Above the gray fog

Chapter 1152 The Bait’s Job

"Is this also in your plan?" Ran Yue's voice came from the other side of the cell.

"The original plan was not like this. I thought that the outer god was smart enough not to touch the beggar. He killed the beggar to help us. Things are moving in a good direction. Let's rest first and recover our energy." Lin Shan said lightly.

The small cell returned to silence. After an unknown period of time, a cold voice came from outside the door, "It's time to eat!"

The three people did not understand the meaning and did not speak.

"I smell the fragrance. Is it time to eat?" Jingwei's surprised voice came from the next door.

The next second, the small partition under the iron door was opened, and the food in the wooden box was stuffed in.

The cell space was extremely small. There was a hole on the side of the iron bed, which should be the toilet. There was a pull-out table above the toilet, which was the dining table.

Eating on the toilet, people in this world are really good at designing...

Lin Shan sat on the iron bed with the meal and ate it quickly. It was not delicious, but it barely replenished the body's energy.

After eating and drinking, Lin Shan felt that his strength had increased greatly, and the weakness in his body was swept away.

The body of a god is essentially an energy body with a more powerful digestive system. These foods will be directly decomposed into energy when they enter the stomach. Now that they cannot mobilize their divine power, these foods will restore their energy and increase their strength.

They didn't know the time in the cell, and the three of them could only stare blankly and chat in boredom. Soon dinner was delivered.

No one looked for them during this period.

A night passed quickly.

Compared to the dangers of the first night, last night can only be regarded as calm.

Lin Shan opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling.

The outer god must still be struggling to find them. He would never have thought that the three of them would be sent to the cell by him.

"Come out, someone is looking for you." With a "click", the iron door was opened.

The jailer with a cold face motioned Lin Shan to go out.

When Lin Shan walked out of the cell, he found that Jingwei and Ranyue were already outside.

Led by the jailer, the three walked through the dim corridor and into the small room where they were interrogated yesterday.

"This lord of the Jiling Division is these three people." The jailer said, pointing at Lin Shan and the other two with his rough hands.

In the small room, a tall man was sitting behind the table. He was wearing an official uniform with some complex symbols embroidered on it. He was staring at Lin Shan and the other two with his deep eyes.

"Others go out first." His voice was deep and majestic, as if carrying an irresistible force.

The jailers and police officers next to him all walked out of the door and closed it.

The man from the Jiling Division frowned slightly. He opened a document on the table, which recorded everything before and after the arrest of Lin Shan and the other two, including their interrogation records and criminal suspicions.

"Did you kill the people? Where did you come from? What did you see that night?" The man from the Jiling Division looked up at them, and then continued, "If you have anything to say, you can say it now."

"What is he talking about?" Jingwei looked at Lin Shan.

"How can I understand? Maybe he is asking if we killed the beggar."

"This man has an extraordinary aura." Ran Yue carefully looked at the tall man sitting behind the table, "Very weak."

Being stared at by three people, the tall man felt an inexplicable pressure, and cold sweat broke out on his back unnaturally.

"You go." After a while, the man said in a deep voice.

The three people still stared at him, not understanding what he meant.

"Send you three out, they didn't kill the person." The tall man shouted.

After a while, a jailer took the three people out.

Looking at the sun that had just risen in the sky, the three looked at each other.

"You are out now?"

"What should we do now?"

"It seems that we haven't had breakfast yet!"

Jingwei looked back at the prison behind him, and for a moment he was reluctant to leave.

It is safe inside and there are meals. Where can you find such a place in this town?

"Well... it shouldn't be that easy. The three of us are of unknown origin, and there is a murder case related to us. They let us out now because they can't find any clues on us. They will definitely send someone to follow us..." Lin Shan began to think about what to do next.

It might not be difficult to get through tonight. What Lin Shan feared most was that the Outer God also knew that these seven days were their weak period. If they were not found on the seventh day, the Outer God might go on a killing spree and kill all those he thought were suspicious.

"It's good to get out. Staying in prison all the time is not conducive to the subsequent arrangements. Let's go." Lin Shan called out and walked towards the prosperous area of ​​the town.

"Then how do we spend tonight?" Jingwei asked.

Lin Shan climbed up the street lamp next to him and took down the lantern on it, "Rely on this."

"It's still a lantern?"

"Are we going to patrol like we did on the first day?"

"We won't patrol tonight. Let's reverse the roles and take the initiative to find the Outer God." Lin Shan looked at the lantern and said with a smile, "As long as we are sneaky, we are the same as the stalker. Tonight, the person who is suspected to be extraordinary will most likely follow us. As long as we use ourselves as 'bait', we can spend the night safely. Even if something goes wrong, it will be that extraordinary person who is in trouble."

"What do you mean?" Jingwei was puzzled.

"Put yourself in the perspective of the Outer God and you will understand." Ran Yue thought, "If you are an Outer God, you meet us at night and find that there is an extraordinary person behind us, what would you think?"

"My head will be empty and I won't think of anything." Jingwei shook her head repeatedly, "Just tell me the answer directly, don't embarrass me."

"The Outer God met us the day before yesterday, and there is little suspicion that we are the Gray Fog God. If we are really residents of the town, we continue to appear on the street at night, followed by the extraordinary. There should be only two possibilities." Ran Yue said slowly, "On the premise that the Outer God knows that he has been exposed, the first possibility is that the extraordinary in this world wants to use us as bait to lure out the Outer God. The second possibility is that the 'Gray Fog God' wants to use us as bait to lure out the Outer God. No matter what the situation is, as long as we are followed by people, we are all baits."

"Is it possible that we are really bait?" Lin Shan shook his head slowly, "We didn't deceive anyone, we just need to do our job well. I have said long ago that it was an unwise choice for the Outer God to kill the beggar."

"I feel... this robbery-level mission doesn't seem to be that difficult..." Ran Yue looked at Lin Shan with a slightly complicated expression.

"That's because Lin Shan is here. If Lin Shan hadn't come, you would have died the night before yesterday." Jingwei hit him unceremoniously.

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