Above the gray fog

Chapter 1077 Jiuqi's Secret, Beast (Two in One) (1/2)

Chapter 1077 The secret of Jiuqi, the beast (two in one)

Lin Shan seemed calm on the surface, but his heart was in turmoil.

Was the dream just now really his memory?

Yiting should be a force similar to the Garden of Eden. He has no contact with this force, and the time walkers of Yiting have no reason to deceive him.

If this dream is really his memory, can it be understood as a past life?

Based on the few conversations, Lin Shanneng deduced that the time of this dream should be in the old days.

In other words... His past lives are unknown for many generations, and he was a person from the old days?

Lin Shan was confused. It wasn't that he didn't believe in the past and present lives. Things like hell were enough to prove that living beings can have past lives and this life.

Assuming that he really had a previous life, why would his previous life keep this memory?

Lin Shan carefully pondered the content of the dream.

In the dream, there was Tushan Ranqi, Zhao Xiaoan, and a daughter she had never seen before, Lin Li.

It's horrifying to think about it. Several people who were together in the old days still have intersections after ten epochs.

If there wasn't something behind it, he wouldn't believe it.

The sudden changes in other pioneers are also related to memory?

They are integrated with the memories of previous lives, or their consciousness is directly occupied by previous lives...

"Don't you want to get a book? Just take whatever you need." Lin Shan reminded him when he saw that the middle-aged man was still in front of the bed.

"Oh, I'm checking the contents of these books. I'll be fine in a moment." The middle-aged man smiled and continued to sit on the edge of the bed, his eyes blank.

"You just said that my dream is actually my memory, but my life is complete. Why does this kind of memory appear..."

Before Lin Shan finished speaking, he was interrupted by a middle-aged man, "Do you know what is the basis for judging a person's life?"

"Existence." Lin Shan replied.

"That's right." The middle-aged man nodded, "The soul has a lifespan, and the essence is a special energy particle that makes up the soul. If the soul dies, the essence will also wither. Only existence can continue. Theoretically, the time that existence can exist is infinite. Of course, this is just a theory. To continue existence, many prerequisites are needed.”

"Some strong people have used means to retain their own existence. The consciousness derived from the existence will be a brand new life form, which will have almost nothing to do with the former. If you feel that this memory is not yours, you Maybe he inherited someone’s existence.”

"Don't you understand?" Seeing Lin Shan frowning and thinking, the middle-aged man explained patiently, "Two consciousnesses or even multiple consciousnesses in one existence are like writing a book together. The first half is written consciously, and the first half is written consciously. In the second half, no matter whether it is good or bad, you can only continue to write in this book. "

"Of course, this is just a rule. In fact, you are writing two books, each writing its own thing without interfering with each other. However, some things can be passed down through existence. For example, due to the origin derived from existence, the true spirit , soul, including special talents and special super-standard sequences..."

"Is it possible that the consciousness of the previous life suddenly takes over the current body?" Lin Shan asked.

"Impossible." The middle-aged man said firmly, "You can just pretend that this thing doesn't exist and continue to live your life."

"Okay, everything is ready, I'm leaving first." The middle-aged man waved his hand and disappeared directly.

Lin Shan looked at the window and saw red moonlight shining on the windowsill.

It was still dark, and Lin Shan wanted to put down his thoughts and go to sleep, but he couldn't fall asleep after thinking about it all night.

Anyone who goes through this kind of thing will have a hard time sleeping peacefully.

It would be fine if you knew it all, but the worst thing is to know only a little.

Are the dreams really his memories?

Is he really sharing the same existence as his predecessors?

Were those pioneers who experienced change because they experienced something like this?

There are also Tushan Ranqi, Zhao Xiaoan and the unknown Lin Li in the dream. Since these three people appeared in his memory and they also appeared in this era like him, does it mean that the three of them Are you also sharing the same existence with the three people in the dream?

This half-informed feeling was too uncomfortable. He was given only these clues and could not deduce anything at all.

"Xianxian Lin, it's time to get up and have breakfast." Xiao Li's figure appeared outside the door on time.

"Here we come." Lin Shan responded, with panda eyes, opened the door and washed up.

In front of the dinner table.

"Lin Shan, did you not sleep well last night? Why do you have giant panda eyes?" Jiuqi, who was sitting opposite, asked with a smile. She was holding a white slice that had been bitten several times.

"Well, I had a very strange dream last night." Lin Shan nodded. There was no need to hide this kind of thing. Lin Shan also hoped that Jiuqi could give some advice.

