The villagers here and those who farm outside are probably not the same group of people.

Although it is quite strange.

If those people outside the village are from the next village, then the land is planted right in front of the house here, and the people here let them farm?

Moreover, for such a small village, the outside of the village is surrounded by people of other races who farm, and the two sides only curse at each other at the door, and don't fight. It's outrageous.

But then again, Liu Ji did not find anyone farming in this village.

It feels like the people in this village either go out hunting or go fishing in the nearby lake every day.

Just looking at their daily harvest, it is no problem to have enough food, but I always feel that they can't save much extra stock, and I don't know if they will starve in winter.

During this period, because Ya Yin was busy with her own business, Liu Ji had more free time except for selling some things every day, so he simply used this time to teach the potato kids.

Topic - Basic common sense as a human being.

Although Liu Ji did not expect these potato kids to act according to human thinking, at least, they should not be allowed to do something that is too inhuman unconsciously.

Especially Yuan.

Since he already looks like a human, he should at least live like a human.

Otherwise, if Liu Ji is not watching, this guy will eat anyone who looks good. It is not impossible for him to do such a thing.

And today, after the morning market time, Liu Ji was teaching the potato kids as usual.

However, just a few minutes after Liu Ji's small class started, he noticed someone coming over.

It was a woman.

Not the white-eyed people in the village, but an outsider with furry round ears, and it is unknown what race.

Her hair was light yellow like dead grass, and she looked very thin. One of her eyes was wrapped in a cloth strip, and the cuff of her left hand was empty, which should be because her left arm was missing.

Seeing her approaching, Liu Ji thought she was coming to buy something, so he stopped teaching immediately, walked to the side of the stall, and smiled as a welcome.

At this time, Liu Ji was even thinking that after so many days, he finally saw a foreign resident coming to buy something.

The latter walked to the stall, lowered his head, and scanned the things on the stall. Finally, his eyes stopped on a piece of cloth.

It was a piece of soft light yellow cloth, very suitable for making women's clothes.


Liu Ji looked at the woman's hand.

If one hand wants to cut a new piece of clothing for himself, it may be a bit difficult...

And just when Liu Ji was thinking this, the woman's eyes turned elsewhere.

This time, she looked at a round glass ball.

It was a small magic lamp. As long as you have basic magic power guidance ability, you can charge it and provide long-term night lighting.

Unfortunately, it seems that there is not even one person in this village who can guide magic. This little magic lamp has been here for a few days, and no one has shown interest in it. When Yayin was here, some people asked casually, but they all asked what kind of jewelry it was and whether it was expensive.

In the end, it was just for fun.

So when the woman looked at the little magic lamp, Liu Ji was still a little surprised.

Could it be that this girl who was sold here actually knows some magic?

Therefore, when the other party stretched out her hand towards the little magic lamp, Liu Ji did not stop her.

He subconsciously thought that the other party wanted to input some magic into it and then see what kind of light it would emit.

Then, he watched the woman pick up the little magic lamp, pursed her lips, suddenly turned around, and ran away.

Liu Ji was directly confused.

Good guy, it turned out to be a thief? !

He wanted to chase him at the first time, but he stopped after taking a step.

Thinking about it carefully, no foreign woman has ever come here to buy things in these days.

That's right, after all, they are all bought wife slaves. People here have to buy things by exchanging the prey they catch. These disabled wife slaves are even less likely to have money to buy things...

After thinking about it, Liu Ji decided to forget it.

Just take it away. These poor people don't have an easy life.

It's just an ordinary little magic lamp, twenty yuan a piece of stuff on the streets of Mill City. Just take it away. There's no need to be fussy about it.

However, what he didn't expect was that the woman stopped after running dozens of meters away.

She turned around and looked at Liu Ji. Seeing that Liu Ji didn't chase her, she showed a slightly surprised expression.

She stood there for a while, and then turned back.

Liu Ji looked at her in surprise as she walked back to him quickly, and then she raised her right hand.

With a sudden move, she threw the little magic lamp to the ground.

With a crisp sound, the fragile little magic lamp was smashed to pieces.

Yuan, who was standing next to him, stood up directly.

Liu Ji waved his hand, signaling him not to move.

He frowned and looked at the woman in front of him. He wanted to see what this guy was going to do.

The woman saw that Liu Ji still didn't react. For some reason, she seemed a little anxious. She looked left and right, and suddenly grabbed a box of eggs on the stall and threw it directly to the ground, smashing it all over the ground.

Liu Ji still didn't say anything, and just looked at her silently.

The woman seemed even more anxious. She looked behind her. Although the morning market time had passed, the commotion here still attracted some people's attention. Some villagers were seen pointing and talking to each other from afar.

The woman turned her head and looked at Liu Ji. She gritted her teeth and suddenly grabbed the tablecloth on the stall. She lifted it up and the whole stall was torn to pieces.

The noise was really loud. Many villagers were startled, but no one came up to stop them. They just shouted loudly.

Not long after, a male villager was called by other villagers and ran over anxiously.

Seeing this, the woman panicked even more. She turned her head and saw that Liu Ji still had no reaction. She looked left and right, and in a hurry, she slapped Liu Ji.

However, before her palm could slap him, she was grabbed by the anxious villager.

The villager grabbed her hand, held her head, and backed away, bowing to Liu Ji and apologizing. After backing away a few meters, as if he was afraid that Liu Ji would ask him for compensation, he pulled the woman and ran into the crowd and disappeared.

