Above the gray fog

Chapter 1039: Changing Starships

It was agreed to return in 50 years.

In the 49th year, these former pillars of the human race have all arrived.

Some people's luck has increased, while some people's luck has remained the same as it was 50 years ago.

Chen Liyun and others have reached the Sequence 5 level, and Lin Shan can't see clearly their fortunes.

It was just a simple exchange, and no one would ask the other party what opportunities they had.

Lin Shan sat in the front seat and remained silent.

Only Wu Wang and Jin Tianzong would occasionally come over to chat with him.

"Old Lin, everyone is here, when will the train leave?"

"Wait a minute." Lin Shan looked out the window. He still had a ghost that had not returned.

It wasn't that he was in danger, but that the distance the soul was running was too far.

The children of destiny are all over the place, and it takes most of the time just to travel.

There are so many children of destiny, and they only have fifty years. If you want to be equally affected by the rain and dew, you can't waste too much time by the side of a child of destiny. After giving away a few treasures that can play a key role, the divided soul will go looking for the next child of destiny. son.

Even with perfunctory assistance for 50 years, the life span has increased by 13,000 years.

The lifespan has officially exceeded the 38,000-year mark.

While receiving the memory of the split soul, he encountered something that made Lin Shan wary.

Already the orderly people noticed him.

After a brief fight, the split soul escaped.

The parchment had reminded him that collecting life spans in this way was going against order.

This is a force that spreads all over the gray mist universe. It is impossible for him to do it. If someone from the Order comes to arrest him, the only option is to run away.

You have to be careful in the future and stop when your life span is long enough.

Everyone waited there for three months before Lin Shan's last ghost returned in a hurry.

The Vail train sets sail again.

Follow the path taken by the stone giant.

The train traveled quickly through the void, and Lin Shan's consciousness had entered Eden Square.

He plans to buy a faster starship to save time on the road.

His goal is the stars and the sea. It is time to retire the seven-level civilized passenger train that Weir Train bought with 500 points.

In the past 50 years, he had not used the resources collected by the soul splitting to practice, but had exchanged them all for points.

He now has 1,499 points in savings, and has spent nearly a thousand points in exchange for treasures for Destiny's Child.

In 50 years, if you don’t count the time spent on the road, you can earn an average of 40 points per year. If you increase the number of divided souls and treasure-hunting spiritual tools, you can earn even more.

Or to reduce the time spent traveling, it shouldn’t be a problem to collect 50 points every year.

When Lin Shan was thinking about something, he had already set up a sign next to the spring of life.

It says - Acquisition of seventh-level civilization starship.

With the points he has in hand, it is very difficult to acquire a starship that is 10 times faster than the Weir train, so he can only try his luck.

Those who set up stalls to sell goods are not necessarily precise customers.

But if it's an acquisition, those who come to inquire will definitely be precise customers.

"How many points do you offer here?"

A creature that looked like a carrot jumped in front of Lin Shanju, looked at Lin Shanju's sign, and asked aloud.

"It depends on how fast your starship is." Lin Shan was awakened by the sudden price inquiry.

During the 4 hours of waiting, Lin Shan kept watching the flow of the spring of life next to him, dreaming that the spring of life suddenly flowed into his mouth.

"You should know that most level seven civilizations use jump technology. The jump engine is basically charged for a period of three months. In three months, we can jump from 100,000 light-years to tens of millions of light-years. "Everyone has it." The carrot creature looked like a professional businessman, "Just tell me how many points you have. At this price, I will definitely give you a satisfactory starship."

"1500 points." Lin Shan said calmly.

"Oops... You want to buy a seventh-level civilization starship with your 1,500 points... It's a bit difficult. You should know the existence of technological blockade, right? If you go by the price of Eden, the most you can do with your 1,500 points is to buy To a 100,000 light-year jump engine, let's do this. I have an old antique version 2.0. It takes 4 months to charge, but the jump distance can reach 500,000 light years at a time, which is almost faster than the one you bought from Eden. 5 times, but you have to agree first, this is an old antique and does not include after-sales maintenance. If it is damaged by natural use within a hundred years, I can give you a partial refund, how about it? "

Lin Shan thought quickly and realized that the price given for this carrot was quite reasonable.

He is right, 1500 points can be directly exchanged for a starship, and can only be exchanged for a high-end version of the Weir Train.

However, the starship provided by the other party was only more than four times faster than the Weir train, and this speed did not satisfy him.

The next journey may be longer, and the faster the vehicle, the more time you can save.

Lin Shan didn't want to make a hasty decision.

"Well, I'll think about it." Lin Shan looked at the carrot opposite, "Give me three days. Come and take a look at it after three days. If I'm still here, I'll buy it from you."

"Okay." The carrot creature nodded without hesitation. He naturally knew what Lin Shan was planning.

If he could get something better within these three days, he would definitely not buy his own, but he was still confident.

"What are you considering? Don't consider it. If you don't buy yours, why don't you contact me when you buy a starship, Lin Shan?" A crystal man came out from nowhere and patted Lin Shan's shoulder carelessly, "Buy it from me. We are old friends. I can guarantee that the price I give you is not available to anyone in Eden Square."

The person who came was Mo Hao.

"I was thinking of looking for you, but I can't contact you." Lin Shan shook his head helplessly. The reason why he delayed for three days was to take the opportunity to find Mo Hao.

"Who is this?" The carrot creature looked at Mo Hao with a puzzled expression.

It seems that there is no such person in the Eden Advanced Technology Alliance...

"I am Lin Shan's friend." Mo Hao explained casually, looking at Lin Shan and said with a smile, "1500 points, let me think, there seems to be a special edition starship gift from Fengchao Company parked on my platform. It can jump to 1.2 million light years at a time, and it only takes two months to recharge. The disadvantage is that it is too small, and this kind of starship is the plaything of some nobles. There are many places that need manual operation, and even the artificial intelligence is very low-level."

Jumping 1.2 million light years in two months, the same price, is 5 times faster than the carrot creatures.

25 times faster than the Weir train.

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