Above the gray fog

Chapter 1292 Disaster

The sky was shrouded in gray mist, as if even the rays of the sun could not penetrate the thick haze.

The cracks deep in the gray mist are like scars tearing apart the heaven and earth.

With an extremely low roar, the head of the first crystalline monster emerged from the crack. Its eyes were deep and hollow, like two black holes, swallowing up all the surrounding light, and the body that followed was even more shocking. The man is frightened, his muscles are like winding mountains, his skin color is like the darkness of the night sky, his tumors and crystals grow intricately, and his shape is so weird that it simply goes beyond the scope of any living thing.

It first looked left and right, as if looking for a direction. At a certain moment, after determining its goal, it headed straight for the human clan's territory, and the ground trembled with every step it took.

Immediately afterwards, endless monsters poured out like a tide. Their numbers were too numerous to count, and their shapes were diverse and distorted. Some monsters were covered with rough scales like slates, like moving mountains, while others were smooth. There are tentacle monsters whose tentacles are covered with suckers, like octopuses in the deep sea, and some are flying monsters like pterosaurs. Their skin is like wet paint, shining with a sickly luster.

The crystallized monsters gathered into a mighty black tide. The scenery was so majestic that it seemed like a disaster described in ancient myths. Their footsteps gathered into a thunderous sound, shaking the gray fog land, and the fog in the sky was stirred by them. Flying all over the sky, it was like a storm woven by dust and energy.

Tens of thousands of meters in the air.

He Awei watched quietly. Although there were many monsters, they were not too many.

Now that he is a god, he can easily destroy these monsters if he wants to.

He Awei did not take action immediately, but observed from the perspective that the direction in which these monsters were heading was obviously the human race.

He Awei was slightly uneasy. These monsters, which were not very powerful on the surface, all carried a very ferocious aura, with an aura that they did not expect to come back alive. The lowest monsters among them were all at the level of Sequence 9. If the human race wanted to fight with When these monsters fought, they lost a lot in terms of momentum.

Invisible fluctuations circulate around He Awei. If any additional changes occur, he will take action immediately.

"What's wrong?" Suddenly, He Awei raised his hand and put it on his ear.

A voice came to my ears.

"He Shou Shen, we have obtained the latest information. Cracks are appearing from all directions. According to the detection of the human race's high-sky satellite, there are more than 1,300 cracks within a hundred billion kilometers of the human race. At this moment, seven ethnic groups have been attacked." Command the battle against crystalline creatures. The Ministry recommends that you abandon the crystal monsters running toward the human race and protect the rabbit clan closest to you. The human race still has defensive forces, and we need to protect important allies as much as possible. "

"Well, then I don't care about this." He Awei nodded slightly. After hanging up the communication, he gently slapped his palm downwards. High in the sky, a huge palm composed of clouds fell from the sky, knocking out the monsters that poured out of the cracks. It was smashed to pieces.

"...There seems to be no resentment...If that's the case, no matter how many there are, it's useless." He Awei muttered to himself, and immediately flew in the direction of the rabbit clan.

By the time He Awei arrived, the monsters from the crystal world had already brought a death storm to the peaceful rabbit tribe. This originally beautiful and peaceful territory was now riddled with holes.

He Awei stared at the raging monster with an ugly look on his face.

The Rabbit Tribe is a typical peaceful people. They make a living by planting and raising animals. They have multiplied on this land for generations. For thousands of years, they have been the logistics tribe of the human race. If the Rabbit Tribe is destroyed, the human race will also suffer a lot. losses.

However, when disaster struck, the timid rabbit tribe also showed amazing courage. They activated dusty technological weapons, pulled out rusty mechanical armor, activated micro-ion cannons that shone with cold light, and even used powerful weapons. Particle pulse emitters, these high-tech weapons draw shocking patterns of light and shadow in the sky.

However, if the monsters are not destroyed immediately, they can quickly recover. Like the immortal army, although the rabbit clan's technological weapons are powerful, they are limited in number and are stretched before the monster tide.

As soon as He Awei arrived at the Rabbit Clan, he didn't have time to do any detailed investigation before he took action and quickly eliminated the crystallized monsters in the Rabbit Clan. These billions of monsters that could destroy the Rabbit Clan were as weak as dust in his hands.

When the first ray of morning light penetrated the clouds and shone on the land, the Rabbit Clan had become ruins. The former warm home now only had burned roofs and scattered rubble.

On the ground, blood formed a stream, mixed with the soil, exuding a rust-like smell. The corpses of rabbit warriors were everywhere. They fell on the battlefield, their heroic bodies were blown by the indifferent morning wind, and those who survived The others, with endless grief and tenacity, hide in the last shelter, waiting for an unknown fate.

"I hope the human race is okay..." He Awei stood in a deserted ruins. At a glance, they were all corpses of monsters. Only the top of the building that was tens or hundreds of meters high was exposed. The corpses of the crystallized monsters had already surrounded the nearby buildings. The horizon was piled hundreds of meters high, and the number of enemies was too terrifying. Even if it was a one-sided massacre, he killed for a day and a night. In the end, even the attacking monsters were drowned by the pile of corpses.

Human race.

Compared with the hardships of the rabbit tribe, the human race is much easier. The roar of gunfire from technological weapons forms invisible barriers that keep the crystallized monsters away from the human race's 100-kilometer safety circle.

Lin Shan was always watching the situation from high in the sky. He knew that many races around him were in trouble. In fact, he only needed to move his hands to help them out.

Lin Shan had not moved since the war started. He had been watching the human race.

All he had to do was to protect the human race.

Twenty huge Leviathans wandered in the fog, looming.

The blood, bright red with a little bit of crystal blue, slowly flowed and gathered into a blood lake. Looking down from a high place, the entire human race was completely surrounded by the blood lake. Fortunately, the tribe was in the gap space, like an island floating on the blood lake, and would not be submerged by the blood lake. Otherwise, without waiting for the enemy to attack, this blood lake alone would drown most ordinary human beings.

"Not good! Cracks began to appear inside the tribe! The number continued to grow! Unable to stop!" The voice of the "Anti-Crystal Biology Operation Command" came to my ears. This was a special organization established 60 years ago to deal with this disaster.

No need to remind Lin Shan, the changes in the tribe naturally could not be hidden from him.

The cracks inside the tribe are spreading rapidly, like a broken spider web, hanging weakly in the air. The voice coming from the "Crystal Biology Operation Command" is anxious and weak, as if it wants to get Lin Shan's next instructions.

"37, 56, 112... Cracks have appeared in all cities in the tribe."

"Attention, combat personnel stationed in each city, seal the cracks immediately! Seal the cracks immediately! Don't let the monsters hurt civilians!"

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