Above the gray fog

Chapter 1296 Communication.

Lin Shan squinted his eyes and was cautiously on guard. In fact, he was sensing whether the Six Flowers Sword in his hand was blocked.

It wasn't until he could clearly feel that the Six Flowers Sword in his hand and the Six Flowers Sword held by the clone were still connected to each other that he breathed a sigh of relief. With the confidence to leave, he straightened his waist and asked in a cold voice: "Who are you?"

"You all seem to like to ask the same question. It doesn't actually matter who I am. The only reason I appear here is to be your enemy." The figure replied.

"There are no enemies without a reason in this world. You have to at least tell us why we became enemies. Maybe it's just some misunderstanding." Lin Shan tried to communicate with the opponent after seeing the most basic humanity on the other side.

The constantly moving figure shook his head, "An enemy is an enemy, and there is not always a reason. If you insist on a reason, or I only know a little bit, but I don't intend to tell you."

"Are you sent by Yuanting?" Lin Shan asked directly.

The figure nodded, "If you must say so, I am indeed appointed by Yuanting, but like you, I am an enemy of Yuanting. Our god was captured and we were forced to serve Yuanting."

"This is the reason. The reason why you became my enemy is because you were coerced by Yuanting, so we are not enemies in essence. Our common enemy is Yuanting." Lin Shan tried to use the art of language to make the other party switch sides, but it was very difficult. Obviously, the other party is not stupid.

The flowing figure next to him did not show any fluctuations due to the sporadic dialogue. He just said lightly, "Useless, we and our gods are one. The void creatures are different from you. The gray mist creatures will do many things in their lives." Choice, so you are free, and we don’t have the opportunity to choose. I don’t want to be your enemy. This is of no benefit to me, but I have no right to choose.”

"How do you know you have no choice if you don't try? Yuanting has enslaved your king, and you still have to serve him with humility. Aren't you angry?" Lin Shan retorted. The other party has made it clear that he does not want to be his enemy, no? Enemies can become friends.

If the opponent was only at Sequence 3 level or lower, he would not waste his words, but the powerful pressure it exuded proved that it was a super strong person at Sequence 2 level.

Lin Shan originally thought that when he encountered Sequence 2, he would be panicked, scared, or frightened. In fact, he had none of these feelings.

He has enough confidence to face a Sequence 2. At least, he has the confidence to escape.

"Angry?" The voice was still calm, "That's just your emotion. In my opinion, I'm just doing something unwillingly. Apart from that, I have no other feelings. It's precisely because of your emotions as creatures. Only when you are rich will you be abandoned by the abyss.”

"Oh? The gray fog comes from the abyss?" Lin Shan captured the key information.

"Guess." Knowing that Lin Shan was talking, the flowing figure did not give an accurate answer.

Lin Shan was slightly surprised, "Aren't you also very rich in humanity?"

"It's different." The voice still had no fluctuation.

"The meaningless chat is over. I want to take her away, can you?" Lin Shan said as he pointed at the flowing figure not far away with the Sword of Six Flowers.

"Meaningless chat? You and your partner said the same thing again. Why does the chat have to be meaningful? Don't you feel magical when we meet here when we could never have crossed paths? No matter what you do, It's impossible to take her away, and I advise you not to act rashly, unless you want to become like her and lose your freedom." As he spoke, the flowing figure turned around and turned his back to Lin Shan. "If you don't want to chat with me, you can also chat with your companions. As long as you don't leave here, I won't interfere with anything you do."

Lin Shan's hand holding the Sword of Six Flowers relaxed a little. The other party was unwilling to fight, which was in line with his wishes.

He quietly sent a message to Zhao Xiaoan and said, "Xiaoan, why are you here?" Although he probably knew the process, it was better to ask.

"Speak directly, don't use your mental power to transmit your voice. In the current of thoughts, no thought can escape being captured. The reason why it doesn't do anything to you is not because it doesn't want to, but because it is afraid of you." Zhao Xiaoan said with a weak voice the voice said.

Hearing what Zhao Xiaoan said, Lin Shan understood immediately. He had been thinking about how he should deal with the opponent with his own trump cards if the opponent took action. Poisonous flowers, relics of the Mystic Immortal level, and great curses. Although it was not safe, But he does have a trump card against Sequence 2.

"No, he is not my target. I really don't want to fight him. You should know that the class difference between gods is so huge. His trump cards cannot threaten me. The one who can threaten me is you. I hope you Have a good talk with your companions and don't do anything impulsive." A light voice came. This sound will form visible rings in this space. As long as you get close to the ring, you can hear the sound.

This space can reveal all emotions, sounds and even thoughts that are otherwise invisible.

Impulsive things? Hearing this, even Lin Shan showed a worried look. There was only one thing that could be called impulsive - Zhao Xiaoan sacrificed himself to repel the enemy and save the human race.

In the future, all the predictions made by Lin Shan corresponded to each other. Zhao Xiaoan's death in the near future was also a possibility, but this possibility did not exist because of his presence.

Then again, if Zhao Xiaoan had died in the scene that Lin Shan saw in the future, and now Zhao Xiaoan is alive because of his help.

This means that the future has been changed. If the future can be changed, how can there be a clear future?

Lin Shan had some enlightenment. The future Lin Shan did not come from the future, but stood in the present and predicted the future.

Lin Shan took a breath and looked at Zhao Xiaoan, "I am on the human side, don't do it."

Zhao Xiaoan responded slightly, "Well, I won't do that until the last moment."

"Can you tell me why you are here?" Lin Shan asked again. He still needs to verify some things.

"This place is an anchor point between the crystal world and the gray fog universe. It is closest to the human circle. As long as the anchor point exists, the human circle will continue to be attacked. I came here to erase this anchor point." Zhao Xiaoan explained.

"Hmm." Lin Shan nodded slightly, which was no different from what it knew, and then asked, "You mean, as long as this anchor point is dealt with, the human circle will be safe?"

In order to prevent the void creature from seeing his thoughts, Lin Shan deliberately imagined some scenes of eating, drinking and having fun in his mind.

The other party nodded from time to time, and seemed to be very interested in these scenes.

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