Above the gray fog

Chapter 1367 The superior substitute of authority

"Well... that's it for this class. Even if I teach you what I know now, it can't directly improve your combat effectiveness. I need to study it again and teach you something real next class." After Lin Shan finished speaking, he swept his eyes around the students below. The expressions of the students did not change much. At most, they were a little surprised.

"This class, study on your own."

For the rest of the time, Lin Shan did not refine the life fuel. He was thinking seriously about what to dig out from the origin knowledge and give it to these students. The ability that can directly improve combat effectiveness, genetic knowledge is the most direct.

When the get out of class was about to end, Lin Shan suddenly said, "The scope of the origin of life is too broad. Let's vote."

Lin Shan sent out the prepared vote directly, and a light curtain lit up in front of all the students. This was a multiple-choice question.

A: Major category: learning to create creatures (creation category, branches are to create various types of creatures.)

B: Major category: self-genetic modification (self-improvement type, branches are to modify one's own body to obtain more combat and auxiliary abilities.)

The results were obtained quickly, and 80% of the people chose B.

Some of those who chose category A were destined not to go to the battlefield, and some were simply interested in it.

Lin Shan clicked the light screen in front of him to vote again.

Free question and answer: What will the content of the next class be?

Example: growing wings, growing auxiliary organs, simply strengthening the physique, transforming anti-toxic genes, etc.

The question and answer questions were sent out, and almost everyone fell into thinking, which will affect their courses for a long period of time.

The class was over, but no one moved.

After more than 20 minutes, Lin Shan collected all the answers.

After reading for two or three minutes, Lin Shan came up with the results.

And sent the results directly through the system.

Adopted opinions: [Want to get more life-saving abilities. ]

What is the most important thing in battle? Of course, life-saving.

How to make these students enhance their life-saving abilities, he still needs to go back and study. When he was thinking about it, Lin Shan had disappeared from his seat.

After Lin Shan left, the students below began to pack up.

"Jasmine, what do you think of this instructor?" A golden-haired man came to the female student who had signed up for Lin Shan's three courses and asked.

"I think he is a very good instructor. Well... he really wants to teach us. I believe many students can feel it. Unlike some instructors, their minds are not here at all."

"Yes, yes, I feel the same way. It seems that this course was not wrong."

"Hugh Ansel." The student named Jasmine looked at the man next to him and said very seriously, "You should believe my feeling."

"I know, I know, don't worry, I will sign up for whatever you sign up for next time." The man laughed, "Let's go, let's go to dinner."

Lin Shan returned to the bedroom and began to subdivide the knowledge of the origin of life without stopping for a moment.

The parts that seemed obscure and difficult to understand before, now you can understand them at a glance. Sometimes whether you can understand them or not has a lot to do with your strength.

I don't know how many days have passed. Anyway, before the next class, there were guests outside as usual.

Lin Shan opened the door and it was a strange face.

"Teacher Lin Shan, the principal is looking for you." The man wore a bamboo hat made of wicker and had two long swords on his waist. He exuded a very dangerous aura all over his body, as if he had just returned from the battlefield.

"I forgot where the principal is. Can you lead the way?" Lin Shan looked at him. He was a Sequence 3 spirit, and should be at the peak of Sequence 3. He was also a Sequence 3, but this man gave him an extremely dangerous feeling, but there was also a vague sense of familiarity, or connection.

Lin Shan didn't know where this man came from. He had never met this man before. What the hell was this connection?

The man in the bamboo hat also stared at Lin Shan, "You give me a very dangerous feeling. You are a strong man, a real strong man, unlike those teachers who are just fancy men."

"What a coincidence, you are too." Lin Shan looked back calmly.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see the principal."


The two flew on the clouds for more than 20 minutes and came to the tower that Lin Shan had been to again.

"I'll take you here, on the top floor." The man in the bamboo hat took Lin Shan to where Teng Yunmuyun was, and then turned around and flew to another place.

Lin Shan looked at his trail as he went away. Lin Shan really couldn't figure out what connection they had.

Entering the wide hall, Lin Shan found the elevator with his memory.

"Hello, mentor."

Someone suddenly greeted Lin Shan on the way. Lin Shan saw that the face was a little familiar, but mostly unfamiliar.

He could only smile and reply, "Hello."

The elevator was very fast, and the 100-story building arrived almost instantly.

Lin Shan knocked on the familiar door.

"Come in." A hoarse voice came from the door.

Lin Shan pushed the door open and walked in.

"Are you looking for me?" Lin Shan looked at the crow sitting on the high chair, and it felt awkward no matter how he looked at it.

"Well, you've been here for a few days, so I'm looking for you to pay a return visit." The crow said lightly.

"Return visit?"

"Well, just cooperate with the routine. After all, there are still few Sequence 3 mentors like you in the academy." The crow flapped its wings gently, moved to a seat in front of the conference seat, and used its wings to signal Lin Shan to sit down as well.

After Lin Shan sat down, the crow asked, "How is your life in the academy?"

"Very good."

"Do you have any opinions about the college?" Crow continued to ask.


"How are the students in the college?"

"Very good."

"Do you have any suggestions for the infrastructure configuration of the college?"



Crow and Lin Shan asked and answered each other. Crow held a pen with his wings and quickly checked a report in front of him.

"Okay, those official processes are completed." Crow looked at Lin Shan, "Next is private time."


"You searched for information about the substitutes for power. Are you interested in this aspect?" Crow asked.

"If you are willing to tell me, I am naturally interested. If you can't tell me, then I am not interested." Lin Shan replied.

Crow grinned, "You have an interesting soul, just like me, so we are actually the same kind of people."

"You are a crow." Lin Shan reminded.

"Gah! That's why I said you're interesting." The crow flapped its wings and stood directly on the table. It took out a slender lady's cigarette from somewhere and put it in its mouth. "Since you really want to know the information of the superior substitute, I just happen to have a task for you, which will allow you to contact the superior substitute of authority."

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