Above the gray fog

Chapter 1163: The Remains after Restart

"Who?" Ran Yue was startled and looked up into the sky.

"Hahaha, it's me, Guang Bu Ran, An Ming. The last time I saw you was when you were just born and I went to congratulate you. In the blink of an eye, you have become strong enough to be invited to the God's Banquet. Time flies, and I feel like I have grown old in an instant."

"Guang Bu Ran?" Ran Yue was still a little confused. He had never heard of this name.

"It's normal that you haven't heard of me. You will know who I am when you meet your parents later." The god who called himself Guang Bu Ran circled around Ran Yue twice, laughing happily, "It's so fast, you have become a god, and you are still in the genealogy."

"Promising!" Guang Bu Ran bared his teeth and gave Ran Yue a thumbs up.

Ran Yue was frightened by this familiar relative and took several steps back.

Guang Bu Ran looked at Lin Shan again, "Who is this? Boyfriend?"

"Hiss, an old creature, it's not easy to deal with, your parents might not agree..."

"No, I'm his friend." Lin Shan came forward to clarify.

"That's right, just a friend, don't speculate about the relationship." Jingwei put his hands on his waist, looking unhappy.

"Oh~" Guang Bu Ran showed an extremely exaggerated expression, "It's a friend... I understand~"

At this time, another voice came, "You old and disrespectful thing."

A wisp of colorful light flashed and gathered into a human shape in front of everyone.

"Grandpa." Seeing the person coming, Ran Yue hurriedly greeted him.

The person coming was a middle-aged man with a fluffy beard. He first looked at Ran Yue and nodded with satisfaction, "Well, great-grandson, let's go together."

"Isn't this my second uncle? You came so early." Guang Bu Ran saw the person coming and wanted to go forward and pull him.

"Get lost." The middle-aged man with a fluffy beard threw a punch, and the terrifying energy blew Guang Bu Ran away, turning into a meteor and disappearing into the sky.

Jingwei stopped and looked, "It flew so far!"

"Let's go, great-grandson, don't have too much contact with this unfilial descendant." The middle-aged man with a fluffy beard led the way in front, motioning Ran Yue to follow him.

As for Lin Shan, he had been ignored by him.

Lin Shan didn't care about this. Although the two people who suddenly appeared were strong, they were still at the level of Sequence 4 gods, and they were not gods in the genealogy.

However, from the attack just now, it can be seen that the strength of the middle-aged man with a beard should be far beyond the young man called Guang Bu Ran.

In that brief moment, Lin Shan discovered that the middle-aged man's divine power was blessed by other powers. This power... is a bit like wish power, but more pure.

Pious wish power? After unraveling the mystery, Lin Shan guessed that the middle-aged man was just using pious wish power to bless his divine power.

In his opinion, pious wish power can only be used as the source of the soul, but he didn't think it could also bless combat power.

Even if he knew the method, it would be useless. So far, he only has a wisp of pious wish power. Millions of years have passed in the sandbox world, and the wish power has accumulated trillions of times, but there has never been a second pious believer.

Ran Yue's great grandfather put his palm on the door under the giant tower, and the door suddenly opened slowly, revealing the ancient space inside.

Lin Shan held his breath and followed Ran Yue's footsteps into it. The huge stone chamber was illuminated by sparks, and the surrounding area was inlaid with smooth stones that flickered with light. The air was filled with an old smell.

The four people walked into the tower, and the bottom of the giant tower suddenly shook violently.

A stream of light flashed, and Guang Bu Ran appeared next to the gods again.

"Second uncle, you are too heavy." Guang Bu Ran said angrily.

"It's light if I didn't beat you to death." The middle-aged man glanced at Guang Bu Ran angrily.

"I'm just lamenting how fast time flies..."

At this moment, the stone blocks under the giant tower began to rise rapidly, and the originally static murals also came to life.

The history of the grating family scrolled quickly.

The ancient machinery hummed in the ears, and the speed of the people rising became faster and faster, and in a blink of an eye, they had exceeded the speed of light.

In the lively banquet hall.

Five streams of light flashed and disappeared.

When the light dissipated, a group of five gods appeared in the luxurious banquet hall.

Lin Shan was highly nervous, and he felt that his body was full of dangerous breath.

"We're here, I'll go and say hello to the elders first, you turn around first, and don't release your mental power." After Ran Yue gave instructions, he walked quickly in a certain direction.

"Okay, you go and get busy." Lin Shan nodded slightly, and after Ran Yue walked away, he began to look at the banquet hall.

There were some stars flying around at will, like the stars in the sky, these stars are also star spirits, and each light point represents a celestial body.

There happened to be a wide transparent window next to him, and Lin Shan walked closer to look.

Outside the window.

A dense dark forest spread across the horizon, with towering trees and branches intertwined into a dense canopy. A hissing sound came from the woods, which was chilling.

This scene, Lin Shan felt familiar.

Lin Shan stared at the forest carefully and found that there was a thick fog spreading in the forest.

There seemed to be countless eyes hidden in the fog. Under the fog, everything became hazy and blurred, and it was difficult to distinguish between true and false.

In the far distance, there was a tortuous path winding through the forest, extending to the unknown depths. The trees on both sides of the path were twisted and deformed, and the roots were coiled on the ground like snakes, as if they could drag people into the endless dark abyss at any time.

Until an indescribable silver river suddenly appeared, flooding the forest below, and the river water flashed silver-white light under the interweaving of light and shadow, like a flowing silver belt.

"The long river of time..." Lin Shan muttered to himself. He knew where he had seen such a scene before.

He had seen the same scene by the window of Room 02 of the old space station, but from a different perspective.

The river was right below the window at the beginning, but this time the river was a little far from the window.

Coincidentally, I always see the long river of time flowing from somewhere, drowning everything.

The surface of the long river of time is like a silver mirror, flashing with faint starlight, interweaving the memories of the past with the phantoms of the moment.

From it, it seems that we can see the ancient civilization from primitive to prosperous, from decline to glory.

When the river water washed over the world outside the window, everything before disappeared.

Lin Shan waited by the window again, and gradually, trees began to grow on the ground and streams began to flow.

The scene outside is a reincarnation. He didn't see the end of it in the old space station because of unknown dangers. This time he saw it clearly. The scene outside has been constantly circulating.

"Do you know what is outside?" Lin Shan looked at Jingwei.

"The gray fog universe has restarted 11 times. Each restart is a new life, but it always leaves some marks. The world outside the window is the remains of the gray fog universe. The rules are reversed and there are many dangers." Jingwei turned around and looked at the banquet hall. "The fact that you can see the world of remains... means that this banquet hall must have been a relic before, and it was later converted into this. Only in the ruins can you see the remains in the cemetery of time."

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