Above the gray fog

Chapter 1203 Mutation

" Long time no see." Yang Grover greeted the six gods leaning against the wall.

"You're too late." The six gods didn't look good to him. One of the gods, who was very strong, said, "We'll take care of it here. Go and implant the virus."

"Okay." Yang Grover responded and took Lin Shan and Zero to the door that the number had just walked out of.

There was a loud bang, and Yang Grover punched it, and the invisible door was intact.

Zero next to him operated on the console for a while.

The next second.

The door opened automatically.

Department 13 immediately sounded an alarm, and the red and blue lights flashed alternately to warn, as if to inform everyone in Department 13 that danger was coming.

However, all the core researchers of Department 13 were in the room outside. They did not dare to act rashly. In the face of absolute strength suppression, IQ is useless.

The little girl named Shu watched Yang Grover enter the core machine room, a series of strange rune data flashed in her eyes, but she still did not move.

"Shu, do you have a solution?" Master Turtle slowly moved to Shu's side.

The six gods of the old days were still leaning against the wall. They would not easily kill these staff members unless necessary. Those who could stand here were the top scientific researchers in the entire Gray Mist Universe. Even a realm of one might not be able to select such a talent. Such people were even more precious than Sequence 3 gods to some extent.

If the old days dominated the Gray Mist in the future, these people would also be useful. For these scientific researchers, it was just a change of the person in charge.

"There are many ways, but they will all destroy the 13th Division. These people dared to act so recklessly because they grasped the importance of the 13th Division to the Source Court." Shu stood against the wall, closed his eyes, and seemed to be waiting for the final outcome.

Lin Shan, Yang Grover and Zero walked along the passage full of light lines and tubes.

Going straight to the deepest room of the institute, the room is full of sophisticated instruments, and in the center, there is a huge black box.

"The root server of the particle network is here. This black box is the core of the particle network. Its computing power is extremely terrifying, and it can even simulate the operation of the entire universe.

"Legend has it that what is contained here is the only remaining fragment of technological authority." Yang Grover patted the huge black box placed in the middle, and signaled Zero with his eyes to start immediately.

"Yes." Zero nodded solemnly, then took out a crystal the size of a fingernail and gently attached it to the outer wall of the black box.

Dense tiny needles extended around the crystal, tightly attached to the outer wall of the black box, and a translucent light curtain appeared on the side of the crystal. Zero quickly operated on it. After a while, a transparent progress bar appeared above the crystal.


"The progress is very smooth. It is estimated that it will only take three minutes to implant the virus 'Cang'." But Zero was not happy, but frowned.

"What's wrong, Zero? Isn't it going smoothly?" Yang Grover wondered.

"We are indeed going smoothly, but... I lost contact with Green Sun. They cut it off on their own..."

"The connection with Green Sun was lost? Why is this happening?" Yang Grover's expression kept changing, and he could only find a reason himself in the end, "Maybe the Mechanical Sanctuary discovered us, and Green Sun cut off the signal to protect us from the technological attack of the Mechanical Sanctuary."

"Maybe..." Zero muttered to himself.

Lin Shan stood by, he felt a little redundant, in order to make himself not seem so redundant, Lin Shan decided to show his presence, "Such a small crystal can control the particle network? What kind of force is Green Sun?"

"Don't underestimate this crystal, what you see is just the concrete manifestation of the compressed dimension. If the crystal is unfolded in a plane, it can even cover a galaxy. Each protruding crystal on it is a mustard seed world, and each world is placed with countless sets of instruments and computing units, which is the highest technological crystallization of Green Sun. "

"As for Green Day, it was formed by a group of old gods who survived from the old days to the present. It is a veritable old leadership organization. This plan was also planned by Green Day. Green Day is also the protector of the old days. Without this organization, the old days would have ceased to exist long ago."

"So that's how it is..." Lin Shan nodded slightly. He was not interested in technology crystals. He also had technological authority. If he wanted, he could also rub technology components by hand. Compared with crystals, he was more interested in Green Day. This organization was really hidden. He had never heard of it.

15%, 20%, 50%.

As the progress bar continued to move forward, Yang Grover's spirit became more and more tense. The more critical the moment, the more likely it was to have problems.

99%, 100%.

[Implantation completed.]

Zero breathed a sigh of relief. She put away the crystals, "Okay, we retreat now. It will be troublesome if the support from Yuanting arrives."

"Well, let's go. ", Yang Grover relaxed. The shell of the 13th unit was indestructible. Even the Overlord could not break through it for a while, and it blocked all kinds of teleportation and spiritual power. If you want to go out, you must go out of the exit.

The three of them walked along the passage to the previous hall. The six old gods were still leaning against the wall, and dozens of scientific researchers gathered on the other side.

Nothing has changed,

"It's done, we retreat." Yang Grover shouted to the gods leaning against the wall.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of falling sounds were heard, and five of the six standing old gods fell. The fallen gods lost their breath and became cold corpses.

The god who didn't fall to the ground let out a shrill scream, exploded into countless pieces of flesh and blood, and then recovered again.


He panted violently and let out a meaningless hoarse roar, "Dream, dream!"

"He is the master of dreams!"

After saying these words, He fell directly to the ground and turned into a corpse.

"What's going on?" Yang Grover suddenly turned around and stared at a group of scientific researchers. The murderous aura emanating from them solidified the space, and more than a dozen scientific researchers died silently.

Shu had a complicated look on his face, and after a long while he said, "Thank you."


You say thank you to the person who killed you?

But after listening to several words, Yang Grover became calm.

"Let's go." Zero tugged on Yang Grover's sleeve.

"Well, let's go."

Zero and Yang Grover were walking in front, and Lin Shan was a step behind. Before leaving, he put all the corpses of the six gods into the candle dragon ring. Although the body was dead, the authority in the body could be reused, which was considered a help. They should find a successor... although this is not Lin Shan's original intention.

The doors to the outside world have been opened several times.

An extremely strong smell of blood rushed in from the outside.

It can be seen that there are countless potholes within millions of kilometers. Another battle has just occurred here, and there are still strong spiritual residues.

The dead are all old gods.

A group of black and white robots stood in the distance, staring at the three people with bright red pupils. .

The 12 Dharma Masters are all at the Sequence 3 level.

"The mechanical matrix composed of 12 magicians can resist the gods at the level of Sequence 2. You go first." Yang Grover stretched out his hand and said in a strange tone, "Divine Disaster·Fire Rain..."

As he finished speaking, the sky suddenly darkened, and meteorites burning with blazing flames fell from the sky. Each meteorite had a diameter of nearly 10,000 kilometers and was densely packed, igniting the entire sky.

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