Above the gray fog

Chapter 1002: Destruction of the Twins

Parchment: [The subconscious mind will be improved based on the hardships it has suffered and its own experience, and it will also be improved due to sudden insights. But similarly, the subconscious mind is easily affected by external factors, such as extraordinary abilities and various natural rules. Or resentment. ”]

Parchment: [Deep consciousness can record shallow consciousness, but it will not record aspects affected by external factors. You have just gained insights, which has improved your shallow consciousness. Deep consciousness will automatically reject resentment, etc. when recording. External factors will also try to interfere and invade the deep consciousness. Such interference and invasion will only bring you a lot of negative emotions. It is absolutely impossible for the subconscious to successfully invade the deep consciousness, just like you cannot transfer a person through the soul. Human presence kills. 】

Parchment: [There is a jargon in the old days, which should still be used now. The subconscious mind is the 'outer self', and the deep consciousness is the 'self'. In essence, these two are you, but the outer self will be interfered by external factors. , and the self is pure you. 】

"That is to say, as long as the 'self' exists, no matter what the 'external self' becomes, there is a possibility of recovery?" Lin Shan asked.

Parchment: [Theoretically, this is true. However, there is a limit to what the outer self can endure. Everyone has different intensity of consciousness, so the limits are also different. The intensity of consciousness comes from a series of uncontrollable scenes such as experience and perception. Theoretically speaking, the longer you live, the higher the intensity of your consciousness and the higher the limit. Once this limit is exceeded, what you call animal transformation or complete erosion will occur. 】

"Will these resentments in me have a direct impact on me?" Lin Shan asked.

The confrontation between his inner self and his outer self is most likely caused by the resentment attached to his outer self. Of course he knows that he is burdened with heavy resentment, but he can also clearly know that his consciousness does not be affected.

Parchment: [You are a little special. These resentments have a very small negative impact on you. Now they will only make you lose control of your emotions, but you still have limits. Once you break through the limits, it will be hard to say. 】

"That's good. Let's clear up the resentment and wait until later." Lin Shan breathed a sigh of relief. As long as it doesn't affect his judgment, it won't be considered an impact.

After the matter is completed or even becomes a god, he can slowly collect faith to resolve these resentments. This is a long process, and it is also a sequelae that must be accepted if he chooses quick success.

His feeling was right again. He was not affected by these resentments, or as the parchment said, it just affected his emotions. Compared with the improvement brought by the essence, such a small negative impact was not worth mentioning.

Lin Shan walked while reading the writings on the parchment, and stopped in front of the nearest hole.

Without hesitation, he walked directly through the hole into the classroom.

There were forty or fifty dragonborn cubs sitting in the classroom. Judging by human age, they should all be less than 10 years old.

No one noticed that there was suddenly an extra person in the classroom. The teacher was teaching seriously and the students were listening carefully. Lin Shan leaned against the wall and stared at Teacher Long Yi on the podium.

He wore a black brocade robe that looked very soft in texture. Lin Shan had seen someone wearing this robe in the aisle before. It should be a kind of employee uniform.

This teacher is the target of his trip. He has the strength of Sequence 7. He is obviously not a child of destiny who is just starting out.

There is no blackboard on the podium, everything depends on the teacher's mouth, and the students do not take notes, they all rely on their brains to take notes.

"Since the Ancestral Dragon fell in this Fallen Dragon Land, we, the dragon descendants, have gone through millions of years of development to achieve such achievements. We can unify the Fallen Dragon Land and become the king of this realm."

"Some dragonborns can gradually improve their life levels by continuously purifying their bloodline. Your ability to enter this class means that all of you belong to this group. You all have the hope to become strong in the future. However, a strong person must not only have strength, but also If you have brains, I will not teach you how to purify your bloodline. My mission is to make you as smart as possible. The enemies outside are very smart. This is the experience we have gained from countless losses."

"In the beginning, there was no science in the Fallen Dragon Land because the ancestor dragonborn knew that they were not this piece of material. From then on, they concentrated on purifying their bloodline and increasing their strength, but they always neglected to develop the brains of their descendants. Until now, most of the dragonborn's brains None of them were very bright. I accidentally discovered that the spiritual cultivation method of Gemini has the effect of developing the dragonborn's brain. After studying it with great concentration, I transformed it into a cultivation method suitable for us, which is the method I will distribute to you at the beginning of school. "

"You are the seventh class... who I led!"

As the teacher spoke, he suddenly stared sharply in the direction of Lin Shan and shouted loudly.

Lin Shan was stunned for a moment. Can this little Sequence 7 detect his existence?

Without thinking too much at the moment, Lin Shan used teleportation and disappeared directly.

Above the gray fog, a black stream of light quickly passed by, followed by several streams of light chasing after it.

A flash of golden light flashed and exploded suddenly. The terrifying aftermath spread for thousands of kilometers, blocking the pursuers.

"Breaking the second ban?"

"What's the origin?"

"I didn't see it clearly. It's most likely from Gemini?"

"People from Gemini dare to come to Radha Domain?"

"Report the situation, let the front line put pressure on the twins, and let the Ministry of Life find him. Although we are not afraid, we cannot let him run wild in our territory."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

"Are you still chasing me?"

"No need to chase. Be careful. It's the twins' conspiracy. Our mission is to protect the Radha Domain."

Several pursuers stopped, exchanged briefly, and quickly returned along the same route.

Lin Shan felt the breath behind him disappear, so he also stopped and returned along the same route.

"I still have to be careful." Lin Shan said to himself, "This place looks shabby, and there are two people who have broken the second ban..."

"The spiritual cultivation method of the twins has been changed to the cultivation method of the dragon race to develop the brain area..." Lin Shan recalled what the teacher had just said, and guessed that this should be his way.

If so, it would be a bit difficult to deal with. The task of this son of destiny is to improve the overall strength of the dragon race.

Lin Shan couldn't figure out why this was.

Aren't the purpose of the birth of these sons of destiny for balance?

The Federation was invaded by the twins, and Tang En, the son of destiny, was born. This can be explained by the fact that the Federation was the victim and Tang En could quickly quell the war.

But the Falling Dragon Land was an invader of the twins, so how should the son of destiny in the Falling Dragon Land be explained?

No, there are two sons of destiny, and the other is still in the novice village.

The son of destiny is born from balance and represents destiny to a certain extent.

All this seemed like destiny was deliberately targeting the twins.

Lin Shan thought of two possibilities.

The first possibility was that the twins were extremely powerful and needed the Federation and the Falling Dragon Land to counterbalance them.

The second possibility was that this was the rhythm of destroying the twins, just like the human circle at that time.

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