Above the gray fog

Chapter 1142 Jingwei

"Well... Zhu Jiuyin likes treasures by nature. If it is his tomb, there must be a lot of good things. Zhu Jiuyin is also the 27th curse holder of 'Heaven Change'. He has been dead for so long, 'Heaven Change' must have found a new owner." Shennong's eyes flashed red several times, "But there is one thing that doesn't make sense. Zhu Jiuyin loves money. It is impossible for him to find some clues to let people open his tomb after his death."

"This is most likely a trap set by some god with bad intentions. You'd better not wade into this muddy water." Shennong advised.

"Okay, I know, thank you for reminding me." Lin Shan nodded seriously. He really wanted to explore the tomb of Zhulong. After listening to Shennong's analysis, he had to reconsider.

It would be bad if he really fell into the trap of some old man...

"I have another question..." Lin Shan spoke again.

"Ask." Shennong looked at him.

"Is Zhu Jiuyin considered an old god?"

"No." Shennong shook his head slightly, "No, Zhulong and many other innate gods are innate gods born from the joint efforts of the gods in the Human Emperor era to open up the twin universes, and the old gods are the evolution of the rules when the gray fog universe was born."

"This matter has to start from the beginning."

"At the beginning of the universe, the rules evolved into the old gods, and the rulers were born with the old gods. The old gods and the rulers fought for a long time. This period of fighting was the old mythological era, and it was also the development period of the old spirits. In the end, with the help of the old spirits, the old gods expelled the rulers and ruled Shenzhou. In the next few eras, the old gods gradually became brutal, and the living space of all spirits like us was gradually compressed. The human race After the period of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, the power was initially shown. Only then did the Human Emperor and others rise up, seal the old gods, and establish the God Court. After that, the old spirits entered the most glorious period. "

"During this period, the Human Emperor calculated that there would be a great catastrophe in Shenzhou, so he integrated the gods and opened up the Twin Universe. "

"At the beginning of the birth of the Twin Universe, innate gods such as Zhulong and Nine-tailed Sky Fox came into being. "

"But the level of this universe is not as good as the Gray Mist Universe, and the gods had to give up. Later, the ruler led the foreign gods to invade. In the end, you should know that the Twin Universe became a refuge for the fire. "

"Well... So that's it." Lin Shan showed a look of realization. Innate gods such as Zhu Jiuyin were actually the gods of the Twin Universe, not the Gray Mist.

Nine-tailed Sky Fox... Is it Tushan Ranqi? She is also an innate god...

"It's nothing, thank you for clearing my doubts." Lin Shan stood up and thanked him.

"Nothing, you are worth my time." Shennong shook his head slowly, "I'll leave it to you next, the old people will contact you."

"Well, don't worry."

Lin Shan left the wooden house where Shennong lived and knocked on the door of the wooden house next door.

"Come in." A young female voice came from the door.

Lin Shan pushed the door and walked in.

I saw a young woman sitting quietly in front of the bed, holding a worn-out shoe in her hand, sewing it with concentration.

She had a pretty face, bright eyes, and a mysterious aura looming on her body.

There was only a bed, a table and a small stool in the room.

There was a landscape painting hanging on the wall. Although the picture was simple, it gave people a sense of tranquility.

"Liu Po?"

Liu Po ​​looked up at Lin Shan, her pupils shrank slightly.

She said in a lost voice, "The sealer...Lin Shan?"

Lin Shan was stunned and didn't know how to respond for a while.

"I'm not him." Finally, Lin Shan shook his head.

"Sorry, I shouldn't ask too much." Liu Po ​​quickly stood up, "What do you want to see me for?"

"Emperor Yan said you can take me to where I want to go."

"Where are you going?"

"The Great World of Shenzhou, Xiqian Territory."

"Xiqian Territory happens to have a sub-node of the Qiankun Mirror." Liu Po ​​took out a square mirror from somewhere, put it on the ground, and used her divine power to carve a complex ritual formation next to the mirror.

After carving the ritual, Liu Po ​​stepped back a few steps and said to Lin Shan, "Okay, just stand on it, I will take you to the sub-node of the Qiankun Mirror placed in Xiqian Territory."

Just as Lin Shan was about to go up, the door outside the house was suddenly pushed open.

"Wait a minute! Take me with you!"

A woman suddenly rushed in.

"Miss Nuwa, you want to leave? Did Lord Yandi agree?" Seeing the person coming, Liu Po ​​frowned slightly, and the corners of her mouth drooped a little, obviously a little angry.

"Liu Po, father has agreed!" The corners of the woman's mouth pursed slightly, and a stubborn fire flashed in her eyes. Although her voice was still gentle, the undisguised displeasure in her tone made people feel her little angry.

"Don't run around." The voice of Emperor Yan came from next door.

Hearing this, Jingwei sat at the table angrily, tapping the table unconsciously with her fingers, as if venting her dissatisfaction to the world.

Although her anger was not as loud as a huge rage, the subtle emotional fluctuations made people feel her authenticity and loveliness.

Lin Shan looked at the woman with flashing eyes.

Nuwa? Yan Emperor's youngest daughter, Nuwa, is what people often call Jingwei...

"Lord Lin Shan, please stand up." Liu Po ​​looked at Lin Shan, "The subnode of the Qiankun Mirror is placed on the bottom of the sea, please pay attention."

"Okay." Lin Shan responded and stepped on the mirror.

Liu Po ​​muttered something in her mouth, and the mirror suddenly burst into white light.

At the same time, Jingwei showed a triumphant smile on her face, and she flashed to Lin Shan's side, hugging Lin Shan like an octopus.

Then, the two disappeared at the same time.

"Lord Yandi..."

"Let her go. She is looking for the sealer Lin Shan, not the current Lin Shan. She will soon find that there are no two identical flowers in the world, even if they grow on the same soil."





The sound of water rang in my ears.

"Let me go..." Lin Shan frowned.

"Lin Shan, I am Jingwei!"

The young woman looked up at Lin Shan, "Don't you remember me? In the third era, we suppressed the storm sea together. In the fifth era, we repaired the eighteen layers of hell together. In the sixth era, you were followed by a man named Zhao Xiaoan. The three of us rushed out of the boundary barrier and killed the extraterritorial insects that gnawed the boundary contract. In the seventh era..."

"I don't know what you said. The Lin Shan you knew is dead. I am not him." Lin Shan broke free from Jingwei and flew up quickly.

"You are him. I can't make a mistake. Aren't we best friends? You said it yourself in the last era." Jingwei followed behind unconvinced.

She imitated a strange tone, "I may forget you in the next era, but please remember that I am still me'."

"He said this?" Lin Shan stopped and looked back at Jingwei.

This mythical character is too different from the perception of reality.

"Yes, you said it yourself when many of us got together."

"Why get together?"

"Because soon, the universe will restart and everyone will die."

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