, but..." Yain bit her lip lightly, "Well, yes, it's very likely."

"Ha, sure enough," the old hunter said with a bitter smile, "Then, let me guess, the guy you killed must be of a very high level, right? Are you worried that you will attract someone more powerful?"

"Ha, so you have already thought of this level," Yayin sighed, "Well, I have nothing to hide... The man who was killed was the fifteen strongest people under the tyrant. One, the eleventh king of the twelve kings, and his death will almost certainly lead to the tyrant himself..."

"Really, as expected," the old hunter sighed, "Let me ask, how strong is that tyrant?"

"Probably..." Yayin thought for a while and said, "With one sword, the entire beast tide can be destroyed, right?"

"Really, that's really bad," the old hunter said with a bitter smile, "then don't we just have to wait here to die?"

"Well, it's a pity, you're right," Yain shrugged.

She originally thought that the old hunter would become a sad person like her in the night.

Who would have thought that the old hunter actually picked up a plate of skewers and handed it to Ya Yin, smiling and saying: "Then, why don't you hurry up and get a skewer? If you die, you will never have the chance to eat it again.

Moreover, heroes like you should always be protected by God. Maybe that tyrant will never come at all?

In this case, wouldn't it look silly to just sit there all night? "

Yayin looked at the old hunter and was stunned for a while.

Then she smiled too.

"Okay, maybe what you said makes sense, but..." Yayin picked up a skewer of barbecue and took a bite. "If I can look stupid because of this, I hope that I can be the stupidest person in the world..."

128. The child grows up overnight

Ya Yin and the old hunter were eating and drinking on the cloud platform, and before they knew it, they were sitting there until the sun went down.

However, the tyrant still did not come.

Later, the old hunter left the cloud platform, and Yayin continued to sit on the cloud platform alone in a daze. By accident, she drifted through the night in a daze.

But when the sun rose the next day, the tyrant still hadn't come.

Of course, Liu Ji is still a potato seedling.

Yayin was really sleepy, so she took Liu Ji back to the hotel.

After Callidora left, the strong men here became a group of hooligans again.

But Yayin had no intention of getting into trouble with them at the moment. After beating them up three times, five times, five times and two times, Yayin threw them directly into the closed barrier next to them.

Only the scam girl at the front desk was left to deliver food to them.

Putting the potato seedlings in front of the window, Yain closed the room, set up a barrier, and went to bed with the realization that she would never wake up again.

I slept through the entire day.

She had just cast super magic, stayed up for another day and night, and woke up after such a long sleep. Yayin even felt exhausted.


The tyrant still didn't come.

The potato seedlings in front of the window are still shining green in the sun.

After Yayin washed herself, she went out holding the potato seedlings.

There was a bit of noise at the entrance of the store, and it was crowded with customers who wanted to have a massage.

When had the girl who could only performed the Immortal Dance ever seen this battle? She was surrounded by hunters. You asked me questions one by one, and she looked like she was about to burst into tears.

Seeing Yayin coming out, she quickly cast a look at Yayin for help.

Yayin did not speak, but silently let the closing barrier on the side open.

Soon, the strong men who were locked inside ran out aggressively.

Then when they saw a group of upper-middle-class and even top-level hunter bosses from the guild blocking the door of the store, they were all frightened.

When the hunters saw the "massage master" appear, their eyes suddenly lit up. They pulled them over and asked them all kinds of questions, which made them confused.

Yayin walked to the front desk, cleared her throat, and shouted loudly: "Ah...what is this? Because the proprietress is gone, this place is just an ordinary massage parlor now. Just eighty massages per person. You look forward to it." The special effects are gone for the time being, well, that’s it…”

After that, she patted the girl behind her on the shoulder and said, "Do a good job and support yourself."

After that, he carried the potato seedlings and left the store directly.

By doing this, she has shown her kindness to this group of massage tool people. How they develop in the future depends on them.

Although without Callidora, this place is destined not to be as popular as before, but at least the hunters in the city know that there is such a massage parlor deep in this alley.

They don't have to pay expensive shop rents, so they have no advantages over other massage parlors in the city.

If they have some sense and make good use of the space here, their prospects are quite good.

Yayin was walking on the street holding potatoes. Mir City was still very lively, and the lightning storm energy outside the city was still full of energy. After the corpses of monsters outside the city were dragged in by hunters in various ways, the food reserves in the city were now quite abundant.

The hunters have food and drink, and don't have to worry about the monsters outside, so they can live a comfortable life.

At this time, two days had passed since Wang Qi's death, and the tyrant still had not appeared.

Yayin couldn't figure out why, but it didn't matter.

That night, the old hunter talked to Yayin.

In fact, when the raging wave of beasts came, he had already prepared himself to die.

When he was a child, he watched his father die in battle on the city wall.

In his opinion, Chaoyang's father, who stood on the city wall and watched the end of the beast tide, was the greatest hero in the world.

This time, he thought it was his turn.

But he didn't expect that he could survive that day.

He told Yayin that now, his life was picked up, and as long as he lived one more day, it would be considered one more day of profit, so he could be so calm.

Although Yayin couldn't be as calm as him, she would not choose to wait for death in silence.

At least one more day of enjoyment can also earn one more day.

It's a pity that Liu Ji is still a potato.

She took Liu Ji to the Hunter's Guild.

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