Above the gray fog

Chapter 1041 Bloody Disaster

Giant Town.

Lin Shan and his party successfully checked in here.

Inside and outside the gate are completely two different areas.

Behind the giant gate is a town full of messy buildings.

The buildings here are disorderly and the types of buildings are also strange. There is no fixed street. You can't fly and can only pass through the gaps between buildings.

The service staff took Lin Shan and others to a fairly wide open space, "This is your foundation."

I saw that the service staff grabbed the white soil from the ground and skillfully molded it into the shape of a small house. Then he blew gently at the mini house, and the mini house quickly expanded to its normal size.

This is Lin Shan's home in the Giant Town.

After a while, more than a dozen houses of similar shapes were built around Lin Shan's house.

"You don't need to follow me anymore. This is a neutral area. You can move freely and go to other galaxies or do anything." After the others settled down, they all subconsciously walked towards the direction where Lin Shan was. Lin Shan let them move freely.

The others walked back, and several pioneers followed Lin Shan into the house.

There was only one room inside, empty and bare, and the word "bare walls" could not describe it.

Several people sat on the floor.

"Old Lin, what should we do next?" Wu Wang asked Lin Shan first.

Lin Shan spread his hands, "I still have a lot to do, and I don't know what you need to do."

"You have something to do? Maybe we can help you." Jin Tianzong put his elbow on his thigh and supported his head with his palm, "It seems that we don't have anything particularly important to do."

Lin Shan was speechless, these people were really idle.

After thinking about it, Lin Shan decided to give them a reminder, "This hyperdimensional space connects the surrounding galaxies. If you are free, you can go to different galaxies to see if they have independent promotion systems and find out if there are any suitable ones for you. The strongest among you, Zhao Xiaoan, has only broken the ban. There is still a long way to go. I think... with your talents, it is not a problem for you to break the three bans."

"Alas, can't you become a god whether you break the ban or not? It doesn't matter." Wu Wang waved his hand, "Why spend so much effort to break the ban."

"There is a record in the classics I have read that after breaking the ban, becoming a god again seems to get an additional promotion." Yan Ruxin suddenly interrupted.

"There is also this?" Yan Ruxin's words attracted Lin Shan's attention.

"I don't know if it is true. It should be the notes of a certain god recorded in a certain Gemini classic." Yan Ruxin replied, "It seems to say that the starting point will be higher."

"Well... I understand." Lin Shan nodded slightly.

Becoming a god after breaking the ban only means that the starting point will be higher at the level of gods, and there will be no substantial increase in ability. I just don’t know... how much higher this so-called starting point will be...

"Let's talk about this later. Let's go out for a walk first. This is my first time in the super-dimensional space. The creatures that just passed by don't seem to be simple." Zhang Zhonghua suggested.

"Yes, go out for a walk. Don't stay in the room like a corpse every time you go to a new place. At least go out to collect some information here." Wu Wang responded to Zhang Zhonghua's suggestion.

"Well... okay." Lin Shan nodded. He also wanted to go out and see this giant town.

Everyone left the room and walked forward in a random direction.

Two hours later, everyone returned the same way again.

There is nothing else here except for the scattered houses and scattered guests.

I learned from passers-by that all entertainment activities in the giant town are in the east, where there is the only market in the giant town, which is spontaneously organized by the residents.

After returning to the original route, the group set out again to the east. After walking for several miles, they finally saw the so-called market.

There were a few scattered tables and stalls.

"The Free Fighting Club is recruiting apprentices! Until you become a master, 30 cloud coins per month."

"Black flame body training will make your physique soar, 10 cloud coins per time!"

The two creatures sitting at the table had a dialog box composed of clouds above their heads, and in the box, there were crooked fonts composed of white clouds.

Above the heads of the creatures sitting on the ground, there were slogans such as "Take a look, take a look", or "You won't suffer a loss if you buy", "You won't be cheated if you buy".

This market is too simple, and there are less than ten buyers next to it. It's better to go to Eden Square than to visit here.

"Forget it, let's go, there's nothing to see, you can come over later if you want to see it." Lin Shan immediately lost interest. He still had work to do and couldn't waste time.

"Old Lin, aren't you curious about what cloud coins are? And there seem to be some good things on these stalls. Let's go up and take a look?" Wu Wang saw Lin Shan was about to leave, and pulled Lin Shan to move, not disdaining the simplicity of the place at all.

"Okay, let Lin Shan go back. Not everyone is as idle as you." Jin Tianzong said.

"Haha, you still have the nerve to say that to me. Aren't you just as idle?" Seeing that Jin Tianzong started to trouble him again, Wu Wang immediately retorted.

After saying goodbye to Lin Shan, Zhang Zhonghua, Yan Ruxin and Zhao Xiaoan, they returned to the original path.

"I always feel that our style of painting is a little different from Lin Shan. He seems to be busy all the time." Zhang Zhonghua looked at Lin Shan in the distance and couldn't help but sigh.

"Lin Shan is running around outside most of the time. These wonders are very new to us. I'm afraid he has long been indifferent to them." Yan Ruxin guessed.

"Xiaoan, what do you think?" Yan Ruxin looked at Zhao Xiaoan.

"He is indeed different from us. If... our fate is being pulled by others, and the end is foreseeable, his fate is being pushed. He can choose his own direction, but he can never stop." Zhao Xiaoan said slowly.

"It's so profound, I don't understand. You said our end is foreseeable, then what is our end?" Wu Wang asked Zhao Xiaoan with a smile.

"It's death." Zhao Xiaoan said lightly.

"Who won't die? The old man Renhuang will die, and what you said is the same as saying nothing."

On the other side, Lin Shan was still on his way back.

The road in this giant town is really difficult to walk. The clouds under your feet are easy to stick to your feet, and the road is crooked, and you need to pass by various strange buildings.

Occasionally, you can see people opening their houses and leaving in different directions along the way.

Lin Shan found that there seemed to be humanoid creatures here, but they were of different heights. So far, no creatures of other forms have been seen.

He could see that the residents of the Giant Country were very vigilant. No one would think of chatting with a stranger. It was normal for neighbors who lived together to not know each other.

After passing through another row of flower houses, Lin Shan finally returned home.

After closing the door, Lin Shan sat cross-legged on the floor and split into ten souls.

The souls pushed the door open and walked in different directions.

He entered the destiny space and began to deduce his destiny.

Ever since entering the Giant Country, he had been shrouded in a vague sense of crisis.

In layman's terms, it might have a bloody disaster.

But the inside of the Giant Country should be safe.

The sense of crisis is likely to come from the outside.

He couldn't stay there all the time, and he must send his clones out to collect lifespans.

In the destiny space.

Strands of destiny threads continued to entangle and spread.

When Lin Shan looked up, he saw a blood-red thread coiled above his head.

Lin Shan called it the materialization of the bloody disaster.

Of course, this was only a physical entity for him.

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