Above the gray fog

Chapter 1337 Brand new photos

The doll rabbit slowly turned around, its silhouette-like outline looked particularly gloomy in the faint light.

When the doll rabbit faced many attackers, the red light in its eyes gradually lit up, and an ominous atmosphere enveloped the entire circular platform.

Ikaros did not hesitate, waving his sword and rushing forward, followed closely by the shield in his hand, blocking the red light shot out of the doll rabbit's eyes. The fat man found a suitable position in the back, aimed steadily, and kept firing with the musket in his hand, which was indeed dazzling thunder.

The curse master exuded a cold luster all over his body. He hummed a complex spell, and the air was filled with an unsettling energy fluctuation. As the spell ended, a dark purple energy was extracted from his body, entangled around the doll rabbit, weakening its power.

Another melee fighter in the team wielded a heavy mace-like weapon, and each blow was thunderous.

Facing the attack from everyone, the rabbit's mobility was extraordinary. It dodged and counterattacked skillfully, making it difficult for melee fighters to succeed.

At the same time, the amplifier also began her ritual. She waved her hands, and circles of runes surrounded her teammates. As the runes gradually strengthened, the attack on the rabbit became more fierce.

The rabbit showed some admiration in its eyes, and then its movements became faster and more fierce. Every impact increased the pressure in the air, as if even time was torn apart by it.

Time and time again, it dodged Ikaros's sword attack skillfully, and launched a counterattack at the same time, trying to tear open the front row's defense.

The battle entered a white-hot stage. Every collision was accompanied by the echo of metal collision and a huge roar. The healing energy of the thin dog was like warm sunshine, leaving a faint green halo on the teammates, relieving the blood pressure.

Lin Shan watched with relish on the side. This time, it was completely different from the previous strategies.

The strength of the teammates did not improve much, but the cooperation was improved.

No wonder Ikaros was so confident, this time he was truly prepared.

Such perfect coordination takes a long time to develop.

This offensive battle lasted for several hours until both sides were exhausted.

The movements of the puppet rabbit were obviously many times slower than before, and Ikaros was not much better. In the end, it was a bit like a fight between ordinary people on the street. Even the fat man, the thin dog, the curse master, the amplifier, Lin Shan and other people in the back row, including the spectators, joined the melee.

At a certain moment, Ikaros roared.

"Judgment of Light!"

All the sounds seemed to disappear at this moment, leaving only the breathing and heartbeat of the crowd.

She closed her eyes, the long sword and shield emitted a dazzling light, and her body was surrounded by a faint golden halo.

In the golden halo, Ikaros's strength and speed were unprecedentedly improved. Her eyes suddenly opened, flashing with the light of firmness and determination.

With Ikaros's roar, she rushed towards the doll rabbit like a meteor with her last strength, and the long sword drew a decisive arc, and this sword hit the core of the doll rabbit directly.

The doll rabbit tried to fight back, but its movements were extremely slow. The tip of the sword accurately penetrated its defense, and the light burst out in the doll rabbit's body, instantly dissipating its last strength.

In an instant, the doll rabbit fell down, and the cheers of the team's victory rang out on the platform.

Ikaros stood there panting, and a few seconds later, he also fell down directly.

Unlike the cheers of the crowd, Lin Shan, who was panting on the edge of the platform, had a solemn expression. He also participated in the process of besieging the doll rabbit, but because his level was too low, he was beaten to a sliver of blood after a few hits.

He clearly saw that the doll rabbit, which had already fallen, raised its arm.

The next second, the faint chanting interrupted the cheers of the crowd.

"Butterflies touch the sky with their wings,"

"Fish and shrimps dive deep into the valley,"

"Sand hides the ancient city,"

"Stars fall from the sky."

Everyone's eyes are focused on the same place.

The fallen toy rabbit sat up again at some point, and the gap on its body was healing quickly.

"Ikaros, congratulations on your first clearance." The toy rabbit's voice changed from hoarse to pleasant notes, and its eyes fell on Ikaros lovingly, "I am also very happy to see so many friends gathered around you. This is a wonderful transformation."

"What do you mean?" Ikaros lay tiredly and could only move her fingers slightly. She asked in confusion.

The toy rabbit stood up slowly and walked to Ikaros' side with steady steps. Its round palms groped on its wide belt.

A moment later, it took out an exquisite square box from its hidden pocket and placed it within Ikaros' sight.

The back of the box was a vintage oily yellow, and only Ikaros could see the front. Her expression changed from shock to confusion, and then to disbelief, "How is this possible? When is it?"

"The reward for clearing the dungeon is in the back. This little gift is something I personally want to give to you." The voice of the toy rabbit was like a gentle breeze, passing by Ikaros' ears, "I know you have been looking for me for a long time, although you don't remember it anymore. I'm sorry, after the disaster******." It paused, then turned around, walked into a side door that opened silently, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

As the toy rabbit left, the central platform began to vibrate, and slowly rose with a roar.

During this process, everyone felt a magical power, their physical strength was fully restored, and even Ikaros, who was unable to move, stood up again.

Everyone in the team, including Lin Shan, naturally moved closer to the center.

Ikaros stared at the square box, and countless emotions surged in her heart, each of which was as strong as the tide.

Lin Shan quietly came to her side and looked down at the mysterious object from her shoulder. Even he was in doubt when he saw it - is this thing... real?

The object in Ikaros's hand was a finely carved photo frame.

In the photo frame was a photo that seemed to have just been printed, fresh and real.

The photo was of Ikaros herself, wearing casual clothes, a simple short-sleeved T-shirt and jeans, with her left hand making a victory gesture, and her right hand tightly holding a flawless white toy rabbit - the same shape as the toy rabbit they saw in the copy.

Icarus in the photo is smiling, his blonde hair is shining in the sun, and his light golden pupils are flashing with an emotion called happiness.

Unlike the real Icarus, the person in the photo has no wings, and her image is more down-to-earth and more human.

The background of the photo is a typical Western building, with a cross towering on the spire, indicating that this is a church.

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