Above the gray fog

Chapter 1245 Meeting an acquaintance

In the endless deep sky.

A stream of light drifted alone.

At the other end of the spore channel, there was no human circle, only endless silence and distant starlight.

Stars passed by Lin Shan's eyes, like flowing water in the night sky, silent and cold, and each star seemed to be telling an ancient and distant story.

Lin Shan tried to find traces of life, a weak signal or a little light of civilization, but all attempts seemed to be ruthlessly swallowed by the vast universe.

This is not a human circle, but an uninhabited star area.

Either Grande was lying to him, or he had an accident while traveling.

Lin Shan sat on the soft chair by the window, looking out the window in a daze.

His mind was very messy, sometimes it was the human race, sometimes it was his own strength, and then it jumped to the current situation.

Although he no longer had the ability of the destiny system at this moment, he still had his faith within the human race, and the stars of faith would guide his direction.

He knew the direction, but he didn't know the distance between the two. He could only hope in his heart that he was not too far away from the human circle.

The promotion of the mysterious power was still advancing at a slow speed. The speed of advancement was much slower than before, but the number of devout believers did not decrease. Not only that, it also increased during this period.

It can be clearly seen from this that the further it advances, the greater the external pressure required. If the necessary pressure is not reached, there will be no more growth.

There is no sign of regression at present. The mysterious power has been deduced to a certain height. This is a foregone conclusion. It should not regress. Even if it really regresses, Lin Shan, who has reached this height, has a way to pull it back with his own ability.

Lin Shan's forehead gently pressed against the cold alloy glass. Outside was a starry universe, but his heart was another bottomless abyss.

Jiu Qi, the life that had briefly intersected in his long life, quietly set off ripples in his heart.

Her words seemed to have crossed the boundaries of time and space and reached his ears.

"I've given our child to your friend Huang Liu."


Lin Shan closed his eyes, trying to capture the faceless shadow in the depths of his memory. It was a being he had never met, but it moved his heartstrings.

"Child, are you a boy or a girl?" Such a greeting surged in Lin Shan's heart, even though he knew that the silence of the universe would not answer him.

"You should be 1,000 years old now..." He murmured to himself, with a negligible tremor in his voice. In this long life, he almost cut off the connection with the word family affection. Family affection was too far away for him, just like the stars in the eyes of ordinary people, which were out of reach.

The silence of the universe made his thoughts restless. Family affection, this emotion that he had sealed for a long time, began to become less vague under the boundless starry sky. The starlight seemed to be guiding him on the way home.

Lin Shan took a deep breath and stored those ethereal feelings in the deepest part of his heart.

He realized that something seemed to be wrong with him.

When did it start?

It seemed like she had absorbed those devout beliefs.

Lin Shan patted his head gently, trying to get rid of the chaotic thoughts in his heart.

Just then, a light figure passed through the hall. Lillian, wearing a long robe, walked briskly from the rear cabin to the bar, grabbed a bottle of red wine and turned to go back.

Her sharp and slightly backward ears fluttered slightly, as if she had caught something, and suddenly turned her head to look in the direction of Lin Shan.

"Mr. Lin... Shan... Good morning." She said a little uncomfortably, and the red wine in her hand was unconsciously hidden behind her back, while the other hand touched the back of her head involuntarily.

Lin Shan just glanced at her casually and replied lightly, "Yeah." There was almost no fluctuation in his voice.

Lillian seemed to be relieved from the heavy pressure, and ran quickly towards the rear cabin with the red wine in her arms.

Her figure quickly disappeared at the corner of the corridor, leaving only a series of increasingly light footsteps.

Lin Shan stood up, his movements were steady and calm, as if the sudden surge of emotions just now had no effect on him.

He walked into the main control room opposite the rear cabin, where the windows were larger and he could see a wider universe. Starships shuttled between nebulae, passed by cold asteroids, and bypassed shining stars. With continuous jumps, they could cross hundreds of large domains in just one day.

Although the cosmic scene in front of him was magnificent, Lin Shan's eyes became empty, and his consciousness had drifted to another place-the Garden of Eden.

The crowds in Eden Square were bustling, and various vendors were arranged in an orderly manner, selling all kinds of items. Lin Shan strolled beside the stalls with the intention of picking up bargains, but found that there was not even a divine-level item here, let alone one that he could use.

Suddenly, his sight caught a familiar figure in the crowd.

The image of this snake man overlapped with a certain outline in Lin Shan's memory.

It was an old friend, busy sorting out the goods in front of his own stall.

Lin Shan's mouth curled up into a smile unconsciously, and he walked slowly towards the figure, "Long time no see."

Wa·Ran Zun raised his head, his eyes lingering on a face that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

"Lin...Lin Shan?" Wa·Ran Zun asked excitedly and uncertainly.

"It's me." Lin Shan nodded gently.

After confirming his identity, Wa Ranzun immediately put his hands on the ground and prostrated on the ground, as if to express some kind of etiquette.

"The life-saving grace, coupled with the great grace of saving our tribe, Ran Zun will never forget it."

Ran Zun and his tribe once faced a disaster, and were rescued by a clone of Lin Shan. After the clones merged, Lin Shan was able to recall the entire process. This matter was just a trivial matter to him, because the enemy was not strong.

Lin Shan stretched out his hand to help Wa Ran Zun up. He did not say any polite words, but said with a smile, "Just think of it as repaying the favor of 0.1 points."

Wa Ranzun was stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to remember something, with a sad expression on his face, "The 0.1 points were funded by Jixian..."

"Isn't the Loyalty Alliance a whole?" Lin Shan asked back.

"Yes, it is a whole!" Wa Ranzun nodded affirmatively, then he quickly folded the four corners of the stall and stuffed all the goods into Lin Shan's arms, "I have nothing to repay you. The total value of the things is more than ten points, so you can keep them first.”

Lin Shan gently blocked the package handed over by Wa Ran Zun with his hand, "These are of no use to me. I see that your breath is a little unstable. Why not use these points to exchange for some medicine to replenish your spirit."

"Yes, Ran Zun, Lin Shan is not lacking in your wealth now. He is the most outstanding member of our Loyalty Alliance." While they were talking, a pink-skinned girl came up and kissed her deeply. Bowing, "Lin Shan, thank you for saving Ran Zun and preventing our small team from losing any more members."

It's Platinum Yuna.

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