Above the gray fog

Chapter 1108 Mugiri Star

Aslan Interstellar Expedition Platform.

A starship is ascending vertically.

The starship has an elongated shape. The hull surface is covered with bright silver armor that reflects starlight. The bow is slightly upturned. There are several huge propulsion nozzles at the stern. The transparent windows on both sides of the cabin allow you to see the vast starry sky.

Lin Shan sat in his seat with one arm on the edge of the window. When he looked down, he could see thousands of starships side by side, some taking off and some returning.

Lin Shan understood that this starship can be ridden by ordinary people. For short-distance travel within the empire, almost all civilians in the Aslan Empire can ride on it. It is a genuine civilian starship.

This kind of starship can also fly long distances. Long-distance starships can even travel billions of light years. However, such distances must go through regular jump channels, and the price will skyrocket.

But it only flew within the empire, and the price was still very cheap. Lin Shan gave him a Sequence 6 core, and the other party gave him more than 100,000 Aslan Empire internal credits, and also gave him Aslan's 'mobile phone' Give it to him. It is said that this credit is very valuable in Aslan.

The difference between extraordinary items and coins used by ordinary people is so huge.

The starship began to accelerate after entering the sky above the planet.

Through the portholes, you can see the vast universe outside. Densely packed stars are arranged in the dark space. Some shine with silvery white light, and some have a faint red and blue halo. Occasionally, a few asteroids pass by. There are white tracks across the black background, and a few beautiful nebulae can be seen in the distance.

The space inside the ship is spacious and comfortable, with a faint aroma permeating everywhere. Service staff shuttle back and forth carrying food and drinks. Occasionally, passengers pass by Lin Shan and sit elsewhere to chat or enjoy the starry sky outside the window.

Soft and soothing music is played inside the ship, echoing the vast universe scenery outside the window.

Lin Shan sat quietly, with a faint smile on his lips, and a long-lost tranquility filled his heart.

Unknowingly, he fell asleep directly.

Six or seven hours had passed when I woke up again.

Since passing through the Nine Tribulations, his overall condition is no different from that of ordinary people.

He can sleep or not, he can eat or not.

His current state is more like a transcendent who has just been promoted to Sequence 9.

When I woke up, my mental state did not change, but I felt more comfortable on a conscious level.

Half a month passed quickly.

During this half month, apart from sleeping, I just watched the scenery.

At a certain moment, the starship suddenly experienced violent turbulence.

[Hello, passengers, I am the captain of the starship Yuanxing 16281. Strong airflow has been detected ahead. The starship will urgently slow down within ten seconds and use outer space to avoid danger. Please sit in your seats. OK, don't move around. ]

It was just an ordinary bump, which was fine, but this voice announcement immediately made everyone panic.

Eighty percent of the people riding this starship are ordinary people.

Psychological quality has little to do with the civilization in which it is located. Any civilization has elites and ordinary people. The difference is only in the number.

The hull of the ship made a loud rumble.

"What's going on?" Sitting next to Lin Shan was a middle-aged man. He was awakened by the sudden broadcast. He stood up in a panic and looked around.

Many passengers screamed, some squatted down holding their heads, some stumbled to the rescue cabin, children cried and hugged their parents tightly, and mothers comforted them softly.

"Please stay calm, everyone!" the captain's voice sounded over the radio, "We are not in danger, it was just a minor accident."

But many people couldn't hold back their fear and ran toward the exit like crazy, shouting, "Escape cabin."

The sudden crisis made them lose their minds.

Lin Shan looked into the distance quietly.

That's where the airflow comes from.

More than 20,000 kilometers away.

The two strong men were fighting fiercely.

Just the collision of fists and feet made it impossible for a civilian starship 20,000 kilometers away to continue sailing.

The starship began to slow down under the violent shaking, and the scenery outside the window changed into a vast expanse of white. It had already left the scale 4 empty prison and reached the sky above the gray fog.

The outer space is a gray fog world, and the scale 4 prison is a gray fog universe. Most living things live in these two places, and the areas of both are boundless.

Since the gray fog land is full of dangers and is accompanied by gray fog that blocks the view, most capable civilizations will relocate their habitat to the Scale 4 Empty Prison.

It is not only safe, but also conducive to the development of science and technology. If you want extraordinary resources, just go to outer space to collect them.

The starship accelerated again and returned to scale 4 empty prison after a few minutes.

[The starship has passed the danger zone and will continue sailing. It is expected to arrive at Mugger in two hours. ]

The loud announcement calmed the panicked people.

Lin Shan leaned on his seat and continued to wait.

Two hours passed quickly.

Everyone can see the green planet on the side. It is not very large and has a diameter of less than 20,000 kilometers. There is a huge space station orbiting this planet.

Occasionally, starships can be seen traveling back and forth.

Space stations and starships are the basic features of interstellar civilization.

The starship arrived outside the space station and prepared to dock.

The huge circular space station rotates slowly. The center of the space station is a huge spherical center, and the rotating outer ring is the docking area for starships.

Under the guidance of the space station, the starship slowly approached the docking point, the bow was aimed at the entrance, the thrusters sprayed blue flames, and the speed and position were precisely controlled. The crew conducted a final check to confirm that everything was normal.

When the starship was embedded in the entrance, the magnetic lock on the space station firmly grasped the starship, and a connecting channel extended out and docked with the ship door.

The captain announced that the passengers could leave the cabin.

[Welcome to Mugri Star. Our starship has safely arrived at the end of this voyage-the famous astrology capital Mugri Star. Here, you will set foot on one of the oldest lands of imperial civilization and feel the strong mysterious atmosphere. ]

[Mugri has the reputation of "Home of Astrologers". The ancestors here mastered the mysterious astronomy of predicting the future tens of millions of years ago, and it has been developed into astrology until now. The supreme imperial astrologer-Yemifulu also originated from this planet. The "passive astrology technique" he created is still in use today. ]

[In Mugeli, you can visit the ruins of the ancient observatory. Those quaint instruments seem simple but contain profound wisdom. You can also go to the famous Astrology Museum to learn how this civilization planned planting time, guided starry sea navigation, and even predicted the rise and fall of the times by observing the stars. ]

[If you want to do it yourself, you might as well go to the Astrology Association to learn. The masters there will guide you to make your own star disk, calculate the position of the stars, and even create your own star map. Maybe you can become the next great master of astrology. There is no threshold for ordinary people to become an astrologer. Everyone can become a master of astrology. ]

[In Mugeli, the past, present and future meet here. I hope you can find your star of destiny on your journey. ]

[This is the starship No. 16281 of the Far Journey. I look forward to seeing you again on the next journey. ]

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