Above the gray fog

Chapter 1217: Meet again.

The space behind the door was still dark and depressing. The only light source was a cluster of flames, and a group of black shadows sat cross-legged around the flames.

Lin Shan's expression was slightly condensed. How could there be so many weird gatherings...

Each black shadow gave him a very dangerous feeling.

Lin Shan walked sideways along the wall behind him, trying to avoid the weirdness that gathered together.

However, one of the weirdness in the group suddenly turned back and stared at the direction where Lin Shan was.

The Sky-cutting Spear instantly appeared in his hand and was placed across his chest.

An invisible force hit the Sky-cutting Spear, passed through the Sky-cutting Spear, and hit Lin Shan's chest.

It was a brass gear!

The power carried by this gear was particularly terrifying. This was not a weird power!

At the moment of being hit, Lin Shan's upper body flew up, and only the lower body remained in place.

Connecting the upper and lower bodies were strands of sticky blood and flesh threads.

The scene of the upper and lower bodies being connected by thin threads had a unique and horrifying and weird beauty.

Lin Shan saw that all the strange figures who were originally sitting around the fire stood up, and their attention was all focused on his upper body floating in the air.

The next second, a great sword filled with extreme coldness flew over. Seeing this somewhat familiar ice sword, Lin Shan narrowed his eyes and let the sword pass through his body, bringing out a series of blood, flesh and mucus.

Isn't this the magic weapon of Holy Light?

The last time I entered the ruins, Holy Light was the one who made the most moves. Lin Shan recognized this ice sword.

Lin Shan's eyes hidden under the sunglasses suddenly lit up with a gray light, and the void was torn with tentacles emerging, tightly binding those black shadows.

The black shadows took out their weapons and were about to fight back, but suddenly their bodies shook, and tentacles grew out of their bodies, binding all the black shadows into black cocoons from the inside out.

"Infinite - blood dried up!" Lin Shan whispered in a low voice. The mysterious curse was like an ancient judgment that could not be disobeyed. The blood in the bodies of the bound black shadows began to flow madly, and the blood dyed the ground black. At a certain moment, the black cocoon suddenly exploded, and the black blood splashed, making the whole room full of blood.

"The idea is right, the curse is effective..." The blood and flesh thread connecting the upper and lower bodies quickly contracted, allowing Lin Shan to recover.

"'Blood Dryness' is a new curse he created. It can slowly dry up the blood in a living being. The curse takes effect more slowly, but if it is added with the blessing of 'Infinity', it can instantly drain the opponent's blood. Even gods of the same level cannot avoid it.

He has mysterious authority and can create mysterious curses at will within the scope of his authority.

The holy light is also among them. These black shadows are not weird. They are most likely gods of the source court.

What should I do next? The meeting just now was not pleasant...

Just when Lin Shan was thinking, he felt a bitter throat.

"Ugh, cough cough cough~"

Lin Shan retched frantically, and a gray-black goldfish was vomited out by Lin Shan.

"Curse? "

The newbie who plays with curses meets an expert in playing with curses...

In Lin Shan's sight, there is an unusually obvious black thread on the goldfish jumping around on the ground.

The thread is connected to the source of the curse.

Under Lin Shan's gaze, the thread was cut off instantly, and the same curse power was reversed by Lin Shan.

"Ugh, cough cough cough~" Only the same dry retching sound was heard, appearing next to the flame dozens of meters away.

Just by feeling it, Lin Shan has learned the curse used by the other party.

This curse is not very aggressive, but it is very effective in interrupting the enemy's spellcasting.

After the dry cough, the other party stopped moving. They didn't dare to move forward, and Lin Shan didn't dare either.

Perhaps they regarded Lin Shan as an enemy who broke into the ruins, and Lin Shan didn't want to negotiate with the people of Yuanting anymore.

"Human? God?"

A cold voice sounded in his mind.

A familiar voice, Lin Shan can already be sure that the holy light is indeed on the opposite side.

After thinking for a few seconds, Lin Shan replied, "It's me, Lin Shan. "

As soon as these words came out, Lin Shan saw the flames moving towards him, and at the same time, the shadows surrounding the flames also moved.

When Lin Shan was also enveloped by the light of the flames, he could see clearly who these shadows were.

Shengguang, Jian, Locke, the three original sequence 3 gods that Lin Shan knew were all here.

There were three gods next to him that he had never seen before. The one on the left had skin like jade carvings, and wore a long skirt woven with thousands of green leaves and flowers. His hair spread downward like vines, his eyes were like deep green, and his whole body was full of endless vitality.

The god standing in the middle was completely different. His body was made of delicate machinery, and his shoulders were Steam was rising from it, its eyes were inlaid with glowing crystals, gears were spinning on its exposed face, and behind it was a pair of unfolded metal wings, with precise and complex details, and each feather was a precise gear and interactive mechanical structure.

The god standing on the right was a little boy, with black hair and black eyes, and his skin was a dark blue. His muscle lines were faintly visible under his clothes, which was inconsistent with his appearance. A dark airflow was wrapped around his slender fingertips, the same as the curse power that Lin Shan had just suffered.

While Lin Shan was looking at them, the other party was also looking at Lin Shan. The strong little boy asked in a mature manner, "How did you do it?"

"What how did you do it?" Lin Shan secretly raised his divine power. After such a long fight just now, his aura must have been exposed long ago.

"How did you bounce my curse back to me? The aura on you is very strange, history? It is possible to bounce my curse back through history, but the level of Sequence 4 cannot do it..." The little boy circled around Lin Shan, sniffing the smell on Lin Shan's body, "I just felt strange, it is indeed the smell of an Outer God..."

After this, the other four gods did not speak. It was because of this aura that they did not dare to step forward before.

After an unknown period of time, Shengguang spoke to break the deadlock, "Well... he is still wanted by the Source Court."

"The divine power just now was very strange." Locke said dryly, looking at Lin Shan with a complicated expression.

Not long ago, the god in front of him was still his descendant, and he could still scold him in a stern tone. How long has it been since then, how can a god in the genealogy become an Outer God?

"Whether it is an Outer God or not has nothing to do with us." Seeing that the atmosphere in the field was becoming more and more solemn, Jian Qing spoke coldly, "There is no Outer God, this is the God of Astrology - Lin Shan."

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