Above the gray fog

Chapter 1360 Principal Crow

An unknown thing whether it was a meteor was spinning at high speed, and the brilliant colorful light formed a long trail around "it", just like a real meteor.

Not long after, the "meteor" finally collided with the ground, making a deafening roar.

A building collapsed and collapsed under the force, and a hole several meters deep was created on the ground.

The surrounding students gathered around, and their curiosity drove them to find out what this "meteor" falling from the sky was.

In the dust and gravel, Lin Shan slowly stood up, and the colorful light left the last afterglow on him and then dissipated.

His figure seemed a little blurry, and the surrounding air was subtly distorted by the energy fluctuations in his body.

The students' eyes were full of curiosity and vigilance, but there was also a hint of unnoticeable excitement.

After all, this is the Chinese Civilization Academy, and anything out of the ordinary may be an opportunity for learning and exploration.

"Quick, go notify the instructors!" someone shouted.

These students were observing Lin Shan, and Lin Shan was also observing these students and everything around them.

Lin Shan's eyes wandered over these students from China Civilization Academy, ranging from Sequence 9 to Sequence 5, with different shapes and diverse races.

Everyone has a strange and mellow atmosphere, and they are definitely the best among their peers.

Soon, a middle-aged woman in a yellow robe approached quickly.

Seeing the dense aura next to Lin Shan, He immediately ordered the crowd to evacuate, with an unquestionable sense of urgency in his tone, "Back off! This person is in danger, everyone evacuate quickly!"

The woman in yellow walked up to Lin Shan, her eyes sharp and scrutinizing, "Where did you come from? How did you fall from above?" she asked.

"I am Lin Shan, and Yuanting sent me here to serve as a mentor." Lin Shan's voice was particularly clear, and his figure floated out of the pit lightly.

The whispers of the surrounding students stopped abruptly at this moment, "Can fly? Sequence 3!"

"That's right, he just said that he is the new instructor! The new instructor is at Sequence 3 level! I don't know what courses he teaches."

"It's really exciting. China Civilization Academy deserves to be the number one power in China! Hahaha!"

Although Lin Shan's words were plain, the woman in yellow was still dubious. She continued to maintain her vigilance, and at the same time she did not forget to continue to guide the students, leaving only herself close to Lin Shan. "If you are really the instructor sent by Yuanting, do you have the certificate to prove it?" ?" she asked.

"Proof?" Lin Shan reached out, took out the divine decree and handed it to the woman in front of him, "This divine decree can be used as a certificate of my identity."

"This..." The woman in yellow received the divine decree and asked politely, "Can I see the content?"

"Of course." Lin Shan nodded.

The woman unfolded the divine edict, her eyes following the text, and her look of shock became more intense, "The God of Sin Lin Shan...has mastered a lot of ancient knowledge, including the secrets of the origin of life, and even a great curse..." In her hand The divine decree became heavy for some unknown reason.

"Lin Shan, mentor..." Her voice trembled slightly, "Give it back to you, I will take you to see the principal." After that, she carefully returned the divine decree to Lin Shan.

It is conceivable that this new mentor who fell from the sky must be a person who can cause changes in the outside world. Yuanting sent him as the mentor of these young children, and he did not know what impact it would have on the college.

"Thank you." Lin Shan took the divine decree and thanked him.

The woman in yellow led the way, and Lin Shan followed behind. It was worthy of being the No. 1 Academy of Transcendents in the Great World of China. Everywhere on the roadside, even a weed, was a spiritual plant that was difficult to find in the outside world.

Every building here is like a huge heavenly palace that can fit even if a giant comes to study here.

While thinking this in his mind, Lin Shan soon saw humanoid creatures larger than the giants walking hand in hand on the campus.

