Above the gray fog

Chapter 1182 Huge Palace

Lin Shan did not answer, but asked, "How do you know how many times I turned around in that path?"

"You are talking about this." Sun Travel God pointed to the campfire in front of him, "If someone comes in, they will appear in this flame. If they enter the darkness, they will fall here."

"Did anyone die outside?" Lin Shan asked.

"Yes, there was a god who didn't know the inside and outside of the genealogy. He was too confident and fought with the black shadow. He was slapped on the head by the black shadow, and his soul was shattered. He didn't even have a chance to resurrect." Sun Travel God recalled and said, "The black shadow's strange rule is that if you are caught, you will die."

"One?" Lin Shan had a bad premonition in his heart, and asked quickly, "How many waves of people were there before you?"

"Including me, there are four waves in total. I was the first to come in. I happened to be performing a mission in the surrounding area. When the ruins erupted, I was the closest. I wanted to come in first to see the situation, but I didn't expect to be trapped here." Sun Travel God stretched his hand into the flames, and the flames were like flexible ribbons wrapped around His wrist.

"You mean... a living being died outside?" Lin Shan asked word by word.

"Of course, I was staring at the fire, and indeed only one living being was killed by that weirdness, and the others entered the darkness for various reasons and came here." Sunyoushen nodded with certainty.


Lin Shan secretly thought it was not good. The news from Yuanting was that the divine fires of two gods in the genealogy were extinguished, which means that two gods have died in this relic.

But Sunyoushen said that only one died.

Lin Shan immediately thought that there might be more than one entrance to this relic.


There are four gods here.

Jifazhe told him that there were four waves of seven gods entering before him.

Sunyoushen also said that there were four waves of people, which means that the entrance should only be the one they just experienced.

But... there are only four gods here, including the one who died in Sunyoushen's mouth, there are only five, even if the two gods who died in Jifazhe's mouth are included, there are only six.

What about the remaining one?

"Hu..." Lin Shan took a deep breath, and followed the Sun God's example, putting his hand in the flame.

Feeling a strong burning sensation, Lin Shan quickly retracted his hand, causing the Sun God to laugh, "Only the Blazing Sun lineage can play with the flames here."

"Lin Shan, do you have a way to get out? These people are too stupid and can't be trusted at all." Jingwei looked at Lin Shan.

"There is a way, follow me." Lin Shan walked to the wall.

Jingwei followed closely and asked, "What is the way, break it with brute force?"

The four gods sitting by the campfire were also curious, looking forward to Lin Shan's operation.

A cold light flashed in Lin Shan's eyes, and he raised the Sky-cutting Spear in his hand and slowly pointed it at the four gods.

"You!" The face of the Sun God changed slightly, and when he was about to speak, he saw a dark airflow burst out of Lin Shan's body, which quickly spread to the surroundings.

There was a loud bang, as if some seal was released, and an endless black mist burst out from Lin Shan's body, instantly filling the entire closed stone house.

The gods wanted to struggle and escape, but the black fog bound them tightly, making it difficult for them to move.

Accompanied by faint and strange screams, the muscles of the gods first shrank and collapsed under the corrosion of the black divine power, and then blood mixed with broken meat oozed out, and the bones were exposed, and soon they were invaded by the black fog and turned gray and black.

The last screams of the four gods echoed in the closed stone house, and almost stopped in an instant. Their bodies were fragile in front of the endless black divine power, and soon melted and dissipated, as if they had never appeared.

Only Lin Shan and the Jingwei behind him were left standing in the whole stone house. Lin Shan was clad in black, and his eyes were glowing with a faint green light.

"Infinity..." Jingwei's eyes lit up when she saw this, "Can you use 'infinity' as you wish?"

"But why do you want to kill them? Aren't there gods in the genealogy among these gods?"

"These are all fake. The real gods are not so fragile." Lin Shan shook his head slowly. As soon as he finished speaking, the wall next to him began to collapse, revealing a thin layer of red cloth.

Lin Shan easily cut the red cloth with the Sky-cutting Spear in his hand, revealing the space outside.

There was a huge red lantern under his feet, illuminating him in red light.

He looked up and looked around. The sky was full of similar big red lanterns, densely packed, countless, circling around a huge palace.

The palace was towering into the clouds and occupied a large area, like a small mountain. Looking down from the top, the long corridors and winding corridors around the palace, every layer and every row of railings, were all hung with red and white lanterns, red and white contrasting, brightly lit.

Suddenly there was a creaking sound from the lantern. Lin Shan turned around and looked at the fire behind him, which was the wick of the lantern.

Now there was only a wisp of flame left in the fire, and the lantern was about to fall with it.

When the fire was completely extinguished, the lantern fell straight to the periphery of the palace below.


Lin Shan tilted his head and looked at the two black claw marks on his shoulder thoughtfully.

"The palace in front is the real ruins? It's so big!" Jingwei didn't care about the claw marks on his shoulder at all, and said excitedly, "This is a cemetery, a tomb of gods! The tomb of Tianzun!"

"What level of gray fog is Tianzun?"


"Well... go in." Lin Shan nodded. After tossing for so long, he finally found the right place. The living gods should also be here.

"Lin Shan, how do you know those people are fake?" Jingwei asked curiously on the way, "How did you know to enter the darkness at the beginning?"

"It's very simple, just observe carefully."

"Tell me, tell me!" Jingwei jumped towards the palace, not thinking that this place was a dangerous place at all.

"Where we first appeared, there is something that interferes with fate, but every time I divine the way of life, I always get the result that the darkness is a dead end. The scene also hints that it is dangerous in the dark. Since the power of fate will be interfered with, why do we get the result that the darkness is a dead end? In addition, the footprints on the road suddenly disappeared in the middle of the way. All the clues add up, and the answer points to darkness. The most important thing is that the footprints are repeated on the road that follows the light to the end, which proves that there is no exit in the light. In fact, I am also betting, and the probability of 70% is worth the bet."

"Oh~" Jingwei asked thoughtfully, "What about the room, how do you know Do you know that those gods are fake?"

"Compare the place where we just entered the ruins to a big weird. The black shadow weirdness and the weirdness that made us unable to speak are all included in this big weirdness. After entering the house, we can speak, which means that we have gotten rid of the first big weirdness. The house is the second big weirdness."

"Don't you think it's ridiculous that we can see the first big weirdness from the second big weirdness? Just think of this ruins as a huge weirdness, it connects the weird road and the weird house together, but the words of the holiday tour god are not right... However, they give me a very strange feeling. Maybe they don't know they are fake..."

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