Above the gray fog

Chapter 1046 The Gods' Family

"What you said may make sense, but have you ever thought that if this golden destiny is really important, we will never find it. All things have their laws of birth and death. We just need to do what is in front of us."

"I'm done. Do you have anything else to ask?" Su Kesu looked at Lin Shan again after he finished speaking. He could feel that he was also a little confused.

"There is nothing to ask at the moment. Can I see the child of destiny?" Lin Shan suggested.

"Of course, we are allies now. Come with me. I will show you what the golden destiny looks like. Don't be scared."

Lin Shan followed Su Kesu into the palace and did not encounter any guards along the way.

"The formation is still running. It's best not to get too close." Su Kesu pointed to the front.

Although Lin Shan could not see it, the scene in the distance was clearly presented in his mind, even clearer than what he "saw".

In a cage made of light, a giant 100 meters tall was struggling frantically in the cage.

The sound in the cage could be heard from a distance.

"God has given us the mandate, and we will live long and prosper."

"Hahaha, hahaha, you are going against destiny by doing this, and you will regret it!!!"

"You people in the circle of people, as long as I come out, none of you will have a good life!!!"


"What did you do to him?" Lin Shan looked at the rock giant that was constantly twisting in the cage.

"Since we can't help him fulfill his destiny, we can't waste these 100,000 years of life. We plan to use the ritual to extract all his luck and then divide it equally." Su Kesu said casually. Seeing Lin Shan frowning, he thought Lin Shan was worried about his own interests. "Don't worry, we won't have any first come first served. Since you have joined, we all have the same share."

A dozen people share, 100,000 years of life, on average, each person has a life of several thousand years.

This is not what Lin Shan wants.

Lin Shan stared at the giant trapped in the cage, his mind flowing.

Suddenly, Lin Shan showed a happy look.

The parchment actually woke up.

Lin Shan looked at the parchment in his mind, but the parchment did not respond. The long black light on the paper seemed to be weaker than before.

Parchment: [Great parchment, this time I lost a lot. ]

Parchment: [Great parchment never does business at a loss. Please pay 10,000 years of life to compensate parchment. ]

What the hell, asking for compensation right away, Lin Shan rolled his eyes, he didn't know what happened.

"Why did you suddenly fall asleep, what happened?" Lin Shan asked.

Parchment: [How do you think your strange body changed? Isn't it the great parchment that is helping you. ]

Is his strange body's change related to parchment?

Lin Shan ignored the parchment. Anyway, the parchment can be used at any time. Su Kesu in front of him must be grasped now, "I am very interested in the circle of people and the family you mentioned. Do you have time to talk to me?"

"You will know naturally if you walk more in the future." Su Kesu seemed unwilling to tell Lin Shan these things.

"Is the place we are in now called the human circle?" Lin Shan was not discouraged and continued to ask.

"Well, the human circle contains hundreds of large domains. This place is just a remote corner of the human circle. If nothing unexpected happens, you will never be able to leave the star field where you are in your life." Su Kesu said honestly, "It's useless for you to know so much. Knowing how vast the universe is and how small the place you are in will only affect your state of mind. In fact, everyone is the same. We just have more places to go and do things differently. There is no need to force the distance."

"But I'm better than you. Theoretically, I can go further than you." Lin Shan didn't quite agree with Su Kesu's theory. What does it mean that knowing too much will only affect your state of mind and you will never be able to leave the human circle in your life?

"But you were born here. Not to mention you, there are many gods in the world who are trapped in corners." Su Kesu shook his head slowly, not wanting to argue with Lin Shan about this.

Lin Shan has received a message.

The place where he is now is in the human circle.

This human circle is different from the human circle mentioned before. The human circle mentioned by Su Kesu should be the "circle" mentioned by the company employees last time.

Why is the name of 'Human Circle' the same as 'Human Circle'?

Is there any connection between them?

"Do you know the world of Keonglanglu?" Lin Shan suddenly asked.

"Realm? You know the realm." Su Kesu was a little surprised, "How do you know this name?"

"I am from the world of Keonglanglu." Lin Shan said nonsense, "For unknown reasons, I lost some of my memory, so I wandered around here. Can you help me recall it?"

"You are lying, you are an old creature, and the realm does not allow old creatures to enter." Su Kesu saw through Lin Shan's lie at a glance.

This was within Lin Shan's expectations, and he did this just to get closer.

"The world does not allow the Old Ones to enter? Why?"

"Because the Old Ones are the Old Ones, and the Origin is the Origin. You will mutate directly when you enter the world. In short, terrible things will happen. Do you want to catch me and ask questions because I come from outside? I warn you, don't ask me questions anymore." Su Kesu had seen Lin Shan's intentions long ago and warned, "From now on, I won't tell you anything you ask."

Lin Shan found that the man named Su Kesu was full of girlish temperament. He didn't know if it was an illusion. Lin Shan suspected that the other party was a woman in man's clothing.

"Are you a woman?" Lin Shan asked suddenly.

"Ah, I'm a man!" Su Kesu answered hurriedly.

Lin Shan knew what was going on and continued to ask, "What is a noble family?"

"Oh, do you think I'm a fool? Don't try to trick me. I'll answer your last question, and you don't have to ask me any more questions."


Su Kesu began to organize his words:

"When conflicts arise between civilizations, there is a high probability that one side will perish, but the most advanced creatures of civilization will not necessarily die, such as gods and some high-order extraordinary beings."

"After the grassroots tribesmen were destroyed, they had only two choices, either to fight the enemy to the death and mess up the enemy, or to start over."

"Race is very important to some gods, and losing Without race, the position of these gods will be unstable, but some gods will not, and they can be very free without their clansmen. I don’t know the specific reason. "

"The position of the gods is unstable, so they can only find another way, form a noble family, give birth to offspring, and stabilize the position of the gods."

"The number of members of the noble family is extremely small, and any family member will be fully trained. Of course, there are exceptions."

"The full name of the noble family is the God Age Noble Family. A family with at least three or five gods can be considered a God Age Noble Family."

"As long as it is a God Age Noble Family, there will be feuds without exception, and the clan members will bear the hatred of genocide when they are born."

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