Above the gray fog

Chapter 1233 Life Fuel

Fortunately, he arrived in time, and Gougou Country did not suffer too much damage.

Let Leviathan guard Gougou Country, but when they were needed, none of them were around.

Lin Shan looked at the crack in the sky.

A giant made of light slowly appeared. This giant was extremely tall, with his head in the sky and his feet on the ground. He could touch the crack thousands of miles high with just a hand.

The huge crack was slowly shrinking at this moment.

The light giant put both hands into the crack and pulled it out hard, and the crack that should have shrunk was pulled open again.

The scene inside the crack was revealed.

Behind the crack was an alien space made of crystals. Countless monsters with twisted bodies filled the back of the crack. Some looked like black smoke that was constantly reorganizing in the void, and some looked like liquid metal. No matter what form it was, they would have crystals of different colors on their bodies.

Perception could not penetrate the crack and was blocked by an unknown force.

The Holy Spirit jumped up and put his head into the crack. The Holy Spirit and the main body share consciousness. It is not as fragile as the soul. Even if the Holy Spirit is killed, the main body will not suffer any backlash. The only thing to do is to spend some time to re-condense the Holy Spirit.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that, to some extent... the Holy Spirit is stronger than the main body.

This is the heaven-defying part of the "Ultimate Holy Spirit Method", which is tantamount to stuffing a highly offensive authority into the body.

After sticking his head in, Lin Shan saw more clearly. Under the faint light, the shadows of the monsters twisted into impossible angles, as if challenging the laws of life in the world.

There was a twisted worm of a hundred meters next to Lin Shan, very close to him.

The worm had jagged tentacles growing out of its mouth, and was swinging its body between the crystals, looking like it was absorbing nutrients from the crystals.

Lin Shan squeezed his arm up along his neck, squeezed into the crack, and reached out to the huge crystals rooted in the void. His palm gently touched the crystal clear crystals, feeling the deep interweaving of their roots with unknown substances.

The light spots jumping on the surface of the crystal are like stars, strange and charming. Whenever a monster approaches, these light spots will shine brightly, as if they are having some kind of conversation beyond words.

Suddenly, a crystal broke under Lin Shan's power, and the fragments scattered in the void, as bright as a meteor shower. At the moment of breaking, a strange light wave spread outward with the shattered crystal. Its fluctuations are broad and far-reaching, startling countless monsters and turning their heads to look at him.

Lin Shan's eyes were as sharp as a knife. He directly unfolded the domain carried by the Holy Spirit. The domain covered several light years. The monsters nearby were all transformed into granular crystals, which were made of the same material as the crystals rooted in the void.

Lin Shan looked into the distance and found that there were still human-shaped gods here. The power of these gods was very special, even Lin Shan felt unfamiliar.

Just when Lin Shan was surprised, a terrifying breath had locked him.

This breath was like substance, making the space tremble. Lin Shan's heart tightened and he instinctively felt the approach of danger.

Without any hesitation, Lin Shan immediately pulled out his head, quickly pulled back his arms, and used his mental power to capture several humanoid gods and dragged them out of the crack.

When his head was pulled out of the crack, the crack above was instantly closed, and the light of the scorching sun once again enveloped Gougou Country.

I don't know when it started, but the eyes of the people of Gougou Country have all turned to the sky, looking at the extremely tall giant made of light.

From this giant of light, the believers sensed a vague familiarity.

There used to be a gap leading to disaster, but now it is a holy place where miracles appear.

In front of the ruins of each family, at the end of each street, in the corner of each field, people stopped and looked up at the sky.

The rich and extreme faith turned into a light spot visible to the naked eye.

Floating into the sky, it merged into Lin Shan's body.

A few days later.

Lin Shan's incarnation walked leisurely on the path of Rag Town.

This is the town he came to when he first arrived in Gougou Country. Hundreds of years have passed, and those once tender children have grown up and become a group of lively teenagers.

Lin Shan found the familiar banyan tree, sat quietly, and let time flow.

Nearby, a group of strange children were playing beside the banyan tree. Their laughter was crisp and free and easy, overlapping with the scenes in Lin Shan's memory, evoking a smile.

Rag Town is far away from the royal city, and the monsters did not affect here.

Lin Shan saw that the children used mud and broken bricks to piece together his image, shouting, "I am the messenger of the mysterious god! Monsters, dissipate under the light!"

"Mu, you are hit by my holy light, explode quickly!" A boy pointed at another boy and said.

"Not good, the mayor said that you can't use your innate power..." The little boy hesitated.

"Pretend, let you pretend! It's not a real explosion!" A little girl reminded.

"Oh, I understand, ah, I exploded!" The little boy rolled on the ground in a realistic manner.

"Hehe, good! There will be no more monsters destroying Gougou Country. Don't worry, the God of Mystery will protect everyone."

"God of Mystery! God of Mystery!!"

"Heaven! Heaven!!"


The children raised their hands and shouted, and then they started fighting again.

Although their faith was simple, it was sincere and strong.

Lin Shan sat there until night. In his eyes, Gougou Country was still bright, with countless colorful dots of light floating in the air. They were not actual flames, but the power of the believers' faith in him.

Lin Shan learned a few days ago that there is an upper limit to the power of pious will.

Once this limit is reached, it can no longer be absorbed from the outside world.

The moment the pious source power reaches the upper limit, the window paper that has never been broken is finally broken.

Endless willpower is constantly compressed in a limited storage space, generating a higher level of power.

Like willpower and pious willpower, this higher level of power can also realize wishes.

Lin Shan calls it - life fuel.

He originally planned to name this energy "omnipotent willpower", but when he noticed that his life span would decrease when this energy condensed, he changed the name. Lin Shan thought that "life fuel" was very suitable.

The first thing Lin Shan did after obtaining "life fuel" was to use it to deduce the mysterious authority.

As expected, it was successful.

For him, this is undoubtedly a big event worth celebrating.

Because there is a way forward again.

Whether the life span will burn out first, or be promoted first... This scene makes Lin Shan feel a little unusually familiar.

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