Above the gray fog

Chapter 1319 Asgard.

The starship that entered the jump channel seemed to be stuck in a sticky quagmire. The jump speed, which should have been a million light years in an instant, became extremely slow, just like a turtle crawling.


An impatient snort came from the inside of the starship. The next moment, a gray ripple with oily light covered the starship. It was like a protective film, wrapping the starship. The invisible ripples spread out in all directions with the starship as the center. The ripples stretched out the surrounding quagmire and swamp, turning the starship into a beam of light and instantly away from danger.

Inside the starship, Lin Shan breathed a sigh of relief. The breath just now was really strange. It was neither in the category of Sequence 3 nor Sequence 2. It didn't even seem like the breath that could be released by the extraordinary. But that breath made him feel a palpitation that he had never felt before. It was somewhat similar to the breath of the supervisor and the street kid.

That thing that exudes aura will bring him a threat. Lin Shan is not really a coward. There are many people in the universe who are stronger than him. But this thing is backed by the entire crystal world. If you can avoid it, you should try to avoid it.

Just when Lin Shan thought he was about to escape the danger range, several golden lights as bright as falling stars directly pierced the vortex, like a magic gun piercing the depths of the void.

Then, these golden lights quickly spread and replicated around, and in a blink of an eye, they formed a three-dimensional ring, turning into an unbreakable cage, tightly locking the starship Lin Shan was riding in.

The red light in Zhao Xiaoan's hand surged, and he was about to take action, but was pressed down by Lin Shan, "I'll do it." Lin Shan said calmly.

With the trump card in his hand now, even if the person who came was a sequence 2, he would not be weak.

Moreover, it is highly unlikely that it is Sequence 2. The number of Sequence 2 in Yuanting is less than a thousand. Considering the scope of Yuanting, the number of Sequence 2 is completely insufficient, and it is highly unlikely that it will come to this place to do business.

Lin Shan stood on the top of the starship, spreading his perception in all directions, and his eyes suddenly fixed on a specific direction.

In the void in front of his sight, a monster slowly appeared.

Its body was huge and twisted, as if it was made up of countless dark vortices and fragments of the starry sky. Its skin was covered with dense symbols, which flashed with cold blue light. They seemed to come alive and wandered on its surface in a way beyond common sense.

The monster's eyes were deep and hollow, emitting a faint blue light. These eyes stared at Lin Shan intently, and the power contained in them was suffocating. Its eyes seemed to be able to penetrate Lin Shan's soul.

Lin Shan's expression was slightly solemn. This monster was indeed not Sequence 2, but its life level was very close to Sequence 2.

The mechanical lines hidden under its skin give it a cold beauty that is different from any other creature. Its breath does not belong to any known sequence, nor is it an extraordinary power that ordinary people can understand, but is the crystallization of some kind of technology.

At the moment when their eyes met, the monster's huge mouth opened, as if to swallow time and space itself, and spit out a beam of black light.

This beam, full of the breath of destroying everything, penetrated the void at an extreme speed, intending to wipe Lin Shan out of the invisible.

However, this seemingly inevitable attack was like a breeze in front of Lin Shan. Lin Shan stood there without moving, only the ends of his hair were gently fluttering.

At the moment when the beam was about to touch Lin Shan, tentacles responded to the call and quickly condensed into a towering barrier in front of him. The black beam slammed into the wall formed by the tentacles, making a deafening explosion. Light and shadow intertwined into a magnificent symphony. The void itself seemed unable to withstand this contest of power and began to disintegrate, turning into pieces of scattered fragments.

Just as the tentacles turned into nothingness and dissipated into countless black spots, Lin Shan's movements were smooth, and a golden rope appeared in his hand, with mysterious patterns flowing on it, exuding an ancient and powerful aura. Lin Shan only felt the divine power in his body surging like a tide.

When he looked at the monster again, it was already tightly bound by the Immortal Binding Rope. Lin Shan's eyes were like a god looking down at the mortal world, fixed on the struggling technological life.

The Immortal Binding Rope is a Sequence 2 level imprisonment relic, which is one of Lin Shan's most powerful trump cards. There is actually no need to use the trump card to deal with this kind of monster, but because this place is too close to the Apostle Galaxy, Lin Shan is afraid of any accidents, so he can only fight quickly.

"Infinity." Lin Shan stretched forward and gently clenched his fist.

Endless divine power was instantly injected into the Immortal Binding Rope. The Immortal Binding Rope was a relic of the Sequence 2 level. It was difficult for Lin Shan to drive it at his level. Even if he could barely drive it, he could not exert his true strength. However, the cooperation between ‘Infinity’ and the Immortal Binding Rope was complementary. The combination of the two could even allow him to face Sequence 2 directly.

As the Immortal Binding Rope continued to tighten, the void around the monster twisted into a twist.

Under the ruthless restraint of the rope, the monster's body began to emit disturbing squeaks, followed by bursts of metal breaking sounds like mournful wailing. The hidden optical path boards and mechanical components in its body collapsed.

Finally, when the monster's body completely fell apart, countless light blocks, metal components and high-tech equipment flew around like space junk, bringing the battle to a perfect end.

"Let's go." After the battle, Lin Shan immediately returned to the starship, activated the starship's jump, and flew towards the direction of the angels.

Not long after Lin Shan left, a robot with a strange shape came to the battlefield and began to recycle the parts that were still usable.

The hollow mechanical sound echoed above the ruins.

"The central core has been destroyed, and the time-travel processor has also been damaged. After testing, Berserker 107 cannot be restored to factory settings."

“Recycle usable parts to reduce losses.”

"The enemy has fled. He is a creature of flesh and blood. Do you want to follow him?"

"Yes, the order has been received and the battlefield is being cleared."

In the crystal world, a huge spaceship is suspended motionlessly in the void.

In the spaceship, several crystalline humanoid beings with a reddish luster all over their bodies were sitting across from each other. If Lin Shan were here, he would have immediately recognized that one of the feminine crystalline beings was Asi from the Crystal Clan. each.

"This creature is a threat. According to Yuanting's information, he belongs to the human race and is the strongest member of the human race here. If he is allowed to leave like this, it will definitely become a big problem in the future." A crystalline creature with broad shoulders and a black cloak said. .

Asco turned his eyes to the crystallized creature who spoke, "Do you really want to be Yuanting's dog?"

"Dog? Is it a kind of creature? I don't want to care about Yuanting and Gray Mist at all, but our king is in the hands of Yuanting. If something happens to the king, the consequences are not what you can imagine. You are just reborn in Gray Mist Void creatures among all races, don’t think of yourself as creatures in this universe.”

"Haha, I know my identity very well, and I know very well what I am doing. Do you want to chase him? You will only end up dead." Asco said seriously.

"Me, a dead end? Just a Sequence 3?" The crystal creature looked at Asgo, obviously not believing what Asgo said.

"If you don't believe me, just go after him." Asgo looked at him and stopped talking.

"It's not necessary. Alz is right. We don't need to do extra things for Yuanting. According to the agreement, we only need to guard this galaxy for ten thousand years and help them find the location of Shenting. Then they will let them go. King, other things have nothing to do with us," the crystal creature next to him who had been silent said.

"My name is Asco now." Asco corrected.

"Okay, Asco, you've been here for so long, why haven't you heard any rumors about the Divine Court?"

"No means no."

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