Above the gray fog

Chapter 1110 Waiting for the Authority to Appear

The beautiful woman wanted to get closer to Lin Shan, but suddenly stopped and took a few steps back. Her expression became solemn, "Why is it so cold around you?"

Even though Lin Shan has hidden his aura very secretly, the aura belonging to the past is like the pressure of the gods. Except in some special circumstances, there is no way to completely conceal it.

Lin Shan thought for a few seconds and told the truth, "Because I am an old creature. When the old creatures come into contact with the original creatures, they will feel extremely hot and cold."

Telling the truth naturally has his own considerations.

The woman in front of her only has the strength of Sequence 9. She has not come into contact with the creatures of the past, but there must be stronger people in the Astrology Association. Her identity cannot be concealed forever. If she has been fooled now, she will still be in trouble later.

It would be better not to cover it up than to cause trouble later.

The original long-distance starship was willing to carry him here, which meant that this planet did not particularly reject the old creatures.

Hearing this, the beautiful woman's expression softened, "When you said that... I remembered that I once read in a book that the creatures of the past were dead creatures, and they carried a rich The aura of the heroic spirit makes you feel extremely cold whenever you get close to it..."

"The association has no requirements for lower-level members. Even if you are an old creature, you can join the association, but everything must be done according to the rules. You must pass the basic test first. After passing the test, you can become a trainee astrologer."

"Okay." Lin Shan nodded.

"Sit here." The beautiful woman led Lin Shan to the table.

She sat opposite Lin Shan, took out a box from somewhere, and said, "There are three levels in the basic test. The first level is to guess the contents of the box."

Lin Shan took a look and said the answer directly, "The box is empty, there is nothing."

The beautiful woman was a little surprised, "You can do divination without using a star chart?"

"I'm learning another divination method." Lin Shan explained. If he could give his divination method a name, it might be more appropriate to call it the 'Fate Thread Divination Method'.

Now he can already see the things connected to the end of the thread through the thread of destiny, and can even directly pull something foreseeable through the thread of destiny and the power of history.

The beautiful woman nodded slowly, "In that case, you don't need to take the second theoretical test. We will go directly to the third test - the actual test. You come with me."

"Situations like yours have happened before, and there are quite a few." The beautiful woman led Lin Shan into another spherical building.

This is a huge hall with dozens of small rooms on both sides. There are two rows of seats outside each room. There are people sitting on the seats waiting. From time to time, someone opens the door and comes out, and the next person will walk in.

"The third test is the actual test. The astrologer not only needs to know his own needs, but also needs to be able to solve the demands of others." The beautiful woman led Lin Shan into a room and said a few words to the astrologer at the main seat. After that, the two of them sat aside and let Lin Shan take the main seat.

After a while, a young man wearing a thin silver-blue jumpsuit with luminous lines on the clothes walked in.

The residents of this planet all have one characteristic in their clothing: they always have something shiny or shiny.

"What's the matter?" Lin Shan asked.

"I've been feeling restless lately and often have nightmares. I want to know...am I sick?"

Hearing this person's question, Lin Shan was silent for a moment.

He is here to apply for an astrologer job, not a doctor. Do the residents of this planet go to astrologers when they are sick?

Think about it carefully... maybe it's really possible...

Seeing that the two people next to him had no objections, Lin Shan asked falsely, "What is the specific content of the nightmare?"

"I fell into the river and drowned, or my house caught fire and was burned to death, or someone suddenly appeared from behind and strangled me to death... Anyway, I would die every time I had a nightmare."

Lin Shan's eyes narrowed slightly, and a ball of colorful flames immediately ignited on the man's body.

This man's numerology is in a mess, and there is a wisp of dark flames that should be the source of nightmares.

Lin Shan glared, and the black firework-like substance immediately dissipated.

"Okay, let's go back." Lin Shan waved him back.

"It doesn't count this time. The level of dream interpretation is relatively advanced and is not within the scope of the basic assessment." Mrs. Mei said next to her, and then continued to wait.

Lin Shan wanted to say that he had already cured people, so why not count them?

But he had no proof that the person was already well, and he didn't want to cause trouble, so he didn't say anything.

After a while, another old man walked in with a cane, "Sir Astrologer, the light-seeking ring I was wearing on my hand was lost yesterday. Please help me find it, Mr. Astrologer."

Lin Shan picked up a piece of white paper from the side and folded it into the shape of a paper crane.

And connect the transparent thread of fate to the paper crane.

The paper crane suddenly became alive and flew.

"Follow it and you will find what you lost." Lin Shan said.

In fact, he could directly pull the so-called light-seeking ring through history, but doing so would be too arrogant.

He doesn't want to be too low-key, nor does he want to be too conspicuous.

"A small object made of paper can be used to find the real thing. Is it so magical? Let's follow it. If you really find it, you will pass the test. Not only that, I will directly grant you the title of two-star astrologer. The means you have shown are enough to prove that you have surpassed me in divination, but these means are not astrological means after all. I can't help you apply for further progress. I hope you can understand." The beautiful woman explained to Lin Shan as she walked.

Anyone who is not stupid can see that Lin Shan's means are amazing. If she shows off her power at this time, she will appear to be very stupid.

"Thank you very much." Lin Shan thanked him.

It doesn't matter what level he is, as long as he can join the Divination Association.

The next step is to wait for the authority to appear.

The three followed the paper crane to search all the way. At a certain moment, the paper crane stopped at a corner.

In an inconspicuous corner, a ring with a faint glow lay quietly.

"Found it, this is my ring, thank you, Master Fortune Teller, thank you, Master Fortune Teller." The old woman picked up the ring with tears in her eyes, turned around and was about to kneel down to kowtow to Lin Shan. Lin Shan lifted her up with his spirituality, "Don't thank me, isn't this the duty of an astrologer?"

The beautiful woman shook her head, "This is not the duty of an astrologer, fate is priceless, and an astrologer will not tell fortunes for free."

She continued:

"Since we have really found it, let's go back to the association. I will grant you the honor of a two-star astrologer. If you want to continue to advance, you must pass the skills of an astrologer."

"Okay." Lin Shan nodded.

"By the way, I want to report your existence to the president, I don't know if it's okay." On the way back, the beautiful woman looked at Lin Shan and asked for his opinion.

Hearing this, Lin Shan replied calmly, "Okay."

After joining the Astrology Association, Lin Shan rented a house next to the association and waited for authority to appear.

Three years later.

Lin Shan has become a 7-star astrologer by self-taught astrology.

And the authority of the God of Astrology is still nowhere to be seen.

When asked about the parchment, the parchment simply replied that it was not time yet.

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