Above the gray fog

Chapter 1132: Moon

Western Guizhou territory.

Ninety thousand miles above.

The moon stains the heavenly palace.

Two figures walked forward along the long suspended walkway.

During the simple conversation, Lin Shan knew that the godly name of the woman in front of him was Ranyue.

"Yueran Celestial Palace is the palace where I live. You can't go up to the palace of Huanyue God. Since God asked you to stay here first, you can stay here with me from now on. I will take you to your room." The moon leads the way.

"You gods have built their palaces in the sky ninety thousand miles away?" Lin Shan asked.

Ran Yue shook her head, "You are also a god in the lineage. After a thousand years of adaptation, you will also be asked to build your palace here. This is not a good place. It is the front line of the gray mist universe that no mortal spirit is allowed to enter or even know about. ”

"The gods within the lineage all have the task of guarding the front line, but don't the gods outside the lineage?" Lin Shan asked.

"No, the gods outside the genealogy are not under control. They are relatively free. But the gods within the genealogy not only have obligations, but also relatively good benefits. God money from a fixed salary, vacation vouchers and ruins gods will be given after reaching a certain level of performance. Soldiers, soldiers, etc., these are not available outside the lineage," Ranyue explained.

"Salary... performance? Is the entire divine circle a whole? Similar to a company?" Lin Shan was a little surprised.

Ranyue: "Seventeen genealogies, seventeen forces, among which the chaotic genealogy is the infiltration of external gods. There are only 16 true genealogies in the gray mist. On the premise of jointly resisting the external gods, they each have their own Each business has its own contradictions. On top of these small contradictions, there is also the big contradiction between Yuanchu and the old days. The old days and the old days can almost be regarded as mortal enemies. There are very few old creatures in each lineage. There are few, but there are many inheritances from the old gods. It is even rumored that there are still dominator-level gods in the old days. These gods are scattered throughout the gray fog universe, gathering the power of the old ones with the intention of once again dominating the gray fog."

Ranyue: "You can understand it this way. Conflicts are divided into three levels. When the alien gods invade on a large scale, it is a level 3 conflict. At this time, the entire gray fog universe is like a thick rope. Except for chaos, the alien gods are everything. Enemies of man, as long as there is no threat from external gods, the conflict between the old and the original is a level 2 conflict. They compete for the dominance of the gray fog universe and occasionally have large-scale divine wars. The conflicts between the 16 lineages belong to Level 1 conflict, this kind of conflict basically does not involve the sacrifice of gods, it is just a business dispute or a collision of ideas. "

"Hmm..." Lin Shan nodded slowly. Before he became a god, he thought the Gray Mist Universe was very big. But now from a god's perspective, the universe doesn't seem that big.

The racial strife that had cost him a lot of time before was nothing more than that now.

"Is your own tribe still there?" Lin Shan looked at Ranyue and asked.

"Are you there? What's wrong?" Ran Yue wondered why Lin Shan asked this.

"You still don't care about their life or death?"

"You're talking about this, it's not my turn to care about this. My race is the Yuanchu Clan, and it only occupies two big worlds. It's not my turn to worry about the life and death of my people." Ranyue waved her hand, "I just take care of myself."

Lin Shan was stunned, two big worlds?

In other words, there are two Sequence 1 gods in his family.

Lin Shan really didn't expect that after becoming a god, he could still be intimidated by other people's financial background.

"If your tribe only has one god, I think you still need help. No matter how far you go in the future, your tribe and your descendants are the continuation of your existence. There must be one of these two, the divine way. Stable, otherwise, sooner or later divinity will swallow up homeless souls.”

"Is that so...I understand." Lin Shan nodded. He forced himself not to think about the children, and then thought about Zhao Xiaoan and other pioneers. How are they doing now?

If they had recovered their memories, they would all be gods by now.

If Lin Shan guessed correctly, no matter where they went, they would eventually return to the human race.

"We're here, you stay here. If you need anything, just call me." Ran Yue said and was about to leave.

"Is there anything like the Internet in the circle of gods that can be used to search for information?" Lin Shan called to Ranyue.

"No, even the technological network created by the ninth-level civilization can only cover the scope of a large world. If you want farther communication, you have to spend money. Gaotian, Deep Blue, Kunyu, Dreamland, and Technological Countermeasures This aspect is all involved, among which the Dream World of Dreamland is the most affordable, and the gods basically use Dream World for long-distance communication.”

"Communications cost money?" Lin Shan frowned. Are these people obsessed with money? They try every means to make money, and even have disagreements over money-making businesses.

"You have misunderstood this point. Transportation, communication and other aspects require spending divine money. In fact, it is for gods outside the lineage and divine creatures all over the universe. Yuanting cannot force them to garrison the gray fog, it can only let them They have made contributions in other places, and the divine money has many functions, and it can even avoid the sacrifice of the gods. This is why all lineages continue to earn the divine money. "

"The god's money was born under the rules of the 'star', right? Don't they have endless god's money to spend?" Lin Shan nodded suddenly, and it turned out that it had this meaning.

"That's not necessarily true. The reason why divine money exists is because of the rules of 'stars'. But stars' main business is to earn mortal coins. It's true that they have endless credits in various big worlds. But in terms of reserves of divine money, Xing is not the largest.”

"Who has the most?" Lin Shan was curious.

"Whichever rules are the easiest to make money, they will make the most money." Ran Yue said with a smile, "Gao Tian, ​​Shen Lan, Kun Yu, these three are the money-eating beasts, but only they can build the rule channel. Even if we are jealous, we can only drink soup from the side and collect a little handling fee."

"Each rule is unique and can do things that other rules cannot do. Only by cooperating with each other can the entire universe be connected."

"I'll lend you this. It was given to me by the Supreme God Huan Yue. A lot of introductory knowledge of the world of gods is here. It's very useful. Take a look when you have time. Remember to return it to me when you leave." Ran Yue took out a crescent-shaped crystal and handed it to Lin Shan.

"Thank you." Lin Shan took the crystal and thanked him.

Looking at Ran Yue turning into snowflakes and disappearing quickly, Lin Shan pushed open the door of the palace in front of him.

The walls are inlaid with shining gems and crystals, the ceiling is painted with colorful murals, and the floor is covered with soft and thick silk carpets. Every step is like stepping on the clouds.

A throne is placed in the middle, and there is only an incense table besides the throne.

There is no bed.

Although Lin Shan didn't need to sleep, he felt something was missing without a bed.

Lin Shan walked straight to the throne and sat on it.

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