Above the gray fog

Chapter 1288: Notification

Lin Shan's affirmative answer echoed in the air, "It's me."

The calmness in his voice contrasted with the unstoppable joy in Lu Shaosi's eyes.

Lin Shaosi's sight seemed to be frozen, fearing that Lin Shan would disappear if he blinked, "You are really not dead... You haven't changed at all. Senior Yuan told me that you are back, and I thought he was lying to me."

Faced with Lu Shaosi's tears and thoughts, Lin Shan remained silent. There were elusive emotions surging in his heart, but he could hardly resonate with Lu Shaosi's feelings.

He came here for no other reason, just because...I thought of it.

Lin Shan thought about it and started looking for some things to put into the storage crystal card.

"These are for you."

Lin Shaosi took the crystal card, but her eyes were always firmly locked on Lin Shan, afraid that once she shifted her sight, the person in front of her would dissipate like fireworks. Lin Shan wanted to look and leave, but found that Lu Shaosi had already tightly grasped his arm. The corners of his mouth moved, but he didn't say anything after all.

"I'll stay here for two days. Is there a place?" Lin Shan finally spoke.

"Yes, yes, I'll go and pack it for you right away." Hearing this, Lu Shaosi immediately became happy. Lin Shan was the only relative left in the world. God knows how depressed she was when she learned of Lin Shan's death, and how excited she is now to see her relative resurrected from the dead.

Lin Shan watched Lu Shaosi go away happily, but his heart was calm.

The days passed in a dull manner. Lin Shan's arrival brought long-lost waves to Lu Shaosi's life. In the next few days, Lu Shaosi always found opportunities to come to him. The topics they talked about were trivial and ordinary, but Lu Shaosi was diligent.

Two days passed in a flash, and Yuan Guang found him, "Lin Shan, everyone is here for you, just waiting for you."

Lin Shan nodded and said, "Thank you for taking care of Shaosi, I will trouble you in the future."

"Hey, who will thank you for taking care of the human race? Shaosi is talented and can be independent a long time ago. I'm afraid she will take care of me in the future."

While the two were talking, they had already arrived at the venue.

The meeting place has been arranged, and the tribe's leaders have arrived in advance. They are either wearing luxurious robes or simple cloaks, and each of them has their own unique temperament.

Their faces are diverse, some are harsh and stern, and some are kind and kind. The only thing in common is that these people are all qualitatively strong, and there are two who have broken the four prohibitions like Yuan Guang, and one is a demigod.

The venue is spacious and magnificent. Under the dome is a huge round alloy parliament table, which is enough to accommodate all the human leaders. Rune totems are carved on the stone table, emitting a faint light.

Just as everyone was whispering, Lin Shan and Yuan Guang walked in and the scene became silent in an instant.

Then, like a stone thrown into a calm lake, it caused circles of ripples. Everyone's eyes turned to them, and the discussion became more noisy for a while.

Lin Shan's figure slowly moved under the gaze of the crowd, and every step seemed to be on the beat of their heartbeats. His face was covered by a layer of light mist, making it impossible to recognize clearly. One could only feel the faint radiance emanating from him, as if it was the radiance of stars, far away and unreachable.

The discussion of the crowd became insignificant in front of his footsteps. His presence turned all the noise into silence. Yuan Guang beside him seemed to be affected by this aura, and his words were a little awed. "All those who came are the rulers below the gods, a total of fifty people. The gods are detached and no longer care about the affairs of the human race. The human race has three gods, four twin sword immortals, and a total of seven sequence 4 strongmen."

At some point, the atmosphere in the venue became tense, as if the air was solidified, and the eyes of every human high-level were full of shock and disbelief.

Lin Shan's breath was like an invisible mountain, weighing down their breathing. It was not only physical oppression, but also a tremor in the depths of the soul.

"Who is that?" someone whispered, with a trembling voice.

"I can't see clearly, it's so blurry..." Another voice sounded, but it was also confused and fearful.

"It's... a god..." Someone began to guess, and the trembling aura made it difficult for him to speak.

"No, it's not an ordinary god. This aura... is too terrifying..." The demigod stared at Lin Shan, and some speculations arose in his heart.

Wherever Lin Shan walked, everyone felt an irresistible sense of oppression, which made them hold their breath involuntarily, as if this would relieve the burden on their hearts.

"Is this... the legendary Sequence 3?" There was a hint of disbelief in the question.

"What! The human race has a Sequence 3? How come we didn't hear any news at all." The conversation between each other was full of panic.

"It may be that a human god has completed the promotion and just came out of seclusion. This time, I am afraid he came to announce the news." Someone began to speculate, and his voice was involuntarily filled with a bit of joy.

"The human race has reached Sequence 3. Now, the giant race will be suppressed by us. The human race is really going to rise!" These words were full of excitement and expectation. All eyes were focused on Lin Shan, as if they were looking at the future of the human race.

Lin Shan passed the round table and stepped onto the stairs leading to the platform. A throne transformed from source essence appeared on the platform. Lin Shan sat down, and Yuan Guang took the initiative to stand aside.

"Senior Yuan is willing to take the initiative to stand. What kind of person is he?"

Lin Shan looked around the venue. These so-called human high-level beings were just like dust in his eyes. At this moment, he felt that the distance between him and the human race was getting farther and farther.

"I called you here to convey one thing." Lin Shan said straight to the point, "One day in the future, the human circle will be invaded by alien creatures. This disaster will far exceed the threat posed by the regulators."

"I hope the human race can prepare in advance, reserve more strategic materials, and enter a state of comprehensive preparation for war in advance. This state may last for a long time, years or even decades."

"The invading enemies, their main target is the human race, and the help provided by the giants and other allies is limited."

"Do you understand what I mean?"

The last few words were extremely cold, making everyone present feel like they were falling into an ice cave.

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