"Click." Jiuqi stuffed the last bit of crispy chips into his mouth, "What kind of strange dream?"

"I dreamed about Tushan Ranqi. In the dream, she was my wife. We also have a daughter named Lin Li. I also dreamed about Zhao Xiaoan..."

There was a soft sound of "Pa!", and the bun-like snack in Jiuqi's hand fell to the ground.

"What's wrong?" Lin Shan looked at her doubtfully.

"It's okay." Jiuqi patted the oil stains on his body casually, pretending to be a little unhappy, "Do you know what it means to think about something every day and dream about it at night? I am by your side to accompany you every day, why do you still think about it? Tu Shan Ran Qi.”

"It's not a dream, it's my memory." Lin Shan stared at Jiuqi and said word by word.

He didn't think much about it at first, but Jiuqi's special reaction just now suddenly woke him up. He dared to conclude that Jiuqi must know something.

It was just some special reactions that did not make Lin Shan so sure, but they brought back some memories for him.

When Huang Li first came to the store, Jiuqi was very enthusiastic and tried to persuade Huang Li to stay as a clerk.

According to Jiuqi, she had a crush on this girl, but based on Lin Shan's understanding of Jiuqi, this was obviously abnormal. She didn't feel it at the time, but looking back now, it was full of loopholes.

Lin Shan now had reason to suspect that Xiaoli had not taken out the bag of seeds because Jiuqi had done something about it.

With that packet of seeds as the lead, this series of things happened.

"What memory? Didn't you just say it was a dream?" Jiuqi didn't take it seriously and would not let Lin Shan's words reveal any flaws.

"The person from Yiting found me, and he told me that this was not a dream, but my memory." Lin Shan slowly shook his head, "I have you in my memory, and there is Lin Li who uses Huang Li as a template. I can tell you Why am I doing this?”

"Oh." Jiuqi sighed softly, "You just said that it was Tushan Ranqi in your dream. It would be better if you ask her about this kind of thing. I really don't know."

"Yeah." Lin Shan hummed lightly and didn't ask any more questions.

Obviously, Jiuqi must know something, but he can't tell him.

"Pioneer Lin Shan, Sister Jiuqi, let's eat quickly." Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit solemn, Huang Li smoothed things over, "In Pioneer Lin's dream, am I the daughter of Pioneer Lin? It would be great if I really are the daughter of Pioneer Lin." ”

"Xiao Li, haven't you encountered a bottleneck in your practice recently? You can ask Lin Shan more, he is more knowledgeable in this area." Jiu Qi put down the bowl and chopsticks with a smile and got into the bookshelf next to him.

"?" A big question mark appeared on Lin Shan's head. What research does he have? How could he become an immortal by drinking magic potion?

"Really?" Xiao Li looked happy and quickly took out a jade slip from the storage space, "I can't understand the chapter on body guarding and qi training behind the introduction of qi into the body. Can Xianxian Lin teach me? ”

Lin Shan waved his hand, "I can't read the contents of the jade slip."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot about this." Xiao Li apologized quickly.


"I also have a paper version here." Xiao Li took out another yellow-covered book, flipped through a few pages quickly, and put it in front of Lin Shan, "This was given to me by the sect master. It is better than what I practiced before. The cultivation methods are much more advanced, including not only the cultivation methods of immortals, but also spiritual cultivation methods and soul cultivation methods.”

Lin Shan looked at the words on the book. He originally thought that these immortal cultivation techniques were very complicated and required a detailed understanding of the meridians and human organs. After reading it, he realized that it was just like that. This kind of thing could not be practiced with ease. Already?

The so-called refining qi and guarding the body is to guard the fairy power in one's body on the premise that it can absorb external spirituality and convert it into fairy power.

The entire stage is a defensive process, focusing on only entering but not exiting until you break through to the next stage.

It also says that eating more spiritual food will help reduce the time spent watching.

"To put it simply, on the premise of absorbing the fairy power from the outside world, you must hold on to the fairy power in your body. As long as you hold on for a certain period of time, you can turn that fairy power into your own and increase your strength. Every time you hold on, How much you can improve at one time and how long it takes should be related to your talent and the level of the technique. Since it is the technique given to you by the master of the Human Sect, it should not be too bad. You can just follow the luck chart above, and the meridians I don't know much about these things." Lin Shan pushed the book back.

"But, I can't hold it." Xiao Li said aggrievedly, "My fairy elixir is as big as a grain of rice and can only hold a little bit of fairy power. If I continue to absorb it from the outside, the fairy power inside will be lost." will escape."

