Above the gray fog

Chapter 1116 Promotion Ceremony

The terrifying pressure made Lin Shan unable to move, and three palms folded and fell from the sky.

A thread of fate appeared in Lin Shan's hand.

At the critical moment, Lin Shan pulled the thread of fate, and his figure appeared tens of thousands of kilometers away.

"Rock Prisoner!" The mighty middle-aged man put his palms together, and two rocky mountains immediately appeared around Lin Shan.

The two mountains quickly merged to trap Lin Shan.

Lin Shan pulled the thread of fate again and moved back tens of thousands of kilometers.

"This man's ability is too slippery, you two control him!" The middle-aged god roared and ran towards Lin Shan.

The other two gods looked at each other.

"Burning Fire Realm!"

"Wild Void Realm!"

The environment of the entire void began to change, and the wasteland and the sea of ​​fire spread over millions of kilometers.

Lin Shan's body was burning with an unextinguishable flame for no reason, and his spirituality and even supernatural powers were fading at an unreasonable speed.

At this time, the mighty middle-aged was about to hit Lin Shan.

Lin Shan raised his eyebrows slightly. If he was hit by this thing, he would definitely die immediately.

He quickly summoned the thread of fate and planned to move again.

But at this moment, the flames on his body turned into countless hands that hugged him tightly, making him unable to move even his fingers.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Lin Shan's pupils shrank instantly. He could feel the huge force that rushed over, as if a huge star was pressing towards him, unable to avoid or resist.

His clothes were burned to ashes in an instant, and his skin was burned black.

Before Lin Shan had time to fly out, he disintegrated directly on the spot, and every cell was burned to powder.


The astrological scepter fell to the ground with a light sound.

The earth and the flames disappeared together.

The middle-aged god smiled and was about to pick up the astrological scepter.

But he found that no matter how hard he tried, the astrological scepter did not move at all.

A dark palm appeared on the scepter.

The hoarse voice made all the gods feel like they were falling into an ice cave.

"This is mine..."

A foul smell filled the air, and black energy spread from the black palm, invading the body of the middle-aged god.

His palm instantly turned into white bones, and the black energy continued to spread upwards.

The middle-aged god gritted his teeth and cut off his arm, retreating hundreds of kilometers, "What are you?"

"I'm your father!"

Lin Shan rarely swore, this unprecedented state was too exciting, he couldn't describe how exciting it was, anyway, it was very cool.


The black palm shattered like a bubble, and Lin Shan's body reassembled again.

The three gods on the opposite side looked at each other and rushed towards Lin Shan again.

Lin Shan held the scepter and pulled the thread of fate to move tens of thousands of kilometers.

"Burning Fire Realm!"

"Wild Void Realm!"

Still coming?

Lin Shan was a little tired. Did the three gods need to target him, a small sequence 5, like this?

He didn't know if he could enter the state just now. If the opponent rushed again, he might really be killed...

Just when Lin Shan was desperate, two more divine spirits came.

One of them was the statue god that Lin Shan had broken before, and the other was a new god, in non-human form, like a big black dog.

"Woof woof woof!"

"Woof woof woof woof!"

"Speak human language." The middle-aged god who was about to take action shouted.

From his behavior, it can be seen that this person has a bad temper.

"Finally found it, the power is here."

"My Black Dog Empire can have another god this time, and it is in the genealogy."

The big black dog opened his mouth and spoke human words, "Boy, give me the power, I can guarantee your survival."

"There are so many of you, who should I give it to?" Lin Shan used the same trick again.

"Boy, your trick won't work on us. Gods naturally have their own way of deciding the winner. Just give me the authority first." The big black dog walked down from the void with an elegant step.

The mighty middle-aged god stood in front of the big black dog, "Give it to me first, and then we will decide the winner."

"Give it to me."

"Give it to me."

The gods quarreled.

Lin Shan watched the show below with a sneer on his face. What about gods? The reason why they look high and mighty is that they don't show their secular side to the world.

"Five gods, bullying Sequence 5? Are you living like dogs at your age?"

Just when the gods were having trouble making a decision, an old voice disrupted the situation.

"What dog?" The big black dog asked in confusion.

The streams of light gathered and condensed into the appearance of an old woman behind Lin Shan.

It was the old woman that Lin Shan saw in the secret realm.

"In the secret realm, you got his recognition, but not mine." The old woman looked at Lin Shan, "You are indeed qualified, he is always more accurate than me..."

The old woman stretched out her hand and slapped Lin Shan, "Don't let us down."

With a slap, Lin Shan disappeared directly.

One of the gods disappeared at the same moment as Lin Shan disappeared.

The other gods were also like ghosts, chasing after him.

Soon, the gods came to the sky above Mugeli Star.

At this time, Mugeli Star was wrapped in a circle of white light.

The gods realized that something was wrong and began to attack the barrier without hesitation.

"You, do you think I don't exist?" The old woman appeared behind the gods.

A bloody red moon appeared behind the old woman, and the old woman floated above the red moon and stared calmly at the five gods below.

"As a god, you are obsessed with worldly affairs. Why did you become a god?"

The five gods didn't hear the old woman's words at all. Their faces were all gloomy.

The power of astrology, the power within the genealogy, there are only 6188 in the entire universe. How rare is it?"

What they value most is that if the younger generation masters the power of astrology, there will be a possibility of further promotion in the future.

Promotion to the upper god, what is the concept? The Rama Interstellar Empire or the interstellar circle can only be established because of a upper god. There are only 8 upper gods in the entire North Sea Mirror's boundless realm. They dare not imagine how terrible the power of the upper gods is.

"Call people! All the starships come here and blast open this barrier. Even if the people inside are promoted successfully, they can't immediately master the power. At that time... We can kill the gods! ! Seize the power by force! ! ! "

"Okay! ! ”

At this time, the gods’ opinions seemed particularly consistent.

Astrology Association.

Lin Shan was slapped here by the old woman, and at the same time, a stream of information flooded into his mind.

[The god-making ceremony of the god of astrology: create a star map that conforms to the operation of the law of nature, integrate the astrological authority into the star map and engrave the god’s name, and spread the star map to others for use. The better the star map, the better the effect of the ceremony, the wider the spread, and the stronger the initial divine power.]

[The main reason why I don’t think highly of you is that there is no big force behind you to protect you. The inheritance of the astrological authority has been interrupted for too long, and you have been stared at by countless eyes. With these eyes, you can’t succeed in your promotion.]

[Now, I have changed my opinion. This wisp of my soul can buy you half a year. After half a year, if you fail, the astrological authority will once again cause bloody storms, which will have an impact on the entire interstellar empire, and countless lives will perish. This is my sin, and I will go to redeem it.]

[If you succeed, come to Xiqian to find me.]

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