Above the gray fog

Chapter 1323 Incomplete World Seed

[Come on, let's go back to the gathering place. You'd better not wander around alone. There's a risk of death at any time. ] Icarus' fingers tapped on the keyboard.

The scenery on the screen changed rapidly, from desolate monster ruins to a simple small gathering place in an instant.

Icarus skillfully manipulated the little black man and shuttled through the crowd. Her eyes quickly scanned the character names on the screen, looking for the player with the ability to recover.

Soon she stopped next to a character whose model revealed a gentle yet divine demeanor, just the healer they needed.

Through private chat, Icarus quickly reached an agreement with the other party. He happily agreed to join the team and prepared to enter the dungeon together.

Icarus also invited a player who was responsible for remote output to ensure the team's combat effectiveness was balanced, and the team was quickly formed.

[Are you ready? The name of the dungeon we are about to enter is called ‘聹蹹’. ] Icarus gathered people together and asked, the only way to communicate in this game is to use the dialog box on the head, which can only be seen if you get close, just like speaking with a voice in reality.

[Ready! ] The teammates responded.

In real life, Lin Shan picked up his wine glass and tasted it carefully. It really felt like playing a game to make a notebook.

[Then, let’s get started. ] After saying that, Icarus controlled the little black man to initiate the team teleportation.

With a burst of light and pixel particle fluctuations.

In reality, Lin Shan only felt his head sink, and the world in front of him changed instantly. When his vision became clear again, he was in a forest full of mist, still holding the unfinished wine glass in his hand.

Lin Shan looked at his hands. His palms, arms, and whole body were all black.

Has consciousness entered the game? Lin Shan touched his face with his hand again. The soft touch was definitely not a normal skin touch.

There were three little black men standing next to them. Two of them looked a little surprised. The faces of these little black men all looked exactly the same, but their body shapes were very different. For example, Icarus was stronger and stronger. One is short and fat, the other is slender. Lin Shan's body shape is also in the slender range.

"Consciousness enters the game?"

"It turns out the rumors are true."

"As you can see, our consciousness has entered the game. However, don't worry too much. The existence of the dungeon is one of the most magical aspects of the other side game. The death of the game characters participating in the dungeon will not affect the consciousness." Then The sturdy little black man explained, and then pointed to the tall tower in front, "That is the copy we are going to. The land we are stepping on now is the void. This is not what the void is like, even so. , will also subvert the three views of normal creatures, don’t be too surprised by anything you encounter here. "

Lin Shan sniffed gently. The moist air was filled with the smell of earth and rotten leaves. Gray sunlight fell mottled from the treetops, adding a bit of strange light and shadow to this mysterious forest.

Lin Shan's eyes wandered to the huge gray celestial body hanging in the sky. It seemed to be silently swallowing the surrounding colors, shrouding the whole world in a hazy gray. This was not the sun he was familiar with, but A vast vortex, this vortex sucks in all the surrounding colors, and at the same time continuously spits out gray light.

The light emitted by this vortex is the only light source in this world.

The surrounding ancient trees are towering, and their spreading crowns are layered like protective umbrellas, almost completely covering the sky. Among these giant trees that have experienced the vicissitudes of time.

Icarus moved forward slowly, her expression solemn, each step was heavy, and she reminded her teammates behind her to stay vigilant.

Lin Shan followed at the end, his eyes constantly scanning the surroundings. Although it was a bit eerie, he had seen something more terrifying than this, and it was not to the level that Icarus said could subvert the three views.

If this is void, then void is just a larger world.

At least, this is what Lin Shan sees now.

At this moment, a ray of light that did not belong to this world suddenly penetrated the sun-blocking canopy of the forest, illuminating an area. Lin Shan looked up and saw a small crystal suspended in the air, with a miniature version of a building inside. The buildings in the city are scattered and the streets are criss-crossed. Moreover, it is unbelievable that the people in the city are still living their daily lives in ignorance.

"What... is this?" Lin Shan was confused.

"Don't worry about it, let alone be curious. In the void, curiosity is endless and will only harm you." Icarus didn't give much explanation, just a reminder.

Gradually, as the team moved forward, crystal cities like the one just now could be seen everywhere, like water droplets floating in the sky.

When they approach, the crystal ball will automatically move away, as if it is avoiding them.

After walking for about ten minutes, the four of them were already standing in front of the tall tower.

This tall tower is like a sharp sword penetrating the sky. Its appearance is simple and solemn. The entire tower body is gray. In fact, the entire world in front of you is gray, and the colored light is absorbed by the sun in the sky.

To sum it up, this tower is very ordinary.

Suddenly, the ancient trees behind him began to disappear slowly, and the crystal balls that were floating in the air like water droplets all exploded.

Not sure if it was an illusion or something, Lin Shan felt that the tower was getting farther and farther away from him.

No, it was not an illusion. The tower was moving away from them. It was not the tower that was moving, but the ground.

Or rather, it was the void below that was surging. There was no ground here at all. They were stepping on a translucent twilight. The ancient trees were also rooted above, and the intertwined roots below were clearly visible.

"Look!" The slender black man in the team seemed to have seen something incredible and shouted, "How could it become like this?"

No need for him to shout, everyone saw that after the original trees disappeared, there were now clusters of buildings rooted in the void, and countless creatures of different shapes wandered in these buildings, doing their own things.

Lin Shan realized that it was not the tower that was moving away from them just now, but the ground was expanding. The cities that were now attached to the ground were all just blocked in the crystal ball.

Lin Shan nodded slightly, muttering, "Interesting..."

The scenery in front of him was indeed spectacular and subversive. The civilization hidden in the crystal suddenly rose on the surface. Whether it was the crystal ball or the civilization inside, there must be extraordinary secrets hidden.

"What should we do now? Should we continue to move forward?" The fat black man was undecided and looked at Ikaros and asked.

"Wait." Ikaros looked at the scene in front of him with a calm expression, "Each crystal ball is a broken world seed. They can't grow into a new world, so they can only breed limited civilizations. There are many world seeds like this in the void, and they are not rare. Many beasts feed on these seeds."

"Listen to the boss." The fat black man nodded slightly.

The slender black man suddenly asked, "Boss, which world are you from?"

"Gray fog." Ikaros replied lightly.

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