Above the gray fog

Chapter 1037 Ninety Thousand Miles Underground

Two months later.

The red moon is in the sky.

The gray fog is dyed with a touch of red...

Somewhere in the gray mist land.

The six pioneers of the human race gathered here.

Under their gaze was a group of figures working hard at night.

This group of creatures are all green and slender, shaped like bamboo pole elves.

Through the emerald green skin, you can see the bright red blood vessels inside.

Several pioneers observed and evaluated from high altitude.

"What are they doing?"

"They should be building a house, right?"

"But why do you want to seal all the doors of the 'house'? There should be their clansmen inside."

"I don't know, maybe it's some kind of custom. You'll find out later."

"This ethnic group is quite large. The total population should be no less than 100,000. How about we improve our faith?" Wu Wang saw everyone talking to each other and almost thought he was an investigator, so he quickly reminded everyone, "Is there any mistake? We are not here for inspection."

"It's better to be careful. We can't be sure if this is a wild ethnic group. If there is some backing behind it, wouldn't it be trouble for no reason? Besides, the faith of a hundred thousand creatures is dispensable to us. , there is no need to take risks." Yan Ruxin tried to dissuade her.

"You are just worried too much. There is not a single extraordinary person in this entire tribe. Where does it come from? Even if we have a backer, will we still be afraid? When we were weak before, there was nothing we could do to be timid. Now we have stood on the mortal side. At the peak level of spirituality, you can do whatever you want. If you don't want the faith here, we can go to other places to see what's the point of observing their civilization and ecology here." Yan Ruxin's words caused Wu Wang to complain.

Yan Ruxin was speechless and said with a smile, "We are different from you. If we were not careful, we would have died countless times."

"There's nothing interesting to see in this little place. My ghost found something interesting. Do you want to come over and have a look together?" Lin Shan, who had been silent until now, suddenly interrupted.

The separated soul just sent him a message, saying that he had found a place guided by fate.

To put it simply, it is the guidance given by the destiny-knowing characteristic.

"Okay, what gadget? Let's go and have a look. What Lao Lin discovered must be something not simple." Wu Wang immediately became interested, and no matter what he did, it would be better than guarding this little broken clan.

"Well, come with me."

When the divided soul was searching for resources, he suddenly found something around him that changed the trajectory of his destiny.

Zhiming, in addition to active abilities, passive abilities are equally powerful.

Based on what he thinks in his heart, he will gradually get closer to what he wants.

It took the Weier train more than 10 days to arrive at the location of the separated soul. When Lin Shan approached, the separated soul was immediately absorbed by the main body, and the relevant memories were also digested by the main body in an instant.

After the divided soul discovered the clue of this entangled fate, it immediately contacted the main body. In the past ten days, it has been exploring the surrounding area. It was not until two days ago that the clue was discovered underground.

In two days, the divided soul has opened up an underground passage that is nearly 3,000 kilometers deep. Looking from top to bottom, you can't see the edge at a glance.

The channel width is approximately 20 kilometers.

"This is the first time I have seen someone dig so deep into the gray fog land. Even if the gods fight, it will be enough to go down hundreds of kilometers. I visually inspected it and found that the pit is at least more than 1,000 kilometers long." Wu Wangzhan Looking down at the edge of the pit, he was amazed, "Old Lin, the thing you are talking about...isn't it at the bottom of the pit?

"This pit was dug by my clone, and there is something underneath." Lin Shan looked into the depths of the pit. What was underneath could not be considered a chance, but it would most likely bring his current destiny to a new turning point.

At least, that's what 'knowing fate' is like.

"Who is so powerful? It turns out to be Lao Lin's clone. Come on, let's go down and have a look." Wu Wang did his duty and was the first to jump down.

"Go down, we haven't dug through yet, we need to keep digging." Lin Shan said and jumped down.

The feeling of being underground three thousand kilometers below is different from being high in the gray mist.

Lin Shan had never been so deep underground, and he had never even wondered how deep the gray mist was.

It seems that all the doubts have been attracted by the ninety thousand miles above, and the mystery of the underground has become dispensable.

The spirituality here is much thinner than above, but other than that, there is no difference.

"Keep digging deeper and try." Lin Shan said, already pulling out an orange spear and poking it into the ground.

In an instant, the earth hundreds of kilometers underground was reduced to pieces.

Breaking the soil into pieces is easy, but transporting it up is not a simple matter.

It’s not that it’s tiring, it’s just more time-consuming.

Lin Shan had to slowly go up with billions of dense pieces, and then come down again to break the soil clods underground and repeat the same trick.

"I'll do it." Seeing Lin Shan's extremely slow efficiency, Zhao Xiaoan said.

I saw her squatting down and gently pressing her palms to the ground.

In an instant, all the clods of soil, whether broken or not, quickly floated upwards.

Lin Shan and others only felt that they were falling without limit.

At a certain moment, there was a loud bang from somewhere.

Zhao Xiaoan's face suddenly turned pale.

"It's reached its limit. I can't move the soil below." The spirituality underground was extremely thin. Zhao Xiaoan was breathing heavily, and his spiritual reserves were almost at the bottom.

"What depth are we at?"

"45,000 kilometers underground, that is, 90,000 miles underground." Zhao Xiaoan did not speak, Yan Ruxin answered for her, "The soil below here feels a bit indestructible, just like the clouds 90,000 miles high."

Lin Shan took out the spear and thrust it hard into the black soil underground. Orange-yellow sparks kept flashing, and the spear tip was only halfway inserted, stuck in the soil.

Lin Shan squatted down and touched the soil below. There were some fine stones mixed in it, which were not much different from ordinary stones, only with some rare metals, but it was absolutely impossible to create such an indestructible barrier.

So it was not these materials that blocked them.

It was the invisible rules.

"It turns out that there are barriers underground. This is the first time I have gone down so deep." Zhang Zhonghua, like Lin Shan, grabbed the black soil on the ground to study, "It's not this black soil that blocks us."

"Old Lin, have you found what you said?"

"Let me think about it..." Lin Shan closed his eyes and sensed the trace of fate.

Since Zhiming asked him to come here, he would not let him return empty-handed. The general direction is indeed here. After Zhao Xiaoan's participation, the width of the cave they opened underground reached almost five kilometers, and the opening on the ground was hundreds of kilometers.

The size of this pit is enough to build an underground kingdom.

Lin Shan didn't believe that Zhiming would be so useless and play such a joke on him.

"Look for it again and see if there is anything more peculiar."

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