Above the gray fog

Chapter 1098: Wandering

"Uncle Huang, where is my father?"

"You don't have a father, I picked you up."


In the endless turbulence of time and space, a crystal coffin flashed by.

There are countless tiny tentacles rooted in the void and wrapped around the crystal coffin, trying to pull it. At this time, the crystal coffin will emit a rich divine light, causing these tentacles in the darkness to turn into powder in an instant.



Within an ancient tribe.

A group of savages dressed in grass decorations gathered around a crystal coffin and muttered words, as if praying.



Inside an ancient tomb.

"Be careful, be careful, be gentle. This coffin fell from the sky three hundred years ago. According to records in ancient books, several clans were wiped out in order to compete for the ownership of this coffin."

"In the end, the Yang Wu clan won and took the crystal coffin as their own, but they studied it for a long time and never opened the coffin."

"This coffin is an absolute treasure!"



In a dilapidated ancient ruins.

There is a crystal coffin sitting on top of dense runes.

Beside the coffin were two humanoid creatures quietly groping.

"This coffin...is a treasure from before the Great Tribulation."

One of them, a middle-aged man with cockscombs on his head and black-rimmed glasses who looked quite educated, spoke out.

The companion next to the middle-aged chicken comb was looking for gaps in the crystal coffin with a dagger in his hand.

But no matter how much he groped, he couldn't find any cracks in the coffin.

"This coffin... seems to be one piece."

"It's incredible, it's incredible, it turns out to be one piece. If you take it to the Qiongxing Auction House, it will definitely sell for a good price." The middle-aged man with cockscomb head continued, "Let's see if there are any other treasures here."

After searching around, the two found nothing.

The cockscomb-headed middle-aged man took a deep breath, and the muscles on his body swelled. Lifting the crystal coffin with two hands, the companions beside him took out the rope and gently tied the entire coffin behind the middle-aged man.

"After finishing this job, we will wash our hands in the golden basin. The business of interstellar thieves is not that easy."

The companion agreed deeply, "We have to find a buyer quickly, let's go to the Opi Star Circle."

"Where do you want to take the coffin?" A figure suddenly blocked their way back.

"It's you!" The middle-aged cockscomb-headed man looked surprised and said coldly, "You want to take advantage of others?"

"You are not worthy yet." The visitor chuckled.

Two slight noises were heard, and the middle-aged man with the cockscomb head and his companion each had a bloody hole between their eyebrows.

The two fell to the ground silently.

A circular sticker was affixed to the crystal coffin.

The next second, the crystal coffin disappeared directly from the spot.



In the boundless deep space of the universe, there is a huge starship with a length of 40,000 kilometers slowly sailing. Its size is larger than that of ordinary planets.

The main control room inside the starship.

A particularly young-looking man sat in front of the huge glass window admiring the starry sky outside.

At this time, an inhuman creature in uniform walked in.

"Sir Evan, the analysis report of the crystal coffin has come out."

"Oh? Tell me, what is this?" The young man looked at the visitor.

"The Ministry of Science and Technology named the crystal coffin the 'Eternal Coffin'. As long as you enter this coffin, the life span of the living will stop losing. This coffin can have such an effect because it is made of materials intercepted from fragments of authority. It’s a pretty good carrying object.”

"So, you have reached the recycling qualification?"

"That's right."

"Okay, send it to the sealing warehouse first. I will go there and hold a recycling ceremony later." The young man stood up and arranged his clothes. "This is the Yiyi Galaxy, and the headquarters of the third branch of the World Trade Group is here."

"The scale of the Third Branch is too large. The economies of hundreds of surrounding areas are in their hands. There are as many as fifty-seven gods worshiped. If we directly announce the dissolution of the Third Branch, will it happen? It will cause turmoil in the surrounding area..." The attendant next to the young man said worriedly.

"Unrest?" The young man smiled, "The purpose of the World Trading Group and the World Trading Company is to ignite the fire of civilization. You should understand that the forces under Master Xing must be absolutely neutral. If they lose their neutrality, they may even Master Xing has had a bad influence, the Third Branch has been amassing money crazily, and has even intervened in many civilized disputes. Their existence is the biggest turmoil. "

"Yes, I understand."

"Go and send a message. Get the high-level list to arrest people. These people will all be tried." The young man waved his hand and asked his entourage to solve the matter alone.

"Understood." The attendant nodded slowly and then disappeared.

Also missing were young men.

When he reappeared, he had already arrived in front of the crystal coffin.

"The Eternal Coffin has a nice name." The young man smiled and began to arrange an unknown recycling ceremony.

The young man looked at Lin Shan in the coffin and frowned slightly.

"The people in the coffin should have been put in later. They cannot be considered part of the load and must be taken out." Thinking of this, the young man put his hand on the crystal coffin.

The crystal coffin trembled slightly, and the lid of the coffin, which had not been opened for nearly a thousand years, finally slowly opened.

"Hey, there is still a breath. If that's true, you can live forever as long as you put it in."

"Unfortunately, the body function has dropped to the freezing point, and it won't live long."

"Cough! Cough cough..."

The coffin lid was opened.

Lin Shan in the crystal coffin suddenly coughed violently.

Even blood splashed on the young man's clothes. The young man didn't care about it, but was curious about Lin Shan's sudden reaction.

The next second.

The spirits of hundreds of millions of kilometers gathered around the starship frantically.

The destination of these spirits was Lin Shan's body.

Under the impact of the spirits, Lin Shan's injuries recovered quickly, and his heart was also reorganized.

There was a black mucus-like substance constantly wriggling on his body surface. Where the mucus wriggled, the old skin regained vitality.

An extremely terrifying breath spread outward with Lin Shan as the center.

"Wonderful, really wonderful, the person who can set up this game must have great wisdom." Seeing this, the young man was amazed.

With his ability, he could tell at a glance the cause and effect of this rejuvenation.

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