Above the gray fog

Chapter 1249 Street Child.

"It's okay." Tushan Anyi reached into the twisted space and directly pulled the four people out.

"What happened here? What were those flesh and blood machines just now? Where are the alliance's troops and parasites?" Looking at the four people in front of him, Tushan Anyi asked questions one after another.

"They all died and turned into energy particles." Fan Xiaoxiao said with red eyes, "We had already won, and when the Alliance army was about to retreat, the group of monsters called sweepers suddenly appeared, and they killed the Alliance army and the parasites. Everything becomes a particle state.”

"Cleaner..." Tushan Anyi muttered.

The Alliance army has a terrifying number of 3 million trillions without counting combat robots. The number of parasites is less than half that of the Alliance army. The two combined have at least 4.5 million trillion creatures. According to Gray Fog's counting method, one trillion is equal to One trillion. If these creatures were completely slaughtered by Sequence 4 gods, the resentment generated by an average of 10,000 creatures would be able to offset ten gods.

This is also the main reason why the gods don't come to this battlefield. Not to mention the ineffectiveness, there are still many possibilities to catch up with him.

The resentment generated by 4.5 million living beings is enough to make 4,500 gods hate themselves on the spot. Can the regulators ignore the rules of the universe? If it really had such strength, it would have bulldozed the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races long ago. There must be something fishy in this...

"Go back first. This sweeper has never appeared before. The situation of the next battle may change." Tushan Annie put away all the remains of the sweepers around her.

"With so many people in the alliance dead at once, do they still have the energy to fight the regulators?" Chen Wuwei asked worriedly.

Tushan Annie glanced at Chen Wuwei, "In this special period, these people will not really die. The alliance has made enough carriers. As long as their souls are pulled back from hell and put into the carrier again, they can be resurrected."

Hearing this, Fan Xiaoxiao's face lit up with joy, but then he became a little confused, "Isn't it true that extraordinary death cannot be reincarnated? I remember that the book said... extraordinary souls will directly return to the sea of ​​origin."

"Well, the alliance has adopted some special means. You don't need to ask about these. Now go back with me." Tushan Anyi took out a starship and the four of them followed her into the starship. After a while, the starship turned into a long line of The long beam disappeared into the distant starry sky.


In the boundless deep sky, Lin Shan sat cross-legged on the top of the starship like an old monk, his figure looking extremely small against the vast background of the universe.

After encountering the ghost ship, we drove for another day and passed through several large areas.

In the past, Lin Shan didn't feel much, but now his perception could spread to places several light years away, and the structure of the universe vaguely appeared in his mind.

The most basic structures in the universe are galaxies.

Hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of galaxies gather together to form a star field. Three star fields form a large area. The structure of the large area is similar to a honeycomb.

The distance between large domains is thousands of times the distance between galaxies. If you want to travel from one large domain to another, you have to travel at least 100 million light-years. This distance will destroy all civilizations below the seventh level. Civilization is blocked within the star field.

Lin Shan painted in the void, trying to draw the shape of the large area he passed through, but the result was just a doodle, and his perception of several light years was just the tip of the iceberg in the vast area.

Suddenly, the starship decelerated sharply to a stop, interrupting Lin Shan's thoughts.

A light blue projection appeared behind Lin Shan, it was Da Kong.

[Captain, two abnormal fluctuations have been detected in the large area ahead. One is suspected to be a fluctuation of cluster life, and the other is unknown. ]

[The cluster life is a special existence. According to the source classification, its threat level is rated as SS level. It is recommended to change the route to avoid potential risks. ]

A flash of memory from the past flashed through Lin Shan's mind. There had been a cluster of life forms that had brought serious disasters to the human race. He vaguely remembered, was it the Mole Clan or the Twilight Clan?

"Avoid it," Lin Shan ordered softly. Guided by the stars of faith, he was not worried about going in the wrong direction. There were too many unknowns in the cluster of lives. It was better not to touch them unless necessary.

The starship quickly adjusted its direction, preparing to bypass the unknown territory ahead.

Time became blurred while traveling through the universe. After an unknown amount of time, Lin Shan suddenly opened his eyes, and his consciousness had entered the space of faith.

Looking up, the stars that represent the faith of the human race have changed.

Just at that moment, the stars changed direction.

"Turn around and go to the large area where the cluster of life forms is!" Lin Shan ordered.

The trajectory of the starship drew a magnificent arc in the void, like an arrow traveling through the ocean of time and space, speeding towards an unknown direction.

A few hours later.

The starship entered the large area, and Lin Shan pointed in a direction.

The distant stars turned into little streams of light, quickly retreating back, and in just a moment, they had already broken into the unknown star field.

"Very close..." Lin Shan raised his head and looked at the stars of faith that represented the human race.

Almost hanging above his head.

This star field is the star field where the human circle is located. When he left, the giants almost occupied the entire star field. I wonder what is going on with the giants now. Have they continued to expand?

The howling cosmic wind blew past my ears, and the starship slowly advanced at ten thousand times the speed of light.

Suddenly, the retrograde stars suddenly stopped, as if the pause button was pressed by an invisible force.

Transparent light and shadow appeared behind him.

[Main engine shut down, unknown problem, being eliminated...]

"What is this?" Lin Shan ignored Dakong, because the culprit was right in front of him.

Light years away, a huge monster stood quietly, with a diameter of hundreds of thousands of kilometers, like a mobile cosmic fortress, quietly but not inconsiderably occupying the field of vision.

This monster is like a combination of machinery and flesh, and its body is like a piece of countless spacecraft fragments. The twisted metal plates and crimson muscles are closely intertwined, forming a suffocating and weird picture. The muscles wriggle between the machines, as if they have their own life, and the blood vessels and cables are intertwined, pumping bizarre liquids, which look like blood and some kind of high-energy fuel.

The entire structure is inlaid with countless antennas and sensors, like spikes all over the body.

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