"Well... this should have something to do with talent." Lin Shan thought for a while, combined with what he just saw, and said, "Since sucking it from the outside doesn't work, then you can start from the inside and ask Jiuqi to get you some. You should be able to advance after eating evil meat for a few months.”

"Really?" Xiao Li's eyes lit up. Can advancement be really that easy?

"If what's written in the book is correct, it should be fine." Lin Shan nodded.

If it is a potion system, this will definitely not work, but the twins have a twin system. The extraordinary individual strength of the twins is very different. After promotion, they only have more fairy spiritual power, and even the life level is not improved.

If you want to have other abilities or even improve your life level, you also need to practice spiritual cultivation methods, soul cultivation methods and other techniques. If you want to be on par with magic potions, you must at least complete all these things among the same level to have the possibility of fighting.

Xiao Li happily went to find Jiu Qi, while Lin Shan sat at the front desk waiting for the guests.

"Evil meat, there is no shortage of this stuff. I can't finish it in a lifetime. I will pick out some low-level ones for you later, but you can only eat them yourself, don't make them for Lin Shan to eat. His current physique is not good enough." Can’t afford nourishment.”

"Okay, I get it."

At this moment, the ground suddenly shook violently.

Lin Shan's expression condensed slightly and he looked in the direction of the shop door.

There is no one outside the door.

The shaking continued, each wave becoming more violent than the last.

"It seems like something happened outside. Let's go out and take a look." Lin Shan stood up and walked outside.

"I'll go take a look, you stay here." Jiuqi came out from behind the bookshelf and grabbed Lin Shan.

"Let's go together. We haven't been out for a long time." Lin Shan shook his head. After experiencing the dream, he was a little depressed.

"Okay." Seeing that Lin Shan insisted on going out, Jiu Qi didn't say much. Under her protection, even if there was danger, Lin Shan would not be in trouble.

Jiu Qi walked in front and pushed the door, protecting the two behind him.

When the door of the shop was pushed open from the inside, the devastation outside suddenly came into the eyes of the three people.

Except for the secular shops, the surrounding buildings almost all collapsed into ruins, and the ground was covered with fine cracks one finger wide.

A creature with a dark body and scarlet eyes, which looked like a hound, noticed the presence of the three people and turned back to look at them.

It seemed that there was a red flame flowing in its eyes, and two thin flames would float out of its eyes where it walked.

"Ah!" Xiaoli shouted in pain, and her body was suddenly covered with dense scales.

Seeing this scene, Jiu Qi knocked her out without hesitation and stuffed her into the Zhulong ring.

Seeing that Lin Shan was still calm, Jiu Qi was relieved, "This is... a beast!"

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded. Although he had never seen a beast, he knew it was a beast the first time he saw it.

"Why is there a beast here?" Jiu Qi looked solemn. She had never fought with a beast before. The beast in front of her gave her a very dangerous feeling.

"The crack that Huang Liu mentioned did not connect to other worlds, but destroyed the barrier of the gray fog universe. The beast was free outside the universe. When it saw the crack, it must have drilled in, but it was a little strange..."

"What's strange?" Jiu Qi asked.

"If the twins were really resisting a beast, it would be impossible to hold on for so long. Moreover, Huang Liu would not be unfamiliar with the beast. This thing should be very famous. Even if he had never seen it, he would know something about it."

"You mean, this beast did not come from the crack, but from somewhere else?"

"It's very likely." Lin Shan looked up at the sky, and the gusts of wind made his white hair fly.

Someone was fighting above.

"It's going to attack. If you're not sure, don't go. Let's go back to the store and hide." Lin Shan said, slowly retreating.

As the two retreated, the hound-like beast raised its front paws and slammed the ground.

A strange energy wave swept past.

The store was blown away, and the earth and ruins around the store shook violently, turning into a pile of powder and being blown away by the wind.

Lin Shan was also turned into powder.

A flash of white light passed, and Lin Shan returned to his original state.

Lin Shan was stunned. If nothing unexpected happened, he should have died just now.

"Be careful." Jiu Qi stood in front of Lin Shan, his face solemn, "Its attack came without warning, and we have been blocked by its breath."

At this time, a store suddenly appeared behind the two, and the four words "Sell Everything" were written on the store plaque.

This is the second function of the store, the store relocation, where Lin Shan is, the store can be there.

"Retreat first."

"No, we have been locked, and any action will be attacked. You go back first, I will find a chance to leave later."

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