Above the gray fog

Chapter 1023 Emperor Qin Su

Scale 6 Void Prison.

The Weir train hovered near the location where the old space station used to be.

But there was no sign of the space station.

Even though the Weir train shuttled back and forth in the original place, it did not pass through the mirror as Lin Shan thought.

"Hide again?" Lin Shan squatted on the roof of the train, and his soul power swept the void again and again.

This is an old trick of the old space station, either hiding yourself with a mirror or drilling into an unknown layer of interlayer space.

This is not difficult for Lin Shan.

Without entering the destiny space, Lin Shan grabbed forward with one hand.

A transparent thread of destiny was held in his hand.

The next second, Lin Shan appeared inside the old space station.

"The No. 3 particle reorganization machine has stopped working. Lu Sien, go and take a look."


"We don't have much time left. How many Level VII virtual seal guns have been produced?"

"So far, a total of 407."

"Well... this number is barely enough. The World Trade Company will be aware of our existence. Leave as soon as possible and don't expose the existence of the ruins. If we expose this ruins because of us, the entanglement of fate will put the entire Universal Trade Group in trouble."

"I understand. Don't worry, there won't be any clues left."


Lin Shan used his soul power to capture the conversation between the two people.

I couldn't understand it at all.

These two creatures dressed as clerks, although they looked like human beings, were definitely not creatures from the human circle. The high temperature on their bodies had exposed that they belonged to the origin.

World Trade Company?

Universal Trade Group?

What kind of force is this? These two names sounded very fantasy, and the other very science fiction.

Lin Shan and the other two disappeared at the end of the corridor and quickly came to the place where the two had stood before.

[Countdown to the self-annihilation of the Universe Living Factory - Seventeen Gray Fog Years, Three Months, Twenty-Seven Days, Seven Hours, Nine Minutes, and Eleven Seconds.]

Ten seconds, nine seconds.

In front of him was a glass-textured display screen, on which the countdown was constantly flashing.

If he walked forward from where he was now, it would be where the Farewell Flower had been, and where the daughter of the Empress of the Empire had been frozen.

There was an extra door in front.

A door that required identification.

This door looked ordinary, and Lin Shan used teleportation to pass through it when he approached.

The place where the hibernation chamber was once placed had become a huge factory workshop.

The two people before had disappeared.

The huge metal structure towered on the ceiling of the space station, shining with silver-white light, and the entire factory was surrounded by a huge dome.

Lin Shan's soul power slowly spread and wandered, enveloping every corner of the workshop.

The machinery flashing strange light and shadow was trembling slightly, and countless robot arms moved back and forth on the assembly line, completing various tasks flexibly and accurately.

All the machines are covered with shiny metal armor, showing the power of technology.

Various strange items are conveyed on the assembly line. At first, they are just a bunch of shapeless light balls. These light balls of different colors and shapes are turned into tiny parts after being processed by the assembly line. The parts continue to flow backwards. With the help of the robot arm, they are gradually improved and become larger components.

Bionic robots shuttle through the factory, coordinating the operation of the machines.

Unmanned transport vehicles shuttle back and forth, carrying various materials.

The entire factory operates like a huge mechanical stage.

"Creating something out of nothing...creating things out of nothing...converting energy into entities..." Lin Shan was surprised, "This is definitely not a technology that humans can do, and where did this alien civilization come from..."

From their conversation, it can be heard that they are producing something called a virtual seal gun here..."

Lin Shan walked slowly forward and passed through the workshop.

In front of the control console at the front, he saw the researcher who was originally outside the door, and the other one was missing.

The researcher stared at the light screen in front of him.

The light screen emitted a soft light, showing various data and images.

Lin Shan scanned it for a while and found that he couldn't understand the content on the light screen at all.

Continue to walk forward, there is a corridor with rooms on both sides.

Through this corridor is where Adam is.

At the end of the corridor is a transparent staircase, which spirals upward, and at the end is It is a crystal heart.

In the crystal heart, a little boy is chatting with the second researcher he just met.

The moment Lin Shan stepped onto the transparent stairs, the little boy suddenly turned his head to look at him, nodded slightly to him and did not speak.

He continued to talk to the researcher.

After a long time, the two completed the unknown transaction.

Judging from the smiles on their faces, this should be a mutually beneficial transaction.

The clerk left the crystal heart where Adam was, walked along the transparent stairs to the corridor, and when he passed by Lin Shan, he glanced at Lin Shan inexplicably.

Lin Shan raised his eyebrows.

Can this guy see himself?

He just glanced at him, and the other party did not bring up the topic. Like ordinary people, he walked through the corridor step by step.

In Lin Shan's eyes, these two clerks are indeed ordinary people, without any spiritual fluctuations in their bodies.

"You are here? What's the matter this time?"

In the crystal heart, Adam looked at Lin Shan.

"Who was the old man who knocked me out last time?" Lin Shan suddenly asked.

"I can't say it. Once I say it, He will notice you, although He is not doing well now."

"So, the Queen of the Empire is actually helping people to circle, right?"

"Yes, He is also a member of the Old Fire, the best of the Fire." Adam spread his hands, with an expression that you guessed it right.

"I just have a vague feeling, but I don't know many details. Can you tell me more?"

"You came here for this." Adam smiled and looked at Lin Shan.

"Of course not, but I have many problems to solve one by one." Lin Shan shook his head slowly and climbed the spiral stairs step by step.

I remember that there were no stairs here when I came here a few times before, and I flew up directly at that time.

Lin Shan sat cross-legged opposite Adam.

Adam sat on the ground like Lin Shan, with one hand on a curled knee.

"This matter has passed. I can tell you the truth. In addition to you, someone in the human circle has already found me." Adam waved his hand, and the surrounding environment changed. There were green mountains and clear waters, flying birds and swimming fish. The two of them sat cross-legged on a stone pillar. Less than a foot below the stone pillar was a bottomless lake surrounded by mountains.

Fresh air rushed into the nose, but unfortunately, no matter how real it was, this was a fake world.

"I will call him 'old man'." Adam said.

Lin Shan nodded slightly.

Adam continued, "When you first came to the space station, you should have seen some bottles and jars, and some organs in jars. These jars contain fragments of the 'old man'."

"The old man is a very powerful one among the old gods. In terms of strength... even in his weak period, he is not weaker than the current Sequence 1."

"At the beginning, when the outer gods invaded, the Divine Court decided to stabilize the interior first and wanted to seal all the remaining old gods in the gray fog."

"In the Divine Court, there is an emperor named Qin Su. He found Old man, smash the old man and seal him in this space station. The old god is also called the ancient god. He is almost as old as the gray fog and is immortal. The old man has been sealed until now. He finally broke the seal hundreds of years ago. This place is closest to the human circle, so the human circle must be robbed first. "

"The Nipvalen Empire is the strongest civilization in the last era. It is a mortal enemy of species such as the old gods and the outer gods. The most important thing is that the Nipvalen Empire was established by the old creatures. "

"No matter what the reason, the queen of the empire must reseal the old man. "

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