Above the gray fog

Chapter 111 Walking away

After the gate was broken, Lin Shan led the two girls and walked straight into the courtyard.

A series of white flames appeared out of thin air around Lin Shan, then floated into the sky, slowly condensing into a huge white fireball.

The white fireball was gradually straightened and turned into a giant spear of a hundred meters long, with the tip of the spear pointing directly at the building complex in front.

The two girls beside him looked at the extremely outrageous spear in the air, their faces were dull.

Most of the pedestrians outside the City Lord's Mansion chose to flee, and a few pedestrians stopped and looked up at the sky. Even though they were hundreds of meters away, under the terrifying high temperature, the sweat on their faces could not stop flowing, and some people even fainted directly.

As the flames gathered, the spear became more and more solid. Under Lin Shan's command, it aimed at a building tens of meters high in front and shot straight.

The spear turned into a flash of white light.


With just a loud bang, the building was pierced through, and the surrounding load-bearing columns broke. The whole building began to burn fiercely. After a while, only a piece of burned ruins was left on the spot.

"How dare you!"

This large courtyard is a group of buildings. Only one building was destroyed, which was nothing for this vast courtyard. In the blink of an eye, dozens of people flew in the air, and people from the inner buildings also rushed here continuously.

They all wore uniform green clothes. These people were residents and guards of the City Lord's Mansion. Some of them were officials, and some lived in the City Lord's Mansion because of their strength. No matter what the reason, each of them had a high status in the cat tribe. According to the culture of China, the City Lord's Mansion here might be called the Imperial Palace.

"Who dares to destroy the City Lord's Mansion?"

Lin Shan untied the pressure restrictions on his body, and suddenly a momentum that belonged to Sequence 8 spread out from him. Those who wanted to rush up stopped and looked at Lin Shan in front of them with a look of horror.

"This kind of pressure... could it be? Sequence 8?"

Lin Shan looked at them coldly, without any emotion. Although there were so many extraordinary people in front of him, he was a little panicked, but his face remained calm, and he slowly rose into the air with the two women.

Above his head, a hundred-meter-long spear condensed again. The difference from the previous one was that this time there was not one, but ten, lined up in the air, slowly changing from virtual to real.

The cat people below did not dare to act rashly at this time. They had no experience in dealing with Sequence 8. Their fight with Sequence 8 was limited to evil and weird. Compared with the existence of wisdom, there was still a big difference.

"Sir, let's talk nicely."

"I don't know what grudges you have with the City Lord's Mansion. Even if there are grudges, you shouldn't destroy it so wantonly. We are all cats. If there are any problems, we can sit down and talk it out."

"That's right. Fighting will not benefit either of us."

"If you have been promoted to Sequence 8, you should have a good talk. As the only Sequence 8 of the cat clan, you will have everything you want now. No matter how many grudges you had in the past, they are all in the past."

There were people below who kept shouting at Lin Shan in the air, hoping that Lin Shan would stop and negotiate with them.

If Lin Shan was really Sequence 8, there would definitely be a corresponding position for him. Now that Lin Shan has proved his strength, they think that as long as they are smart, they should not take action again.

It's a pity that they didn't expect Lin Shan to be not a cat clan at all, and they didn't know that Lin Shan didn't understand a word of their words. The ten hundred-meter-long spears condensed in the air and instantly illuminated the surrounding kilometer range, making the surroundings as bright as day.

Then, before everyone could get used to the white light, the spear turned into ten beams of white light and shot everywhere.

Buildings in the city lord's mansion.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

The booming sound continued, and small mushroom clouds rose all around. The white flames burned wantonly in the courtyard, and even many sequence 9s were affected and burned to ashes.

The cat people standing below were pale and stared at Lin Shan with resentment.

"Senior, you actually acted like this, then don't blame us for being rude."

Dozens of people came over one after another. From the time Lin Shan appeared to the time he caused serious damage, it took less than two minutes. Such an emergency situation made it difficult for them to react.

"This person is a sequence eight, let's go together!"

Before the man finished speaking, a beam of white light attacked the crowd below.

Facing the hundred-meter-long fiery giant spear, those people showed terrified expressions and their faces were full of despair.

"Sequence eight is not invincible, quickly use spirituality to resist!"

Someone who reacted quickly shouted loudly.

Suddenly, blue butterflies transformed by spirits flew all over the sky, rushing towards the blazing giant gun, like moths to a flame, and dissipated the moment they touched the spear.

There were also various weapons transformed by spirits, following closely behind the blue butterflies, knocking down the gradually approaching giant gun, and even some animals and birds transformed by spirits, rushing towards the direction of the giant gun.

Not only that, there was also an inexplicable strange power, which was wearing away the spirit of the giant gun.

The cat tribe has accumulated for more than 200 years, and various sequences have emerged one after another. Although there are not many people in the same sequence, the momentum of many sequences added up is also huge.

I saw that the giant gun carrying the blazing fire only flew halfway in the air, and was offset by the spiritual attack below and dissipated in the air.

Before the people below could breathe a sigh of relief, another ten white lights flew around, and after a loud bang, accompanied by a slight tremor on the ground, the sea of ​​fire spread throughout the courtyard.

"We must not let him escape alive today." Someone shouted angrily.

"Those who can fly, attack him face to face, and those who can't fly, release spiritual attacks on the ground! Those who can't fly and don't have long-range Fallen Body Substitutes to block the attacks!" Someone immediately gave a calm command. In this situation, there was no need to negotiate anymore. Leaving this unknown Sequence 8 was the right thing to do.

These hundreds of extraordinary people were all well-known figures in the main city. Most of them were blushing now. They felt too aggrieved. They turned their resentment into strength and all launched their strongest attacks, pointing directly at Lin Shan in the air.

Lin Shan looked at the dense attacks in front of him and did not concentrate his spiritual power. He knew he couldn't block all of them, but he was prepared. A dark door opened and closed behind him. He took the two women and teleported in without hesitation, and disappeared directly into the air.

"He ran away!" someone shouted angrily, "He destroyed most of the City Lord's Mansion, and now he ran away unscathed!"

"If you want to defeat Sequence 8, you must limit their ability to travel through space. Hurry up and prepare the ritual. If he dares to come here again, he will never come back!"

"Where is the City Lord? Where is the City Lord?" someone asked.

"The City Lord is in the main hall. He seems to know that the person coming is Sequence 8, so he didn't come."

"That's good. The City Lord must not get into trouble."

There was a very high-ranking person in the crowd, who warned:

"Check the cat tribe that went to the gray fog to seek a breakthrough recently. Are there any cats with a similar body shape to him, and the two female cats around him."


Suddenly, a voice came.


"Captain, I have a clue!" A cat man on the side suddenly said. "

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