Above the gray fog

Chapter 1264: Climbing the Death Star

It would be okay if he didn't mention this matter, Lin Shan would naturally deal with the supervisor personally. But now that he brought it up, Lin Shan remembered that they were cooperating now, and the nature of the matter was different.

Lin Shan pondered for a moment, "Since we are cooperating now, it must be fair. You add one, and I will add one. The giants need to protect the human race and help the human race develop."

"Of course, isn't this what Comrade Asbuma has been doing?" After hearing Lin Shan's last request, the giant finally let go of his hanging heart.

"Yes." Lin Shan looked at Asbuma and thanked him, "Thank you very much."

"If you really want to thank me, just agree to my request just now." Asbuma stared at Lin Shan. In fact, she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. The matter was solved perfectly. From Lin Shandan The demands of both parties turned into cooperation between the two parties.

A Sequence 3 cooperates with a Level 7 civilization. The two parties are completely equal. They are even taking advantage. Trading their faith in exchange for the protection of a Sequence 3 can be said to be a bloody gain.

"It's better not to mention this matter again." Lin Shan shook his head slowly. The continuation of life is not a simple inheritance. For Lin Shan, it involves too many responsibilities.

Asbuma said not to let him take responsibility, but the bloodline of his relatives was here, so he couldn't help it at all.

The best way to reduce trouble is not to start. Only when he reaches the top of the world, or when his life span reaches the real end, will he consider the issue of continuation.

"Okay." Seeing that Lin Shan was still so determined, Asbuma could only nod in frustration.

"Ahem, Comrade Asbuma, there are many outstanding men in our giant clan. I heard that the Rona family gave birth to a three-series giant. This is rare in the entire history of giants. Otherwise, , will you make arrangements for him when he becomes an adult?" The giant on the high seat suddenly interrupted when he heard Asbuma discussing this matter with Lin Shan.

Although Lin Shan is a super strong man, he is not of pure giant blood after all, and Asbuma, as the king of the giant clan, married a foreign race, and the children he gave birth to were definitely not pure giants.

The descendant of Asbuma is likely to be the next leader of the giant clan. Handing over the giant clan to a guy who is not of pure giant blood makes him feel a little uncomfortable.

"You don't need to worry about this. Even after the breakthrough of genetic technology, the mismatched bloodline can only last for two generations. You don't have to worry at all, there will be aliens dominating the giants." Asbuma said, and stood up to walk out.

"But it only takes one generation to bring down a civilization. You should know this in your heart." The voice of the giant came from behind.

On the steps of the Sun Temple, the sun shines down, paving a golden passage.

"Your deal with the giants will take a long time to unfold." Asbuma's voice echoed softly in the sacred air, "What are you going to do next?"

Lin Shan looked into the distance and said, "I want to do something."

"What's going on?" Asbuma asked curiously.

"Some... things I wanted to do before but didn't have the strength to do." Lin Shan replied lightly, as if something suddenly occurred to him, and asked, "Do you know about the Death Star in the Apostle Galaxy?"

"Death Star..." Asbuma muttered the name, "I have no impression. I only know a few of the most powerful races in the Apostle Galaxy, including the human race. And I have never been there. I really don't know. Know what the Death Star is."

Her eyes were fixed on Lin Shan again, trying to find the answer from his expression, "You ask me this question, is this 'Death Star' related to the giant race?"

Lin Shan did not hide this old incident, "When I was still weak, I entered a place where the giants held a ceremony on the Death Star. After competing with a group of giants, I obtained the Sequence 6 super-standard sequence— —The strange world."

Asbuma's eyes widened, "Is the world of tricks on you?"


"The World of Illusions is the third super-standard sequence among the giants. It is only applicable to treacherous bodies. When the previous owner of the World of Illusions dies, the Heaven and Earth of Illusions will return to the inheritance place of the Giants, right next to the Temple of the Sun. Inside." Asbuma pointed in one direction, "That's the entrance to the inheritance place."

"The matter of the World of Strange Appearances caused a lot of turmoil back then. All the giant races thought that the World of Artificial Appearances would eventually be acquired by the small human race, that is, the Hilly Human Race, but they have always refused to admit it. I didn't expect that it would happen to you... so to speak , you have had an intersection with the giants more than 2,000 years ago."

"Why is the entrance to the Giants' inheritance place on the Death Star?" Lin Shan asked the key question.

"I don't know about this either, let me check it out for you." Asbuma slid gently in the void in front of him, "The giants don't have any records about the Death Star, and even the saints don't know... ....”

"Well, it's not important. I'm leaving first." Lin Shan waved his hand.

Asbuma nodded slightly, "Then I won't send you away. If you need my help, just ask."


One day later.

Apostle Galaxy.

Death Star.

All extraordinary people with Apostle Galaxy Sequence 8 and above know this.

At the end of the Apostle Galaxy is the Death Star, or in other words, the Death Star is rotating around the Apostle Galaxy.

As for when the Death Star appeared, no one can say clearly.

After walking around, the mystery of the Death Star was not only not revealed, but became even more mysterious. The Death Star has the power of reflection, which is a power that can only be used by the high-stage Sequence 3 level. Sequence 3 is definitely not able to do it in such a large range.

The existence of the Death Star proves that in this era, a Sequence 2 god came to the human circle and left the current Death Star.

Xiaogui also said that the Death Star may have been moved from somewhere else.

Lin Shan had climbed here once.

But it was only to enter the ritual space, and he did not really touch the ground of the Death Star.

He had nothing to do for a long time afterwards. It happened that there were still many secrets in the Apostle Galaxy that had not been solved. With his current strength, he might try to explore them.

Lin Shan stared at the huge star below.

His body seemed small in the vastness of the universe, but his sense of existence was extremely strong and could not be ignored.

In Lin Shan's field of vision, the surrounding light was bent due to the rapid rotation of the star, and the trajectory of the star became a series of twisted light bands in his eyes, like a grand cosmic painting.

He took a step forward and passed through layers of distortion to the surface of the Death Star. This planet had extremely strong storms and gravity that could tear apart any creature below the level of a god, but to him, such power was just a breeze.

Lin Shan looked around and spread his senses. The surface of the Death Star was covered with black cracks, each of which was bottomless and emitted white steam.

The senses that could spread over dozens of light years outside could only cover dozens of kilometers after being affected by the distorted time.

"This... is alive?"

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