Above the gray fog

Chapter 1129: Boundary, Outer God

PS: Previous question: Others use "He" to refer to Lin Shan, but Lin Shan himself still uses "He".


"I know this." Lin Shan nodded slightly, "I'll leave if there's nothing else. If you have anything, contact me through the sacrifice ceremony."

Ignoring Lin Shan's obstruction, Brog knelt down again, "Send my god!"

"Well..." Lin Shan took a step and disappeared directly on the spot.

When he reappeared, he had arrived below the sky island he had seen before.

At this time, a golden light suddenly flew from below and floated in front of him.

Lin Shan reached out to take it and suddenly realized something.

Brog has become a devout believer. This golden light is a pure wish power that can be used as the origin of the soul.

This is the only information Lin Shan received. He has just become a god and there are still many things he has not understood.

What is pure source power and what is the origin of the soul, he doesn't know anything.

Lin Shan summoned a purple spear.

The characteristics acquired before becoming a god will not disappear, and will also be promoted under the strengthening of authority.

The purple spear is his sequence 5 characteristic true spirit. In addition to the color change, the spear after becoming a god is affected by the authority and also rises to a higher level.

The qualitative change ability of the organism is called "Dawn Breaking". The spear is the manifestation of the characteristic true spirit. Lin Shan has never given it a name. Taking this opportunity, Lin Shan named the spear "Jie Tian".

I thought of naming it "Poke Tian", but it felt a bit too ostentatious, so I chose the ordinary "Jie Tian".

The Jie Tian Spear seems to be extremely powerful and ranked at the level of divine weapons, but it is definitely not as powerful as the authority of the gods.

This is also the main reason why many gods completely abandon their previous abilities after becoming gods.

But Lin Shan's authority is functional. The Astrology Scepter is not taken out to knock people. It has a great bonus in divination, but in combat, the Astrology Scepter is just a decoration, not as practical as the Jie Tian Spear.

There is another thing that Lin Shan finds strange. The astrological scepter and the astrological authority are actually separate. The two are not the same thing.

The astrological authority has merged with him. Logically, the astrological scepter should not be taken out, but he can still summon it at will, and there is no breath of authority on the summoned astrological scepter.

This proves that the two are actually not related. Perhaps, the astrological scepter is a unique magic weapon, an extra gift given to him by the previous generation of the god of astrology.

While thinking in his heart, Lin Shan has already grasped the sky-cutting spear tightly and approached the sky island.

The diameter of the entire sky island is only about a few hundred kilometers. The sky island is a vast expanse of white, with a layer of gray powder.

"Crack, crack..."

When Lin Shan stepped on it, he found that these powders were all bone powder of living creatures.

Some bones that have not been completely crushed are buried in the bone powder.

Under the scorching light, the bone powder exudes a faint white luster.

Lin Shan's mental power spreads rapidly, covering the entire sky island.

This is an uninhabited sky island.

In the center of the sky island is a dead volcano. The mountain has collapsed, forming a huge crater. The edge of the crater is covered with bones. Pale bones can be seen everywhere on the hillside. They lie there quietly, waiting for the weathering process.

On the whole island, only the sound of wind can be heard, and there is no sign of life.

It's like a huge cemetery.

Lin Shan came to the crater in a flash, where a stone tablet was erected.

[Hell Genealogy - Sequence 3 - Tomb of the White Bone God. ]

This is a tombstone.

Lin Shan looked at the handwriting on the tombstone and had some guesses in his mind.

Above the gray fog...are they all places where deceased gods are buried?

There is a line of small words on the stone tablet that is blocked by dust. Lin Shan waved his hand to wipe off the dust.

[Boundary No. 880. ]

[Boundary No. 880? What does it mean?

Boundary Lin Shan could vaguely understand a little bit, why is it numbered?

[The gods in the genealogy are detected, the dome sky track is about to open, and the reception is in progress... It is expected to be released in thirty seconds. ]

[The God of Astrology in the Destiny Genealogy has returned to his position, and the information is being reported. ]

[The receipt is successful, the God of Astrology authentication is completed, the source court authentication code is transmitted, and the verification is successful. ]

[The next source court will be opened in 223 years, please attend on time. ]

Lin Shan's face was full of question marks, and he had no idea what was going on.

Until a huge vortex appeared in the sky, and the terrifying mental pollution poured out of the vortex, causing waves of pain in Lin Shan's mind.

"What is this?" Lin Shan's eyes widened. If he was not a god, even a sequence 5 that broke the three prohibitions could not stop the mental pollution just now.

He would go crazy and lose his self-awareness in an instant.

Only the soul can fight against it.

As the shapeless monster completely got rid of the vortex, Lin Shan's heart trembled a little.

This thing is definitely more powerful than the previous five gods...

Outer God

Two words flashed through Lin Shan's mind. He had never seen an Outer God, but he was sure that the thing in front of him was an Outer God.

Blurred and distorted, its shape completely surpassed human cognition.

The body was like a ball of chaotic smoke, with the edges constantly surging. In the center was a huge black hole, emitting a strange light, and the color kept changing, from deep red to dead white, then silver blue, and then to the ultraviolet range that was invisible to the naked eye.

There were countless tentacles next to the smoke, of varying lengths, some as thin as needles, and some extremely thick. These tentacles kept twisting, extending out and retracting like living things.

On the top, there is an unusually large eye, the pale yellow eyeball keeps turning, as if looking for something, or monitoring everything.

It just floats in the air, exuding an indescribable aura, and the air is filled with an unsettling low hum, as if it is breathing.

Lin Shan didn't want to fight this thing for no reason, so he ran away.

The Outer God seemed to have stared at Lin Shan, and before Lin Shan could move, countless tentacles had already rushed towards him.

Lin Shan stretched out his hand to pull the thread of history to escape, but found that the only place he could return to was where he was standing.

What's going on? The tentacles were close, and Lin Shan didn't have time to think about it, and immediately turned into a beam of light and flew away.

"Boom!!" There was a loud noise.

Lin Shan covered his head, his face full of shock.

He hit the barrier.

He couldn't go down...

The 90,000-mile barrier stopped him here.

A strange scream came into his ears, and the monster was following.

Lin Shan immediately pulled the thread of history back to the original place, and then rushed up regardless of everything.

Ninety thousand miles up, a barrier was across the sky.

He could neither go down nor up.

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