Above the gray fog

Chapter 1145: Just doing what the Outer Gods did

"I do know a little about this. The Supreme God Huanyue said that the 10% winning rate is already worth the Outer Gods' continuous entry into the Jieyi system, because it is difficult to find other worlds in the void where the Outer Gods wander. However, as long as they win the Gray Mist in the Jieyi system, they will have the opportunity to devour the origin of collapse. Their own promotion probability is extremely slim, and the 10% chance of the Gray Mist Universe is a great opportunity for them."

"The Mechanical Emperor also saw this point. After all, the fundamental purpose of the Jieyi system is not to resist the Outer Gods, but to use the Chaos Origin of the Outer Gods to repair the barrier set up by the Old Emperor."

Ran Yue spoke slowly, and after speaking, he took out a palm-sized red crescent and pushed it in front of Lin Shan.

"I see." Lin Shan nodded slightly, and then looked at the red crescent in front of him. The crescent was in a crystal state and was red as a whole.

"What is this?"

"This is the amulet that the Supreme God Huanyue gave me. Now I give it to you." Ran Yue looked out the window and said, "If you don't want it, you don't have to help me."

"I'll take it." Lin Shan accepted the Red Moon Crystal, "Can this extraordinary item be effective in the mission?"

"It can be effective if the body enters, but it is too dangerous to choose the body for the robbery-level mission. We choose to enter with consciousness." Ran Yue said.

"In other words... this thing is useless for the next mission?" Lin Shan was a little speechless.

Ran Yue was silent for a moment, then said, "This is the most powerful treasure on me... that can save my life."

Lin Shan followed the silence. He probably understood what Ran Yue meant, and persuaded, "In fact, you can try to choose to enter with the body."

"It's better not." Ran Yue shook his head slowly, "The Outer Gods who can be assigned to the robbery level are all strong ones among the Outer Gods, and their strength is far beyond that of the same level."

"Choosing to enter with consciousness can put us on the same level. According to statistics, the winning rate of choosing the body for the robbery-level mission is less than 40%." Ran Yue looked solemn.

"Is it possible that choosing to enter with consciousness will lower my level?" Lin Shan looked at Ran Yue, "I'm very strong."

"Maybe you are very strong, but you don't know what kind of existence the Outer God is." Ran Yue looked at Lin Shan seriously, "I'm doing this for your own good. You don't even have your own divine weapon now. The talents of the Outer Gods at this level are equivalent to source weapons..."

"Okay, just arrange it." Lin Shan nodded slightly. He really didn't have much experience. What he called very strong was also relying on the power of "Infinity".

But the use of "Infinity" must be limited. He hasn't figured out the limitations and ultimate effects of "Infinity" yet.

"Well, I roughly understand it. I'll go first." Lin Shan stood up, "Call me if you need anything."


Lin Shan returned to his room. Jingwei sat on the throne and looked at him with a smile, "You went on a date? I'm going to tell Sister Jiuwei!"

Lin Shan: "..."

Lin Shan was too lazy to pay attention to her. It was rare to have free time. He was going to study his own authority.

Astrology authority contains five rules in total. He currently only uses fate and history, and the remaining three rules are almost never used.

He was promoted to a god by breaking the three prohibitions. What he lacked was not the development of authority, but the lack of understanding.

"Why are you ignoring me?" Jingwei flashed to Lin Shan's side, "Why are you closing your eyes?"

"Play your own game, don't disturb me." Lin Shan opened his eyes and saw Jingwei's pretty face.

"I'm playing with you, isn't this my own game?" Jingwei blinked, "Lin Shan, why have you become so boring."

"I haven't changed." Lin Shan shook his head.

"Nonsense, the change is so big, how can you not change, what are you doing with this expressionless face, it looks so sad."

Jingwei chattered non-stop, Lin Shan directly blocked his five senses and began to study authority.

In a blink of an eye, two months passed quickly.

Lin Shan felt the breath of Ran Yue outside the door.

"Come in." Lin Shan said.

Ran Yue pushed the door open and walked in, looking at Jing Wei on the throne, frowning slightly. Jing Wei was sleeping soundly on the throne, with her legs apart and her head tilted to one side. Her saliva had already dripped onto the backrest next to the throne.

"Hu..." Ran Yue took a deep breath to calm down.

Just at this moment, Jing Wei opened her eyes and laughed, "What's wrong? Your emotions are so volatile. I heard that you Yuanchu now have to go through the nine tribulations to become gods. Looking at you like this, you must have passed all the nine tribulations, right? Where is the person who helped you pass the love tribulation? Won't he come to help you when you are in danger?"

Jing Wei said, glancing at Lin Shan with her peripheral vision.

Lin Shan was speechless again. Jing Wei's meaning was very clear. She was telling Lin Shan that everyone who became a god in Yuanchu had already passed the love tribulation.

"Looking for death!" Hearing Jing Wei mention the love tribulation, Ran Yue couldn't bear it anymore and drew her sword to stab Jing Wei.

"You have a bad temper." Jing Wei flashed behind Lin Shan and stopped in front of Lin Shan with a long sword flashing with cold light.

"Sorry." Ran Yue put away her sword, apologetic.

"It's okay." Lin Shan shook his head, "Let's talk business."

Ran Yue apologized not to point the sword at Lin Shan, but to apologize for her hatred for the past.

"I have received a notice that the mission will be carried out tomorrow. We have to hurry now. Jieyi is a little distance from here."

"Okay." Lin Shan nodded, and then looked at Jingwei, "Wait for me here."

"I want to go too. Isn't it just the Jieyi system? I know about it. There is a loophole in the barrier of the human emperor. This is a big deal. Unfortunately, this method cannot repair the crack. It can only delay time." Jingwei sighed and shook her head, "Alas, these Yuanchu people can only do these operations that only treat the symptoms but not the root cause."

"You are so bold. The Jieyi system is a masterpiece of the Mechanical Emperor and the masters. Who do you think you are denying?" Ran Yue said coldly, "Do you dare to call them by their names again?"

"Haha." Jingwei laughed, "You are so good at calculating. I won't."

"Okay, let's go." Lin Shan interrupted their quarrel.

The three came to the sky above the Tiangong, and Ran Yue summoned a 100-meter-long starship.

The starship flew forward facing the scorching sun until the red moon appeared.

From a distance, you can see a huge sky island in front.

The sky island is wrapped in a barrier, and a huge pentagram is rotating above it.

The starship stopped outside the barrier for a few seconds, as if it had been authenticated, and then it went straight through the barrier and landed on the island.

In the center of the island, there stood a black stone tablet over 10,000 meters high.

Next to the stone tablet, there was a mortal spirit kingdom built around the stone tablet.

"There is also a mortal spirit kingdom here?" Lin Shan looked at the mortal spirit kingdom next to the stone tablet, which reminded him of the empty island in the Gemini galaxy, where there was also a kingdom.

"The mortal spirits used in the mortal spirit system were all taken back from the outside world by high-order gods. Each mortal spirit represents a destroyed world. The people on the island are the tribesmen of the original mortal spirit world." Ran Yue explained.

"Took it back?" Jingwei chuckled, "It's just doing what the outer gods did."

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