Above the gray fog

Chapter 1225 Dark Shadow Lin Shan

"Lin Shan, Lin Shan..."

Shengguang's weak call came to his ears. When Lin Shan turned around to look, he found that the road behind him had disappeared.

"Separated...is it a mechanism or something?" Lin Shan said to himself.

I don't know when a dark wall appeared behind him.

Lin Shan tried to walk left or right along the wall, and found that the way was blocked by black walls on both sides. In other words...he only had one way to go now. Lin Shan gathered his divine power in his fist and punched Hit the wall.

The wall made a dull thud, unscathed.

Lin Shan looked at the thread of history floating in front of him that was cut into two pieces. What kind of power could this be that could cut his own history? I'm afraid... it wasn't just history that was cut off.

Lin Shan broke off one of his fingers and threw it in the corner.

If he encounters danger later, as long as the distance is not far, he can use this finger to complete the resurrection. In addition, there is still devout faith in the body that can be used. Even if the weirdness in front is Sequence 1 level, he cannot be killed directly.

After settling down, Lin Shan walked forward along the wall on the left.

I don’t know how long I have been walking, and time has lost its meaning in this dark passage.

At a certain moment, a faint light appeared in front of my eyes.

Seeing this bright light, Lin Shan immediately quickened his pace.

Suddenly, the view ahead suddenly opened up, and a bright and boundless starry sky spread before his eyes.

The place he just walked was an almost endless passage.

At this moment, he stood at the end of the passage. In his sight, there were countless stars twinkling in the vast night sky, and the nebulae spiraled into a beautiful picture.

These bright celestial bodies seem to be telling ancient and distant stories. Some stars are so bright that it almost hurts the eyes, while others are as gentle as water, filled with the brilliance of life.

Lin Shan felt his body loosen up. The moment he walked out of the passage, the suppression on him suddenly disappeared. His strength was rapidly recovering, and the powerful divine power belonging to Sequence 3 was flowing through his body again.


"What is this place?"

Just as Lin Shan was thinking, a black shadow appeared out of thin air tens of thousands of kilometers away.

Lin Shan's pupils shrank, he turned slightly sideways and reached for his chest.

A dark purple spear was held in Lin Shan's hand.

"Heaven-cutting spear?"

Lin Shan looked puzzled. This spear was exactly the same as his Heaven-cutting Spear.

Before Lin Shan could think about it, the spear in his hand suddenly emitted extreme heat.


A wave of light slowly spread outward, spanning several light-years, and flattened all the planets it passed along the way.

Lin Shan still maintained the posture of holding the spear at the same place, and his body was covered with thick divine armor.

The armor was already full of cracks, but it also blocked the horrific explosion just now.

Although the Jietian Spear is a Sequence 4 divine weapon, its detonation power has definitely reached Sequence 3, and it is also a fatal blow from the Sequence 3 gods condensing all their divine power.

The black shadow in the distance stood quietly in the void, confronting Lin Shan in the distance.

The black shadow looked exactly like him, every detail was strikingly the same, but it was shrouded in a mysterious haze that was difficult to uncover.

Lin Shan stared at the black shadow Lin Shan.

Is this also weird? Why does it look exactly like him?

Under the windless starry sky, the air between the two seemed to condense, and time slowed down at this moment.

No matter what is on the other side, the only constant definition is the enemy. Since it is the enemy, Lin Shan will naturally not hold back.

Lin Shan stretched out his hand, and a huge tentacle millions of kilometers long fell from the sky and hit the black shadow Lin Shan.

Wherever the tentacles crushed the space, the space was shattered and could not be healed for a long time.

At the same moment, densely packed tentacles behind him approached at a speed exceeding the speed of light, carrying the curse of 'drying of blood'.

The black shadow Lin Shan reacted almost at the same time. It blended itself into the darkness and turned into an undercurrent, leaving a series of black cracks in the starry sky. Behind each crack was connected to the endless abyss.

The Jietian Spear appeared in Lin Shan's hand, and he stabbed backwards with his backhand.

"Puff puff puff...sizzle..."

There was a strange sound behind him, and the head of the black shadow Lin Shan was pierced by Lin Shan's spear.

The next second, the black shadow Lin Shan turned into a puddle of black liquid, turned into an undercurrent and fled quickly.

Just as Lin Shan was about to pursue him, tiny tentacles sprouted from his feet and bound Lin Shan tightly up from his ankles.

At the same moment, there was a sharp pain in his body, and the blood in his body was evaporated out of thin air.

This is clearly the ‘blood dry’ curse!

Lin Shan immediately abandoned his body. During the process of transforming his body, another sharp pain came from his soul.

This is a new curse that attacks the soul and cannot be removed.

Lin Shan immediately analyzed the composition of the curse and applied the same curse to the black shadow Lin Shan with his backhand.

After the black shadow Lin Shan was hit by the curse, he immediately gave up his body. The dark body stood in the void. He stretched out his hand and slid forward to cut off the curse.

Lin Shan followed the law and stood in the void with a strange body. As expected, he saw a black thread connecting him. Lin Shan cut it off easily, and the severe pain in his soul disappeared immediately.

Although this strange person has the same power as him, his power development exceeds his. What is going on?

The black shadow Lin Shan retreated hundreds of millions of kilometers away, forming complex handprints in his hands that were constantly changing.

Lin Shan imitated Black Shadow Lin Shan's movements and imitated them exactly.

Since this black shadow weird has the same power as him, he can also display the abilities that weird has. Although he is not as good as the black shadow weird in developing power, as long as he imitates it, he can be invincible.

First buy time, then think of a way to break the situation, Lin Shan thought in his heart, but his hands did not stop moving.

The extremely complex handprint has thousands of changes every second. It lasted for dozens of seconds, and Lin Shan felt more and more wrong.

The divine power in his body flowed out madly.

Moreover, in this process, he could not absorb any supplements.

An ominous power was boiling in Lin Shan's body.

The handprint of the black shadow Lin Shan continued.

The cold and dead universe gradually changed.

In the boundless starry sky, a chaotic force began to condense, the rhythm of the stars became chaotic, and the light of the stars dimmed, as if the starry sky itself was making way for the upcoming existence.

All kinds of matter and energy in the universe began to become restless.

After an unknown period of time, a huge shadow without any shape appeared in the depths of the universe.

This shadow was deep and boundless, like a black hole that could swallow everything. It had no clear shape, but it exuded a suffocating and terrifying aura.

It was an existence beyond Lin Shan's cognition. It seemed to be composed of countless twisted tentacles, eyes and mouths. Each part was constantly deforming and reorganizing. Its image was so strange and terrifying that any creature that looked directly at its true form would fall into madness.

Lin Shan's consciousness became increasingly blurred, and an extremely violent emotion filled his heart.

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