Above the gray fog

Chapter 13 The Terrifying Old Man

The barrier was twisted and deformed by the darkness, but it never broke, and the darkness twisted along with the twisted barrier, sometimes like the claws of a beast, sometimes like the palm of a human, and sometimes like various deformed monsters, changing in a thousand ways.

Suddenly, the darkness stopped impacting, and the invisible barrier became quiet. After a while, the barrier slowly sank and was constantly pressed down.

Seeing the barrier being pressed lower and lower, Lin Shan's heart was about to rise to his throat.

Fortunately, after being pressed to a certain extent, the barrier began to rebound slowly, as if the thing that created the pressure had left.

Lin Shan breathed a sigh of relief and bled again to replenish the lamp oil for the red lantern. This was his only hope to fight against the unknown outside the gray fog.

Thinking that the matter was over, Lin Shan, who was about to rest, suddenly stiffened. He felt that he was being stared at by something. Was it that thing just now?

This feeling of being stared at became stronger and stronger. Lin Shan's whole body became cold, and his sight began to move up. He saw the top of his head again!

The soul left the body again! Last time, it was the cry of the strange line fish. What was it this time?

He looked up, just one glance, and almost made him lose his soul... He quickly looked away.

A huge eye, rooted in the void, with black blood vessels constantly wriggling around the eye, and light blue souls were constantly sucked into the eye, some in human form, some in animal form, and some strange creatures, none of which could escape the suction.

Because of the barrier of the red lantern, the suction had become very weak when it reached Lin Shan, but it still made his soul leave his body.

He bit his tongue hard and used the pain to stimulate himself. His vision began to sink, and his soul returned to his body again. At this time, he looked up at the sky and saw nothing. The eye was still there, but he couldn't see it.

I don't know how long it took, and seeing that the lamp oil was about to burn out again, the feeling of being stared at finally disappeared. The red lantern withdrew the barrier, and everything around became normal again.

Lin Shan breathed a sigh of relief and had no choice but to bleed again to replenish the lamp oil.

This gray fog can no longer be described as dangerous. It is a dead land with no way to survive.

If this situation happens a few more times, let alone whether he can resist it, just simply replenishing the lamp oil can kill him.

In the morning, Lin Shan opened his eyes and sighed helplessly, feeling his increasingly weak body. The burning sensation in his internal organs persisted. Every day he passed would be eroded by the curse for one more day. In addition, he had been bleeding recently. At this time, a child in his teens could knock him down.

Continue on the road. Theoretically, 50 kilometers can be reached in one day, if there are no accidents on the way.

Maybe it was really lucky. Nothing happened after walking for half a day. Although the beasts became more and more dense during the period, Lin Shan used the red lantern to discover and bypass them in advance.

He sat under the tree and ate the wild fruits he picked to replenish water and physical strength. As for whether it was poisonous, it was no longer within his consideration. In addition to being unpalatable, he had not encountered any poisonous fruits so far.

The parchment showed that the destination was still 28 kilometers away. We walked 22 kilometers in the morning. If we worked harder, we would reach the Purple Soul Flower Forest before nightfall.

After a good rest, we took the red lantern and continued to move forward. The scenery on the roadside began to change. There were more and more green plants and denser trees.

Suddenly, an ancient tree tens of meters high not far away pulled itself out, and ran to another place with its roots as legs and planted itself in the soil.

Then, more than a dozen half-human-high ants emerged from the original tree pit one after another. They were communicating with their antennae, and seemed to be wondering where such a big tree had gone. After the communication, they didn't know if there was any result, and the dozen ants went back into the tree pit again.

Lin Shan saw it, and he didn't know what to say for a long time. He opened his mouth but didn't say anything in the end. He chose to bypass the big pit and continue to move forward.

After what happened just now, it was inevitable to be a little suspicious when looking at the trees next to him, and there was an illusion that they would suddenly rise from the ground.

Night fell, the blood moon was in the sky, and there were only five kilometers left to the destination. Lin Shan walked in the night with a red lantern. He planned to walk the last five kilometers at night.

It was not that he was anxious, but that he was dying. His body was already extremely weak. He could have reached the destination before nightfall, but he had to delay until now.

If he delayed for another night, he didn't know if he could stand up. On the surface, he could still live for about seven days, but lying down for seven days would also live for seven days.

"Cough cough cough ~"

Looking at the light black blood on his hand, Lin Shan was silent. Not only was the blood coughed out light black, but the blood released by adding lamp oil during the period was also light black. Surprisingly, the light black blood seemed to be more effective as lamp oil. Not only was it more resistant to burning, but even the field of vision increased to a range of 200 meters.

At this moment, he could no longer feel his breathing and heartbeat. It was a miracle that he could still live like a normal person.

Five kilometers, four kilometers, three kilometers.

The abnormality still occurred in the last three kilometers. As expected, we shouldn't rush at night...

In front of him, an old man in a luxurious long gown and pale face stood there stiffly, looking at Lin Shan with a pair of gray, dead eyes without a trace of spirit, standing there like a cold corpse.

Stared at by this terrifying look, Lin Shan subconsciously tensed up, and an extreme fear surged from his heart and quickly enveloped his whole body. At this moment, his body even lost consciousness.

He knew that this thing was definitely not human, it was weird, and it was extremely scary. Half of the black lamp oil left in the red lantern was burned out in an instant, just because of a look!

"The gray mist...is coming, the people...the clan...are in mourning, blood...stains the sky, and the ruler is dead!"

"Human race... ancestral land... intruders die!"

Like the cold words coming from the Nine Nether Hell, they echoed in Lin Shan's ears.

Lin Shan's scalp exploded, and the strange thing in front of him actually spoke, human race? Is he a human from this world?

Just when Lin Shan was thinking.

Darkness as thick as ink spread out from the old man's body and attacked Lin Shan instantly.

Lin Shan couldn't move and could only watch the darkness coming. Under the attack of this terrifying old man, he had no possibility of escaping.

At this critical moment, a red figure appeared beside him, and the red lantern floated out of Lin Shan's hand and fell into the red figure's hand.

The next second, the fire in the red lantern became extremely dazzling! The red light enveloped the entire world, and now there was only a piece of red left between the sky and the earth.

The old man saw that the darkness was blocked, but his expression remained unchanged. The darkness spreading under his feet surged again, and then struck!

The entire world was divided into two colors: black and red. The two supernatural abilities were melting, conflicting, and squeezing each other. In the end, darkness won. The red light in the sky suddenly dissipated. The red figure was suppressed by the darkness and slowly disappeared. The red lantern fell on the ground. on the ground.

"Human... clan..."

After the red figure disappeared, a sentence came intermittently, like a woman's voice, but it seemed unusually cold and gloomy.

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