Above the gray fog

Chapter 1199 Yuan Ting

Three months later.

After coming out of the Garden of Eden, Lin Shan began to try to split the soul.

During these three months, nearly a thousand pieces were cut from the soul.

Together with the souls that were split by the God-Pregnant Stone, he can now create a total of 999 clones.

If all the souls are split, each soul can have a strength slightly lower than that of a god.

With these souls, the main body only needs to play games in the office, and all things can be left to the souls. The souls show themselves in a mysterious body, and he will not be exposed.

There are still several years before the ten-year holiday, and the souls can only be sent to help the scarecrow find straw and find Ran Zun.

Lin Shan took out all the god money on his body, a total of more than 5,200 pieces, and threw the cloth bag containing the god money on the table.

A wisp of cool wind swept the cloth bag containing the god money and disappeared quickly.

Going to the Soul Land must require a lot of spending. Perhaps the straw in the Straw Man's mouth also needs to be purchased with divine money. The soul that does this must bring enough divine money.

Continuously cutting the soul also formed a sequelae, which the Scarecrow did not tell him before.

Lin Shan checked the database of the Continuation Institute and learned that when the number of souls reaches a certain level, the share carried by the soul can no longer be customized.

For example, all his souls must be one thousandth of the share. Even if he knew it in advance, it would not change anything. For Lin Shan now, the number of souls and their strength is definitely more important.

After the soul that took the divine money disappeared, Lin Shan split out five more souls to find Ran Zun.

Platinum Yuna did not give Ran Zun's detailed address. Ran Zun only mentioned the circle name and clan name to them.

However, this information was enough for Lin Shan. He easily located Ran Zun's location through the particle network of the Continuation Institute.

Watching the five souls go away, Lin Shan closed his eyes and thought for a while.

The souls that were looking for Zhao Xiaoan had not returned yet, and there were still 993 souls left.

After thinking for a while, Lin Shan sent 93 souls to the core universe. Their mission was to collect as many level 9 civilization starships as possible. He only had one level 9 civilization starship, which was not good for anyone to use. It would be better to keep it for himself. The long distance greatly hindered the efficiency of the souls. If the transmission device of the Continuation Institute was not used, it would take at least thousands of years to go from here to the core universe.

"Swish, swish, swish!!!"

Gray shadows emerged from Lin Shan's body, like ghosts in the night. They hovered over the Continuation Institute for a while, as if looking for something, and then dispersed in all directions like fireworks under the action of a thrust.

"The remaining 900 souls will all be used to collect mysterious beliefs." Lin Shan muttered to himself.

Gray ghosts continued to drill out of Lin Shan's body, and the whole process lasted for several minutes before stopping.

Lin Shan, who stayed in the original place, only had one thousandth of his strength left. Now, he was not even as good as a normal god.

Of course, this was only a theoretical situation. Qianyu Galaxy was blessed by the power of incense. Here, his actual combat power was not reduced much.

He could play the game of the other shore with peace of mind by leaving all the trivial matters to the soul.

As long as the time was long enough, he didn't believe that he couldn't find the secrets contained in the game of the other shore.

[You have entered the game. ]

The subtitles at the beginning changed from "You have been resurrected" to "You have entered the game".

He quit last time because he had something urgent to do. The little man in the game did not die.

The little man stood on the main road of the village. It was daytime now, and the bodies of the players on the ground had disappeared.

Unlike before, in the game, the little man he controlled had been upgraded and had obtained the talents of "Strong power to create miracles" and "Like a shadow".

With the little man's current strength, he might be able to continue exploring outside the village.

[Standing for a long time caused you to be uncomfortable with the local climate. ]

[You have died. ]


Lin Shan stared at the words "You are dead" on the computer screen for a long time without saying a word.

Standing for a long time leads to death due to acclimatization... What a novel way to die.

Suddenly, when the screen was about to go completely black, two lines of handwriting jumped out.

[The mysterious depths are like a mirror, reflecting endless stars. There, time and space are intertwined, and light and shadow dance in it. They are like a wordless poem, telling the mystery of the void and depicting the origin of life. In the mysterious depths, there are both vast seas of stars and the joy and sorrow of tiny lives. Together, they constitute the most beautiful picture of the world. ]

[However, beyond the mystery, there are things we cannot understand. ]

[You have received a mysterious blessing, and you have been resurrected. ]

Everything seems to be the same, and everything seems to have changed. This game is really a one-shot game...

Lin Shan pressed 'A' to control the little man to walk.

The ‘A’ on the keyboard suddenly glowed with a mysterious light, and then a terrifying suction force came, sucking Lin Shan in.

When Lin Shan opened his eyes, the world in front of him had changed.

“I entered the world of the other side game?” Lin Shan said to himself, and he hurriedly looked for an exit function.

Lin Shan tried to click on the void, but no operation panel popped up, nor did the system interface appear. Only a small space similar to the equipment bar appeared.

Standing on the path in the village, Lin Shan began to observe the new world in front of him. This village seemed to be a fantasy painting that jumped out of reality. It seemed to challenge the cognitive boundaries of human beings. Every place was full of incomprehensible and unconventional elements.

The buildings were not fixed on the ground, but floated in the air at will, like ships that lost gravity. Their shapes were irregular and unpredictable. Some looked like twisted crystals, and some seemed to be made of bubbles. The colors were also colorful, flickering, like rainbow light in the bubble, dazzling people.

The villagers here were even more weird. Their images were not fixed, but would change with the changes in emotions and thoughts. Sometimes, they were like a cloud of smoke, gathering and dispersing; sometimes, they were like a flowing ribbon, smart and unpredictable.

Strangely, as Lin Shan kept blinking, everything here was restored again, the house returned to the ground, and the villagers became normal human forms.

Was it an illusion just now or is it an illusion now?

Lin Shan was a little confused.


Lin Shan felt his consciousness recovering rapidly.

In the boundless void of the universe, he was in a scene of golden light and sparkling stars.

The pillars around him were like countless cosmic chains, linking various galaxies and galaxies.

Between these pillars, there was an extremely large three-dimensional star map, which seemed to be a miniature model of the universe, and each planet on it was quietly rotating according to a predetermined orbit.

Surrounding the huge star map were huge chairs made of stardust and light.

Sitting on these chairs were gods of various forms. They were not entities, but huge projections made of stars and light. Each god exuded shocking power and majesty.

Lin Shan sat in it, confused and dazed at first, and then immediately realized that he was pulled into the source court?

Only the source court could gather so many gods in the genealogy.

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