Above the gray fog

Chapter 1176: Unexplained Pollution

Not contacting believers is the direct reason. The fundamental reason is that the level of creatures in the creation sand table is not high enough.

The Seras are intelligent creatures with a comprehensive evaluation of level 7. According to the records in the database, only intelligent creatures with a comprehensive evaluation of level 1 can produce pious wishes.

All creatures born in the gray fog universe have a comprehensive evaluation of level 0.

The lower the rating number, the higher the potential of the creature. The creatures with a comprehensive evaluation of level 7 in the middle ring can only reach the level of sequence 7 at most, but the comprehensive evaluation of level 0 can be promoted to the master.

In other words, as long as they are intelligent creatures born naturally in the gray fog, no matter whether they are old or original, everyone has the potential to become a master.

Potential is just potential, and it does not represent the strength of the race.

These data shattered Lin Shan's idea of ​​continuing to extract value from the creation sand table.

Not only that, the creatures with low comprehensive evaluation levels have the same source quality as ordinary creatures, but the faith they generate is extremely shallow. It seems that there is a lot of it, but it will burn quickly when it is actually used.

Lin Shan didn't notice this either, because he had no place to use his faith. He didn't know how much faith he had accumulated in his body, and there was no place to use it.

He shouldn't be able to leave this place in a short time. Lin Shan planned to turn the galaxy below into his exclusive territory, and borrow the blessing of the power of incense. Even if the gods came, they couldn't do anything to him.

Thinking of this, Lin Shan immediately started to operate.

Suddenly, mysterious lights flashed, and an identical Lin Shan walked out of his body.

"Go, occupy this galaxy with incense." Lin Shan handed 100 incense sticks to the clone.

The clone nodded solemnly, took the incense and disappeared on the spot.

After the first clone left, the second clone followed closely.

"There are many creatures in this galaxy. You can find a way to get some wish power from them, preferably pious wish power." Lin Shan said to the second clone, and handed the Dakong No. 2 to the second clone.

The second clone also nodded solemnly, took the crystal card containing the Dakong No. and immediately disappeared from the spot.

After clone No. 2 disappeared, clone No. 3 walked out at the same time.

Lin Shan looked at clone No. 3, and before he spoke, clone No. 3 nodded slightly and then disappeared.

He had high hopes for clone No. 3, and Lin Shan asked him to return to the core universe area to try to find Zhao Xiaoan's trace.

He had many clones, and things could be solved one by one.

Then, clone No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, and until clone No. 11, Lin Shan appeared and disappeared one by one.

"Don't run too far, walk around nearby." Lin Shan instructed the clones that were separated later.

After all the clones were separated, Lin Shan continued to wait in place.

The main body could not leave the Continuation Courtyard, so he could only let the clones go to see the outside world on his behalf. When the clones came back, the clones' experiences would be his experiences.

Until the next day, Lin Shan couldn't wait to click on "The Other Shore".

[The Other Shore is being repaired, and the estimated repair time is 50 years. ]


It's outrageous. After playing for only one day, it took 50 years to repair. Lin Shan didn't know how to complain about this game. Except for the other shore, Lin Shan was not interested in other programs. He looked at the computer screen and entered a state of wandering.

Day after day, year after year, until the third year, the Cunxuyuan welcomed the first guest, a visitor from Yuanting, holding his life-defining magic weapon in his hand.

After a few words of greeting, Lin Shan took the brand new 'Jie Tian' and weighed it in his hand, as if it had no weight.

Faintly, there was a feeling of blood connection coming from 'Jie Tian'. This was the life-defining magic weapon, made of his characteristic true spirit as the main material.

'Jie Tian' is about two meters long, and the entire spear body is covered with rich black, like a heavy iron in the deep sea, steady and deep, the spear body is slender, straight, and the lines are simple, exuding a sense of calm power.

The spear head is even more eye-catching, sharp and sharp, and the shape is like a lightning, giving people a strong visual impact. The edge of the spear head is engraved with complex patterns.

After delivering the magic weapon, the people of Yuanting left in a hurry, refusing Lin Shan's request to stay for dinner.

He just put away his spear and went into the office to continue his reverie. Finally, in the tenth year, he had his first holiday.

Yuanting's work system, one year off every ten years. Lin Shan had no idea how he had survived these ten years. He spent most of his time in a daze. He hardly intervened in the affairs of the Continuation Court, and the ravens could solve them on their own.

On the surface, he was the dean, but in reality he was just a slacker. If it weren't for his clone who often gave him information and interesting things from the outside world, he felt that he could have depression at the level of a god.

During these ten years, Lin Shan did nothing, but he always felt something was wrong.

Normally, let alone ten years, even if it was decades or hundreds of years, he would not have such great mental pressure.

Something was wrong, something was extremely wrong.

The word pollution immediately emerged in Lin Shan's mind. Perhaps... the reason why he had such great mental pressure was related to pollution.

Could it be... he was sitting here to endure the pollution?

It was very likely.

Ten years is not enough to occupy this galaxy. According to the information, it will take at least hundreds of years for him to become the master of this galaxy.

Lin Shan was not in a hurry. This galaxy had been entrusted to his clones to worry about. He also had clones to worry about collecting faith. Even Zhao Xiaoan, who he was worried about, had clones to find clues.

During the one-year vacation, Lin Shan traveled everywhere, went to the extraordinary spiritual kingdom, and met many extraordinary people.

In the unlimited play, the one-year vacation soon ended.

He had to rush back to the Continuation Courtyard, sit, and wait for the next ten years. It was not that Lin Shan was playful, but in this process, some negative emotions accumulated in the past ten years, which could be released through this process.

Ten years after ten years.

Including the first ten years, thirty years passed quickly, and Lin Shan also ushered in the third vacation.

In only thirty years, Lin Shan felt a little dizzy in his head. If it was said that this was not pollution, Lin Shan would not believe it. He didn't understand why the gray fog was full of pollution everywhere?

Lin Shan tried to search in the database, and the result was exactly what he thought.

As for how to deal with pollution.

The answer was to relax and try to be close to ordinary people. The best way was to go to the three major tourist attractions.

This is what Lin Shan has been doing, but this kind of pollution will continue to accumulate. It is definitely not a solution to continue accumulating like this...

Lin Shan recalled the past thirty years.

Jingwei said 25 years ago that she would go on a long journey, and she has never come back since then. I don’t know where she went to play.

His second clone has unified the galaxy under his feet, and it is expected that the faith implantation will be completed within 50 years.

The process of using incense to become the master of the galaxy by the first clone has also gone halfway, and it is estimated that it will take another 30 years to turn this galaxy into private territory.

As for the third clone, he has long disappeared and has lost contact. The only thing we know is that he is still alive.

In these ten years, he should have participated in two boundary contract tasks, but because he took up the post in advance, he was exempted from all of them.

During the third vacation, Lin Shan traveled as usual. This time he came to a planet inhabited by the Berg tribe. Their civilization was extremely low, and they did not even fly out of their own planet.

Lin Shan stood at the entrance of the "Night Light City", and the city scene in front of him made him feel both familiar and unfamiliar.

It feels strange because he has never been here, and it feels familiar because his clone has been here.

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