Above the gray fog

Chapter 1300 Hell

In the extraordinary circle, not far from Lin Shan, a team of five members was also looking around for the sound. Among them, a young soldier was wearing a simple yet solemn jersey. He was seriously injured, but he stood up excitedly when the news came. His voice was trembling, "The Pioneer is back? It's Pioneer Lin! The human race is finally saved!"

Next to him, there was an old man who had gone through many vicissitudes of life, with traces of time etched on his face. His hands holding the cane were shaking slightly, and tears were already falling from his eyes. "It's great, the human race can hope to see the dawn again."

A beautiful woman, with long hair caressing her cheek in the wind, her eyes revealed a touch of sadness and regret, and she sighed softly, "If Pioneer Lin could have returned earlier, the human race might not have fallen to this point. ..”

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by a burly middle-aged man next to him with a bear skin on his shoulders. His tone was displeased, "What are you talking about? Pioneer Lin's return is to save the human race." , you actually blame him for coming too late? The plight of the human race is that we ourselves have failed to strengthen ourselves. We should not complain about the pioneers. It has been thousands of years since the pioneers left the human race. According to the legend about pioneer Lin Shan, he has even passed away. There are rumors that Pioneer Lin Shan can come back to protect the human race in this time of disaster, but you are still complaining that Pioneer Lin came late. In this case, you'd better just keep it between us and don't spread it outside, so as not to incur any consequences. Unnecessary discussion.”

"What age are we in now? Can't we even speak freely?" the woman retorted slightly angrily. The usually gentle man suddenly questioned her words, which really made her feel unhappy.

At this time, another young woman with a slightly fat body and an ordinary face reminded quietly, "If it is indeed Pioneer Lin... he may have heard what you just said."

As soon as these words came out, the woman who was still a little unhappy suddenly turned pale. She opened her mouth and thought about what to say, but finally chose to remain silent.

After all, Lin Xianxian has great supernatural powers and is said to be almost omnipotent. It seems logical that their conversation fell into his ears.

In fact, Lin Shan did hear it, but he didn't care.

After announcing his return, he was already immersed in contemplation of his current predicament.

The Apostle Galaxy, this vast world, has been eroded by the black tide and is no longer suitable as a habitat for humans.

However, once they leave here, where can the human race go?

Then again, with his current strength, it seems that the human race can't go anywhere.

Although migration is one choice, sealing the hole connecting to the sky is another choice.

If there are no enemies, why move again?

After repeated weighing, Lin Shan still believed that migration was the only way out, because he did not have the power to seal the void hole that spanned ten thousand light years. Such a feat would require at least a Sequence 2 existence to complete.

It was time to lead the development of the human race. The series of setbacks brought the human race back to its original shape again and again. Lin Shan wanted to try, would it be different if he led the development of the human race in his way?

Moreover, now is the time when he lacks devout faith. The robbery of the human circle has almost set back half of the progress of the mysterious authority. He must make up for this half before he can continue to make progress.

"Let's go." Lin Shan stood up with a firm tone.

"Where to go?" Yuan Guang asked doubtfully.

"Leave the circle of people." Lin Shan replied calmly.

"Are you going to move...where?" Yuan Guang sighed softly. Although this was the only choice, he was still a little reluctant to leave this place that had existed for two thousand years.

"I don't know yet. I have an idea. I don't know if it's feasible or not." After Lin Shan finished speaking, a huge spiritual formation spread out from under his feet.

The spiritual instrument formation instantly lit up, absorbing all the tens of billions of people underground and nearly a thousand extraordinary beings into the silver bracelet on his wrist.

Including Yuan Guang, Lu Shaosi, and some extraordinary people he knew.

Lin Shan's consciousness penetrated into the silver bracelet. This bracelet was a relic of the immortal level. Its internal space was as vast as a small universe, with a diameter of thousands of light years.

In a dark void, all human beings are floating in a huge green ball of light. Their consciousness temporarily disappears. The power of life is provided by Lin Shan, maintaining basic vital signs. For Lin Shan, maintaining The vitality of tens of billions of people is also somewhat strained, and he cannot sustain it for a long time.

After doing all this, Lin Shan searched near the human race. The land of gray fog had become lifeless. Except for a few races who had back-ups, the weak races were almost completely wiped out.

Huang Liu and Tu Shan Ranqi, if they had not yet died, would be working for the future of their ethnic group at this moment.

After Lin Shan returned to the Apostle Galaxy, he never visited Tushan Ranqi because he knew full well that Tushan Ranqi was not Jiuqi.

When passing by more than a dozen small tribes, including the dwarves, cats, ghosts, sharks, and crystals, Lin Shan also collected the survivors among them into the silver bracelet.

These races are carefully selected subordinates of the human race.

Among all races, each race has unique talents and characteristics, and they play an important role in promoting the development of the human race.

After completing all this, Lin Shan no longer paid attention to the situation of other major races. As long as the races were protected by gods, they could basically retain some fire and at least survive.

There are no Sequence 3 crystal monsters. Even if a strong person at the divine level cannot defeat them, they still have a great chance of escaping.

At a certain moment, Lin Shan secretly calculated and returned to the human race again.

He wanted to go to the Purple Soul Flower Forest again, but found that the Purple Soul Flower Forest no longer existed.

It was not destroyed by the monster, but disappeared directly, leaving only an empty space at the original location.

Lin Shan had some guesses in his mind, but this was not the time to explore. He dived into the deep sea again and headed straight for the underworld.

Because of the disaster brought by the crystal monster, hundreds of billions of people died in the human race, and this was without the twins.

The souls of the dead gathered into a river, pouring into this dark and silent world.

Today's underworld has become overcrowded, and the palaces of the underworld are now filled with newly arrived souls.

The Naihe Bridge, which was once relatively empty, is now crowded with people. Those souls are confused. They wander on the bridge, not knowing where they will go. Along the way, the fragrance of Mengpo Soup is replaced by the smell of fear and sadness. The pot that originally contained Mengpo Soup has dried up, and Mengpo has disappeared.

Officials in the underworld were extremely busy, because there were too many souls coming, and their work was almost impossible to complete. In front of the trial seat, the judges looked solemn. They had to judge each soul fairly, but the large number of souls made the process arduous and slow.

The once peaceful Forgotten River is now filled with the sound of crying and wailing. The separation of families and the loss of loved ones have merged into a sea of ​​sorrow. The water level of the Forgotten River has risen because of the transparent tears. The boatman has no choice but to steer the lonely boat, shuttling between disappointment and despair, ferrying souls to the other side.

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