Above the gray fog

Chapter 1180 Weird

Lin Shan ignored these patterns and went straight into the passage. Every step was like walking on the edge of a knife. The fear in his heart could not be suppressed at all.

He didn't know what was ahead, so he could only hold the "Jie Tian" tightly in his hand and prepare for any possible danger.

This feeling of fear and tension was like an invisible big hand, tightly holding their hearts, making them unable to breathe and think.

They could only walk step by step, hoping to find some clues.

The two walked for a long time and finally saw the end of the passage. There was a huge stone tablet there, and some words were engraved on the stone tablet that they could not understand.

This stone tablet blocked the next road. The only light fell on the stone tablet, and the light behind it also disappeared.

In other words, they had no way out.

Along the way, Lin Shan had divined, and the divination showed that in the darkness, there was a dead end.

In other words, they had to walk under the light.

Lin Shan immediately took out the yellow paper and injected divine power.

Some blurred strokes appeared on the surface of the yellow paper, but in the end, there were only strokes. No matter how much power Lin Shan injected, it was useless.

Yellow paper is just a fragment of authority, and its identification ability also has an upper limit. The big stone tablet in front of him... obviously exceeds this upper limit.

Lin Shan approached the stone tablet and carefully observed the characters and numbers on it.

He did not recognize the characters on the stone tablet, but he could vaguely recognize several words and symbols through the power of fate. On the top of the stone tablet, a big "ban" was engraved, which looked majestic and solemn.

Under the word "ban", there were some complex patterns, with mountains, water, beasts and people, as if describing an ancient story.

From the pattern, Lin Shan could also recognize some words, such as "disaster", "sacrifice", "seal" and other words.

Below the pattern, there were lines of small characters, the handwriting was blurred and difficult to see clearly. Lin Shan tried to interpret it through fate, but could only decipher some sporadic words, such as "abyss", "awakening", "soul" and so on.

At the bottom of the stone tablet, there is a symbol engraved. The symbol looks very strange, like a door with an eye in the door and circles of spiral lines around the eye.

Lin Shan carefully studied the symbol and found that the eye seemed to be alive. Whenever he stared at it, it would respond to his gaze. This symbol brought him great pressure, as if it was a bottomless abyss. As long as he looked at it, his consciousness would be swallowed up.

"What does it mean... How can I continue to walk?" Lin Shan kept speculating in his mind, while squatting down to observe the footprints on the ground.

The messy footprints passed through here.

This means that the previous waves of people passed through here.

"Only in the light can we avoid danger... Can this 'light' be created by ourselves?" Lin Shan suddenly thought of the result of the previous divination.

A ball of light emitting a faint purple light appeared in Lin Shan's hand.

The faint light that should have illuminated thousands of kilometers was compressed into a glowing light that illuminated several meters.

As Lin Shan continued to inject divine power,

the coverage of the purple faint light gradually expanded, and finally stopped at a radius of 20 meters.

A strange scene appeared. As the purple light lit up, three ancient roads with mottled moonlight appeared behind the huge stone tablet.

After Lin Shan extinguished the light ball in his hand, the three extra ancient roads still did not disappear.

"Is it that simple?" Lin Shan was a little unconvinced. Just use other lights to shine, and the original path will be revealed.

Lin Shan looked at the three ancient roads separately. On the originally ordinary mottled path, suddenly there appeared footprints emitting purple light.

Four waves of people, there are footprints on the three roads.

If Lin Shan hadn't known the news in advance, he would have thought they were acting separately.

Lin Shan tried to divine the correct route, and the result was extremely confusing. Something was interfering with his spying on fate.

Lin Shan looked at Jingwei and wrote in the void, [You choose a road.]

[Ah? Do you really want me to choose?] Jingwei showed a surprised look.

Lin Shan nodded slowly, "Choose one at random."

Jingwei pointed to the path on the right.

Lin Shan took another look at the large stone tablet in front of him and memorized all the contents on it. He would find a way to translate it after he got out.

Then he walked straight to the road pointed by Jingwei. Jingwei followed closely behind him, looking around suspiciously.

Suddenly, a voice sounded in their ears, as if it was a spell from the depths of hell, which made Lin Shan feel unstoppable fear.

They turned around and saw that the stone tablet had disappeared. A huge shadow stood where the stone tablet was originally located. It walked slowly.

Lin Shan and Jingwei kept retreating. It was a terrifying creature they had never seen before. Its body was wrapped in black mist, and its two eyes shot out green light, like a devil in the abyss. Its appearance caused the surrounding temperature to drop suddenly, and the air was frozen by the extreme cold.

The huge shadow continued to walk towards them, and the air became extremely oppressive.

Lin Shan and Jingwei's heartbeats accelerated instantly. As the black shadow gradually approached, a premonition of death condensed in their hearts.

Lin Shan no longer hesitated and pulled Jingwei away.

After running for an unknown amount of time, the two stopped. There was another fork in the road ahead, and the huge black shadow was less than ten meters away from them.

Lin Shan's hand tightly grasped Jing Wei, both of them were sweating, the suffocating fear made them almost unable to breathe, the heartbeat echoed in this empty passage, like an inescapable spell.

[Choose! ]

Jing Wei immediately pointed to the fork in the road on the left.

It was too late, Lin Shan found that he could no longer move.

The black shadow was only three meters away from them.

The cold touch of death was getting closer and closer to him. This time, Lin Shan could clearly see that the black shadow was a corpse nearly three meters tall. Its skin was a strange black color, like burnt charcoal, covered with deep cracks.

Its head was even more terrifying, with a pair of eyes deep in the eye sockets, emitting green light, its nose was flat, thick black smoke came out of its nostrils, and its mouth was even more weird, with an abnormally protruding jaw, and a mouthful of teeth like beasts, sharp and jagged.

The chest of the giant corpse was open, as if torn by some huge force. In its chest, a black hole could be seen, constantly absorbing the surrounding air.

Seeing that the dark hand was about to grab Jingwei behind him, Lin Shan activated "Endless" in an instant, broke through the restraints briefly, and threw the "Heaven-cutting" in his hand with force, inserting it into the small road a hundred meters away on the left.

Then he dragged Jingwei and disappeared directly on the spot, pulled up the spear on the ground and continued to run forward.

Jingwei patted her chest and panted violently, but her expression was still calm. Death might not be scary to her.

Lin Shan looked behind him, and the black shadow strangely did not seem to catch up.

At this moment.

"Dong, Dong, Dong..." A strange and rhythmic drum sound came from a distance.

"Dong, Dong, Dong..."

Listening, Lin Shan found that the frequency of his heartbeat actually became the same as the drum sound.

In just a few seconds, the drum sound in the distance stopped.

At the same time, the heartbeats of the two people also stopped.

The body became cold in an instant, like a dead body.

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