The woman in yellow came to a colorful cloud on the roadside and said, "The Chinese Academy of Civilization has a total of thirty-six departments, covering an area of ​​more than 80,000 kilometers in diameter and a total area of ​​5 billion square kilometers. In order not to delay the students' classes, we have specially set up a means of transportation called 'Tengyun'. By the way, one more thing to remind you is that the college does not allow the use of technological vehicles, but there are also a few departments related to technology within the college. , these are just for expansion, the main force is still on Chaofan’s side.”

"You do what I do." The woman in yellow put her hand into the cotton-like clouds, pulled out a ball and threw it on the ground.

That small group quickly expanded and grew into another independent cloud.

"This is the mother body. There is one in front of every building and on the roadside. When you arrive at your destination, just return the separated daughter bodies." The woman in yellow introduced, then she seemed to have thought of something and looked apologetic. He said, "Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Ming Pingxia. I am currently teaching two courses. One of them is about my own spiritual instrument reduction planning method, and the other is about the old method of summoning. day knowledge.”

At this time, Lin Shan's clouds had also grown out. They were as soft as sitting on cotton. The moment he sat on them, he already knew the method of manipulation. He turned around and asked, "This school How many students are there in such a large area? Where do these students come from?”

The two clouds slowly rose to a height of one thousand meters, and then moved forward faster than sound.

"The college has 300 million students and one million tutors. There are five grades in total, corresponding to sequence 9 to sequence 5. Students of the China Civilization Academy can graduate only when they become gods. If they do not meet the requirements, they will either drop out or repeat the grade. After graduation, students can choose to return to the Hui Clan , you can also choose to join different lineages of Yuanting to continue their studies, but most of them are sent to the battlefield.”


"Well, the 'World Cemetery' and 'Outside' are the main transportation places. In the 'World Cemetery' we fight heretics and evil gods, and in 'Outside' we fight against beasts and the favored ones of foreign gods. Not only the Great World of China, but also other big worlds. The world is doing the same thing. On average, every big world sends tens of millions of gods into the world every year. You may not know it if you are not in the system, but the seemingly peaceful gray fog universe is already riddled with internal and external troubles. ....." Ming Pingxia shook his head as he spoke, and then reminded, "The instructors can know these things to give the instructors a sense of crisis. Don't let the freshmen know this kind of thing first. Too much pressure is not good, the college It is an unspoken rule that they will be allowed to accept this kind of thing step by step.”

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded slightly and kept this information in mind. Without contact with Yuanting, he would not know such a thing.

No wonder the huge Yuanting can't find any manpower. It turns out there are too many places that need people.

Thinking about it from another perspective, Yuanting has been protecting the Gray Fog Universe. Without the Yuanting organization, how could Gray Fog be as peaceful as it is now, even though it only seems peaceful.

After more than ten minutes of flight, the two arrived outside the building where the principal was located.

In front of you is a tall tower-like building reaching into the clouds. Its exterior is a continuous glass curtain wall, which reflects bright spots in the sun, like a bright mirror in the sky.

Ming Pingxia took Lin Shan straight into the tower, entered the elevator and reached the top floor.

There is only one room on the top floor, and the door sign says 'Principal's Office'.

"Principal." Ming Pingxia knocked on the door gently.

"Lin Shan can come in alone." A voice came from behind the door. The voice was a bit strange, hoarse and sharp.

Ming Pingxia looked at Lin Shan and said, "Go in."

Lin Shan nodded, opened the door and walked into the principal's office. The dim light and solemn atmosphere immediately surrounded Lin Shan.

In the room, a huge black crow was leaning on the back of a large chair. Its eyes were deep and bright. The crow held a lit cigarette in its mouth. Smoke swirled around it, forming a hazy mist.

This crow principal exudes a mysterious and majestic aura.

"Crow?" Lin Shan was a little surprised.

"It's the principal." Crow corrected in a voice.

"Lin Shan, right? I am the principal of China Civilization College. My name is Fu Jin. You will work here from now on. I have already arranged your affairs. Take this and let the beautiful lady outside explain it to you. Details of the work.”

The crow spoke slowly, and the soot fell. Its voice was hoarse and deep.

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