Liu Ji looked at the direction the two left, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"What's going on?" Ya Yin, who noticed the commotion, walked to Liu Ji's side, looked at the mess on the ground, and asked in confusion, "Is there anyone here who can smash your stall?"

"No, it's not a stall," Liu Ji shook his head, "It's a bit strange, how should I put it, I feel like someone is asking me for help..."

"Huh?" Ya Yin blinked in confusion. She had just come out of the tent used to set up the magic array, and she didn't know what had just happened outside.

"Well... let me think about it," Liu Ji sorted out his words, "What do you think will happen if a wife slave smashes the valuables of the caravan, and her, uh, what's that called, owner? He has no money to compensate?"

Ya Yin frowned, looked at the mess, pondered for a moment, and said: "I think she will be used to pay off the debt, and the end should not be too good, at least, if it is done like this, the end will definitely not be good."

"Yes, that's the problem," Liu Ji said, "As long as you are not a lunatic, there is no reason to do this suddenly, unless she wants to be used to pay off the debt."

Ya Yin rubbed her eyebrows, was silent for a moment, and said: "I can only say that I don't have time, and if there is trouble, solve it cleanly."

"Well, I know," Liu Ji nodded, turned around and said, "Yuan, clean up here and keep an eye on the shop, I'll be away for a while."



At the gate of the city, the one-eyed man and his friends were looking towards the village.

Since the square where Liu Ji was located was in a straight line with the main gate, they also had a general idea of ​​what had just happened.

"Brothers, what do you think?" one person asked.

"I think it's certain that this man is definitely not an ordinary businessman," one person answered, "I've never seen a businessman who can remain so calm even when his stall was smashed. If you step on his red cloth, they will want to get a few bucks from you."

"But, if he is a disguised businessman, why has he stayed in the square all these days?" another person asked, "We have been squatting there for a few nights, and we haven't seen him come out."

"If you ask me, we probably think too much. Maybe he is a young master from a big chamber of commerce who comes here to experience life," another person said, "Look, they have been slacking off here for a few days. Do they look like they are just wasting their time? And if he is a young master from a big chamber of commerce, it makes sense that they killed the gangsters before. Look at that strong man in black robe. His physique looks fierce. He is probably a high-level warrior who serves as a bodyguard for the young master."

When everyone heard this, they thought about it for a while and unexpectedly found it quite reasonable.

"And, look at his green hair, does it look like a dude dyed it to show his personality?" One person said, "If he is really from the principality, he would never have such an exaggerated hair color, right?"

"Yes, this hair color doesn't look like a spy from the principality!"

"And they have fish and meat for every meal every day, when have you ever seen an ordinary caravan so extravagant?"

"That makes sense!"

The one-eyed man watched his friends chatting with each other, and the more they talked, the more they felt that it was true.

But, for some reason, he always felt that something was wrong...

"By the way, why did that woman just smash their stall?" he suddenly asked.

Everyone was stunned.

Right? Why?

Just now, their attention was all on Liu Ji, and they forgot about this matter.

"Generally speaking, offending a foreign merchant caravan would not end well for these wife slaves, right?" one person said, "They are the best at using 'value'..."

"Well, and after using them all the way, they will usually be sold at the next stop," another person said, "When they are sold at a discount, I don't know if they can still survive..."

"Could it be..." another person swallowed and said, "That thing, is it going to start again?"

When everyone heard this, they all paused.

"How long was the last time?" one person asked.

"A few days after Bobby's birthday..." another person answered.

"Well, it seems to be almost two months?" another person said, "It seems to be true... Then, what should we do this time?"

The one-eyed man was silent for a moment, and said: "Let's go back first. It's time for us to report the current situation to the boss..."




The man slapped the woman in the face.

"Fuck you! Who told you to go out! And you're looking for trouble with the merchants! Are you crazy!? Do you know what will happen to you if they take you away?" He shouted loudly.

The woman tilted her head and stared at the man in front of her with her only eye, silent.

The man looked at her, bit his lip, and spoke again: "You, you should know that if you offend the merchants, they will no longer treat you simply as a commodity. They will treat you as much as possible on the road... You should understand, right? Then you will still be sold, and slaves with criminal records will be sold to where, you should know, right? Ah?"

The woman still just looked at him, without saying a word.

The man frowned and stared at her for a long time.

Then, he asked, "Did you... hear it?"

The woman still didn't respond, but her eyes made the man more and more frightened.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and then the man suddenly gritted his teeth, grabbed the woman's hand, pulled her to a small room behind the house, kicked the door open, and pushed the woman in.

Then, he closed the door with his backhand, looked around, pulled a long rope as thick as a thumb from the shelf next to him, wrapped the rope around the door handle several times, then pulled the rope and wrapped it around the shelf next to him, wrapped it several times more, and tied a knot.

For such a desolate mountain village, hoes and sickles had to be bought from outside, and locks were even rarer, so he could only use this method to lock the door.

"Stay inside honestly," the man said fiercely, "I'll come back from work. If I find you running out again, don't blame me for tying you to the pillar!"

After that, he left quickly.

In the shadows, a ball of sand moved, and soon it turned into the shape of Liu Ji.

Liu Ji pursed his lips as he looked at the man's back as he walked away.


He felt a little weird.

How should I put it? He thought this brother would do something to the woman after such a big incident, but it seemed that he just slapped her, cursed her a few times, and locked her up.

Unfortunately, he didn't understand what they said, and didn't know what the man said.

But, he always felt that it was too weird compared to what he imagined.

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