Above the gray fog

Chapter 1171 Salary Benefits

She was alone on the boundless sea, and the huge waves seemed like they might swallow her up at any time, but even her dress and hair were not wet.

Seeing this person, Lin Shan looked calm and calm, and asked doubtfully, "Who is this?"

"Her name is Zhao Xiaoan, and she is your old friend." No. 0 exposed Lin Shan's trick without hesitation.

"The reason for the riots in the Storm Sea is directly related to her. Now, the entire Origin Court is chasing her." Zero said.

"Then what?" Lin Shan frowned slightly.

"Don't worry, we don't mean anything else. We just want you to tell her that her method is wrong."

"I can't find her, and I won't help you with messages." Lin Shan refused directly.

"She is in the Stormy Sea. If you go to the Stormy Sea, she will naturally come to you." Zero continued, "According to the information provided by Yuanting, your predecessor has a deep connection with Zhao Xiaoan. You can definitely stop it. she."

Lin Shan's expression condensed slightly, "You even know this? What else do you know?"

"We don't know much." Zero shook his head mechanically, "We only know that if the old creature named Zhao Xiaoan is allowed to continue to destroy the storm sea area, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Where is your master, where is the high-order god?" Lin Shan asked back, why did he let him stop it? Besides, he didn't know the real cause and effect. Why did Zhao Xiaoan want to destroy the storm sea area? Why didn't Yuanting stop it himself?

It's impossible for Number Zero to do this with just a few words from him. The last thing he can accept is to act as a puppet.

"If I say...as long as you go, I will fight for you to be promoted to a godly position in the future, will you go?"

"No." Lin Shan refused without hesitation.

"After you come back, you can directly prepare for promotion." Zero continued.

"I won't go." Lin Shan still shook his head. No matter how great the benefits were, they were not enough to make him go against his true intentions.

"Hahaha, I knew he wouldn't agree." At this time, Yang Grover, who had been watching the show, suddenly laughed.

"Yes." Zero nodded in agreement, "He is indeed a determined person."

"?" Lin Shan's face was full of doubts, what was he trying to do?

farce? test?

"It was just a small test. I am very satisfied with you." Yang Grover looked at Lin Shan with a satisfied look on his face.

"Although it is a test, if you agree, you can still be qualified for promotion." Zero looked at Lin Shan, "You just missed a huge opportunity."

"Looking at your reactions, you obviously prefer me to disagree." Lin Shan replied calmly.

"Of course, I don't want my subordinates to betray their companions for profit." Yang Grover raised his head, "You did a good job."

"So, what you just said is all false? Zhao Xiaoan..."

"It's all true. As for Zhao Xiaoan, she left a long time ago and is nowhere to be found." No. 0 sat aside again and pinched the candy man, "Only the two of us know your identity. If you are entrusted by someone, we will do it for you." You keep it secret to prevent some unclean gods from attacking you."

After going around in a big circle, Lin Shan finally understood part of it.

"Why do you know my identity?"

"Entrusted by others, entrusted by whom?"

"What's going on with Zhao Xiaoan?"

Lin Shan asked a series of questions.

"The reason why we know your identity is because our superiors told us. As for the old creature named Zhao Xiaoan, we don't know anything about it. We just know that there is such a thing. Every time the gray fog restarts, the related history They will also disappear. Except for the major events that are clearly recorded, no one will know what happened in the previous era. "

"We don't know the situation of these people who have returned to life in the past. We just know that there is a group of people who have survived from the past to the present."

"As for the person who entrusted our superior, I don't know. I guess it should be one of your old bosses, so it's useless for you to ask us, because... we don't know anything."

"That's about it." Jan Grover tapped his fingers on the table.

"Is that so..." Although Lin Shan was still a little confused, he also knew that he couldn't get the answer by asking these two people.

Lin Shan calmed down and asked, "What next? Is there anything else going on next?"

"It's nothing. Just work hard from now on. I'm only responsible for making you receive fair treatment within the genealogy. I don't care about anything else." Yang Grover waved his hand, "Come to me again if you have any difficulties. You now You can go to your place of work.”

"However, the distance is a bit far. I can only send you to the edge of the core universe. You need to walk the rest of the way by yourself." Yang Grover quickly typed on the computer, and the printer next to him started to buzz. Work.

"That's it. Can I take office directly now?" Although there were some interruptions, Lin Shan still felt that the process was a bit too fast.

"What else do you need? Can we prepare another induction ceremony for you?" Yang Grover rolled his eyes, "The purpose of calling you here is to make you take office quickly, lest you don't survive the time to take office. You still don’t know what it means for an old creature to enter the genealogy. You don’t know how many people care about your position. If you die suddenly, Yuanting will not even hold you accountable.”

Seeing what Yang Grover said was so serious, Lin Shan couldn't help but pay attention to it. He suddenly remembered the starship that he had not yet replaced.

"I don't have transportation, so you can't let me fly there, right?"

"Now let's talk about the salary of the dean of the branch of the surviving hospital." No. 0 conjured up a piece of paper full of handwriting and handed it to Lin Shan.

[Basic salary: one hundred dollars a year. ]

[A short vacation once every hundred years, and a one-year vacation at a time. ]

[A long vacation once in a thousand years, and a ten-year break at a time. ]

[A once-in-a-million vacation, choose from three major tourist destinations. ]

[The divine weapon of destiny, the ninth-level top starship. ]

[Free use license for the rules channel, and access to the information of the Survival Institute. ]

"Don't worry about transporting the starship, we have the best treatment." Zero took out a crystal clear card, "This is your first year's salary, the starship is in the USB drive, I need to intercept it now The characteristics of the true spirit will create a divine weapon for you.”


"Close your eyes, it'll be quick."

Lin Shan felt a stabbing pain in his consciousness, and then he saw two transparent Rubik's cubes floating in front of him.

A mini spear is imprisoned in one Rubik's Cube, and an illusory light is imprisoned in the other.

No. 0 looked at Lin Shan, "You have two true spirits. Which one are you going to use to build your divine weapon? Of course, if you have the opportunity in the future, you can build both true spirits. This will help improve your strength. But there’s only one chance for free now.”

"Spear." Lin Shan said the choice he had already thought of.

Hearing this, No. 0 directly pressed the Rubik's Cube containing 'Knowing Fate' back into Lin Shan's body.

"Okay, I'll arrange it for you now. It can be completed within three years." Zero put away the Rubik's Cube containing the mini spear.

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