Above the gray fog

Chapter 1221 Stone Tomb

Lin Shan waited for a long time before he saw the gods of Yuanting coming in a dusty manner.

"Lin Shan?" A doubt flashed in Shengguang's eyes.

"Yeah." Lin Shan nodded slowly.

"Shouldn't you... be behind?" Locke looked unfriendly. Lin Shan used them as bait?

"You have been deadlocked for so long, you should have discovered that there is more than one weirdo." Lin Shan replied calmly.

"Keep going." Gear glanced at Lin Shan and asked softly, "You have been in the back, right? What did you gain?"

There was more than one weirdo, so the bait plan was naturally invalid. Lin Shan arrived ahead of them. That was Lin Shan's ability, and they naturally had no right to ask.

Lin Shan spread his hands, "I did go in the back, but I got nothing."

Everyone present was smart. Since Lin Shan said no, then there was no, and there was no need to ask again.

Even Locke, who looked at Lin Shan unkindly, did not continue to pester him. He said quickly, "Let's go in quickly."

Lin Shan took the initiative to make way for the people of Yuanting to go in first, and he followed behind.

The gods passed through the rusty iron gate.

Entering a paradise-like land.

In this seemingly paradise-like place, the surface tranquility is just the most deceptive illusion.

The gods of Yuanting knew that every inch of land and every breath of wind here may hide deadly traps, and their nerves were as tense as a fully drawn bowstring.

Lin Shan followed slowly behind, and in his sight there was a fluttering butterfly, which silently disintegrated in the air and turned into ashes.

The birds screamed sharply, the flowers showed their fangs, and the trees twisted and deformed, baring their teeth and claws.

It was exactly the same as what I saw when I first came in, and the scene I saw before was repeated again.

"Be careful." The gear reminded softly.

Going further ahead is a small forest. This forest is not big. You can even see the gate leading to the next level behind the forest.

Gear took the lead and walked in.

At this moment, a big tree with bared fangs and claws suddenly pounced on Gear.

Gear just raised his hand lightly, very calmly. Under his seemingly gentle movement, the strange tree cracked with a "crackling" sound and broke into countless wood chips.

Gear bounced a brass gear in his hand. It rotated in the air, making a crisp "snap" sound. The brass gear penetrated a strange tree that pounced on it, and it broke into pieces under the huge inertia. It also penetrated hundreds of trees behind it, and a path was cleared in the originally dense trees.

"The power of Sequence 2 is really different." Lin Shan secretly exclaimed. The seemingly simple operation is not something that everyone can do.

Each of these strange tree spirits is at the level of gods, and the high ones are even Sequence 3.

Fortunately, these weird tree spirits are just ordinary weirdness, not regular weirdness. As long as you are strong enough, you can crush them. If there is no stronger weirdness later, this level should be easily penetrated by the gears.

The little boy walked behind the holy light, walked forward, and turned back to ask, "Lin Shan, what method did you use to bounce my curse back to me before?"

Lin Shan looked at the little boy, "I have told you before, it is not rebound, I just learned your curse and re-inflicted it on you."

"Impossible, how could you learn my curse so quickly? The authority is different, and the curse imposed is definitely not the same. Moreover, although the curse you rebounded to me is the same as my curse, it is definitely not the power of the curse that gave birth to the curse, but the power carried by the outer god authority in your body!"

"The weird thing is that you obviously don't have the power of the curse, but you can use this weird power to activate the curse..." The little boy looked suspicious, "How did you do it?"

"You ask me... Who should I ask? "Lin Shan rolled his eyes at him, "When you figure it out, remember to tell me."

"Strange, really strange, I have never seen your situation, all the power in the gray fog universe has only one source, just like the life force and the curse force are two straight lines, they can never cross, your situation is like using the life force to exert the power of the curse..." The little boy turned around and followed behind the holy light and said to himself, "There must be something strange about this matter, I will go back and check the classics to see if I can find any clues."

The little boy suddenly turned back, "Leave a contact number!"

Lin Shan shook his head slowly, "Sorry, I have no contact number."

"How about I give you one? Keep in touch after you go out." The little boy said again.


"Boring." The little boy glanced at Lin Shan for the last time and returned to his position.

Lin Shan continued to follow silently. From the outside, the forest looked small, but there was a different world inside. They had walked several kilometers so far, but still did not see the door to the next level.

"There's something going on ahead!" The sound of gears rang out in the minds of the gods.

The team stopped.

Lin Shan looked forward.

In front of him, the hazy mist wrapped around the ancient stones, forming a lonely stone tomb.

The mist in front was too thick, and the inexplicable power contained in the mist blocked Lin Shan's sight.

"It's time to live." Locke whispered.

"Be careful." Holy Light reminded again and again.

The team continued to move forward and approached the stone tomb.

There was a dull chill in the air, which made people shiver involuntarily.

Lin Shan, who was at the back, slowed down his pace. The ruins of the Heavenly Palace were originally a huge cemetery, and the layout inside was a large cemetery wrapped around a small cemetery.

The cemetery in front should be the core of the tenth floor.

Even the corridor leading to the tenth floor was so terrifying and weird, and the weirdness of the core area was probably even more powerful.

Lin Shan could feel the cold breath coming out of the tomb, which made his body temperature quickly lose, as cold as ice.

Lin Shan was surprised to find that the breath on Shengguang seemed to be getting stronger.

It seemed to have faintly pressed the gears.

Lin Shan and Shengguang were both at the end of the team, and only Lin Shan noticed the changes in Shengguang.

What's going on?

There are only two possibilities for Shengguang to change at this time.

The first possibility is that Shengguang has a relationship with the tomb owner, and the second possibility is that Shengguang has been hiding his strength, and now he has found what he wants to find, so he doesn't need to hide it anymore.

No matter which possibility it is, it's not a good thing.

Lin Shan continued to slow down, and moved five meters away from the Holy Light. He did not remind the Gear God and others. If it was the second possibility, he would undoubtedly offend the Holy Light.

It is better to protect yourself at this time.

As the team gradually approached, Lin Shan finally saw the original appearance of the stone tomb.

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