【This chapter is an extra chapter! For those who voted for me to urge me to update and those who voted for me to update monthly. In addition, I want to correct the mistake. The magic of destruction is exclusive to the Baal family, not the Gremory family. 】

Time passed quickly, and night fell quickly.....

A red teleportation array sent Rias and her followers to a dilapidated ruin.

This should be the remains of a house, but it has not been completely demolished.

Usually there are no signs of human activity in such places....Some wild animals will also breed among them

"According to the intelligence, this should be the right place.

Rias looked around carefully, but found nothing.

"Kitty! Yuto! Look around! Report any suspicious targets immediately!"


Koneko and Yuto scattered, leaving only Akeno Yutong and Issei beside Rias.

Suddenly! An evil voice appeared in the darkness

"huh huh huh huh....Don't look for me, I'm right here! Young demons."

In the darkness, a pale but beautiful face appeared in the air.

It was as strange as a huge black canvas with only one face painted on it.

"I feel like there's something delicious in my territory!"

Yuto and Koneko immediately appeared beside Rias and took an offensive stance.

"Lost demon, escaped the control of the master and became a lustful person!"

Rias Gremory stood up and looked directly at the face above and said.

The owner of this face laughed strangely, like the whisper of a ghost.

"Hehehe, I just ate a few humans, so what? You little brats want to attack me?"

"In the name of the Duke of Gremory's family, I will beat you to death!"

A trace of mockery appeared on that pale face, and then part of the body walked out of the darkness.


Instantly, two streams of blood spurted out of Issei's nose.

"Home.....It turned out to be.....Is this the legendary lost devil?.....I think she's more like a big sister with special hobbies!"

"Go to hell!"

In the darkness, a huge claw stretched out and grabbed Hyoudou Issei.


" Wa...

"How is it? This is the Lost Demon. The more twisted his mind is, the uglier his appearance is. Here it comes!"

Yuto grabbed Issei and dodged a yellow beam.

Wherever this beam hits, the ground will be corroded like melted cheese.

"Wow!!! It's so powerful. If I get hit by a bullet....."

Everyone dispersed and prepared for their own battles.

However, Rias smiled and shouted in Yutong's direction:

"Yutong, this is your first battle as a demon! Remember to win beautifully!"

As soon as the voice fell, a strong vibration occurred in the distance.

Yutong raised a huge stone and threw it at the alien monster.

However, the stone was chewed into pieces by the huge mouth.

"You actually let a new guy fight me? You ignorant little girl, I will make you pay the price!"

The huge claws fell towards Yutong.

Suddenly! A black shadow burst out from behind Yutong.

It pierced a hole in the huge alien claws.



"Now, you really match the word monster a little bit!"

Yutong stretched out a hand, and the black sword-shaped emblem on it began to shine.

Yudou in the distance saw it and said in a weird way:"Magic sword creation? Why does Yutong have magic sword creation?"

The abilities obtained through gluttony have some changes. Unlike greed. It can strengthen its own artifact and obtain a degraded version of the ability. Gluttony directly has a brand new skill.

Magic sword creation comes from this!

Unlike Yudou, every creation requires Yudou to conceive the appearance and corresponding abilities of the magic sword in his mind. Then consume the corresponding magic power to create it.

And magic sword creation can skip the conception stage and directly create weapons that can be used.

Just like this!

Magic swords appeared around Yutong one after another.

These magic swords were integrated together, and then projected out like a machine gun.

Does this ability feel familiar?

That's right! It is the most familiar attack method of Gilgamesh's"Treasure of the King".

It's just that Yutong turned the powerful treasure into a magic sword with special attributes.

""Swish! Swish, swish, swish!!! Swish, swish, swish!"

The magic swords smashed the huge alien into pieces. A lot of black, smelly blood flowed out of her alien body.

"hateful....What kind of power is this? Is it a divine weapon?"

While she was talking, several more magic swords pierced through her body, and each time she felt great pain.

The female lost demon raised her head with difficulty, but when she saw Yutong's face, she was stunned.

"It's you!! ?"

Yutong was distributing flyers commissioned by demons on the street before, and this lost demon received one from Yutong.

She did it because she thought Yutong was a rookie demon and would be easy to deal with.

After all, the magic power gained by eating a demon is more than that of eating ten humans.

But she didn't expect that before she could summon Yutong, this"rookie demon" would appear and kill her here.

When the last magic sword pierced her forehead. She couldn't figure out until her death why a rookie demon would have such strong power?

The huge body turned into magic power and dissipated in the ruins.

Rias and her followers behind her were silent. For a long time....Issei Hyoudou said in a daze:

"good...."So strong!"

Indeed, he was so strong! The Lost Demon was slaughtered here before he could even touch the corner of Yutong's clothes.

If you tell others about it, they will definitely laugh at you.

""Clap! Clap! Clap!"

Rias clapped her hands, which stood out in this quiet environment.

"Ah La....We were shocked again! Yutong-kun, you did a great job!"

Zhunai covered her mouth and smiled.

Not only Zhunai, but even the kitten nodded to Yutong.

""Yeah! You are indeed very strong!"

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