Above the gray fog

Chapter 1369 Heading to the Border

On both sides of the giant gate stood giants several thousand meters tall. Even with their height, they had no sense of presence next to the giant gate. The two gatekeeper giants did not react to their arrival and let Xiaoduo and Lin Shan enter the source court.

"Teacher Lin, this is your first time in the source court, congratulations. There are not many creatures in this world who can enter the source court." Xiaoduo ran forward a few steps, then turned to Lin Shan, "This is the official of this universe. Almost all important decisions come from here."

"Because there is no permission, we can't move around at will. We can only walk along specific routes. The suppression of the source court is stronger than that of the big world. Try not to cause trouble here." Xiaoduo turned and walked forward.

The road was winding and winding. With Xiaoduo's height, it was easy to be submerged in the clouds. Lin Shan would lose his focus if he was distracted.

And Lin Shan often lost his focus because the surrounding environment was really attractive.

So, Lin Shan got lost.



Lin Shan called softly.

No one answered, and his voice became a little ethereal due to the influence of the environment.

"Hmm..." Lin Shan pondered for a while. He was not a lost child, so he didn't need to stand there and wait for adults to find him.

Lin Shan looked around, and he could take this opportunity to take a look at the Source Court.

As for the danger, even if the Source Court was very strong, it would not be so dangerous that Sequence 2 would walk everywhere. To put it another way, even if he really ran into a Sequence 2 or encountered a forbidden area, he was just a lost guest, and he couldn't have any bad intentions.

While thinking in his heart, Lin Shan picked a path and went straight forward.

As for the mission, he had temporarily forgotten it.

Under his feet was a stone road paved with white jade, and the road surface had completely merged with the clouds and mist.

He had been walking alone for more than ten minutes, and he didn't meet anyone on the road. The population of the Source Court was really sparse.

Suddenly, a melodious piano sound came into Lin Shan's ears.

Lin Shan raised his head and identified the direction of the sound.

He crossed a stone bridge and walked into a courtyard.

The path paved with bluestone meandered and shuttled between the sea of ​​clouds.

He walked along the path again, and a lake blocked his way.

Occasionally, there were a few lotus flowers on the lake, embellishing the fairyland in the sea of ​​clouds.

In the middle of the lake, an old pavilion stood.

The sound of the piano came from the pavilion.

"Eh..." At a certain moment, the sound of the piano stopped suddenly, and a light exclamation came from the courtyard.

"Guests are coming..." the voice said.

Listening to this voice, it was a man.

Lin Shan said calmly, "I'm lost."

"Where are you going?" The voice was getting closer and closer, and the clouds in front of him dispersed. A handsome man with white hair hanging to his waist stepped lightly on the clouds on the lake, "Maybe I can lead the way for you."

Lin Shan thought about it and said truthfully, "My companion said that he would use the sky rail to go to the border. Obviously, we got separated."

Yuanting was too deserted, and there was nothing fun. It was better not to let Xiaoduo wait anxiously.

"You're going to the border? Good luck to you. Come on, I'll take you to find the Sky Track." The handsome man floated up lightly and led the way in front. "Follow me closely. If you go any deeper, you might get into trouble."

Lin Shan nodded slightly and followed the handsome man silently. Lin Shan could see that the man was just a soul.

Lin Shan didn't want to explore the past of this ghost. He just felt that this Yuanting was a bit boring now. It would be better to go to the border quickly.

After walking for about five minutes, when they turned a corner, two heavenly soldiers in silver armor suddenly appeared and blocked their way.

"Lonely ghost, dare to make trouble in Yuanting!" One of the heavenly soldiers roared angrily, waving the spear in his hand and pointing directly at the handsome man.

The man sneered, spread his fingers, and his nails were like blades, and he pounced on the two heavenly soldiers.

Lin Shan stood aside in confusion, unable to understand what was happening in front of him.

Aren't they from the same camp?

The heavenly soldiers must belong to Yuanting, then the handsome man who led the way.

Obviously, he is the villain.

Just as Lin Shan was thinking, the two sides fought more and more fiercely.

Although they were both Sequence 4, the handsome man seemed to be able to easily suppress the two heavenly soldiers. Fortunately, the special environment of the source court limited the destructive power of the battle, and their fierce confrontation only caused sporadic sparks.

Ten minutes later, Lin Shan began to feel impatient.

He joined the battle and picked up the handsome man.

"You are the villain, right? You lied to me by leading me to the Sky Track?" Lin Shan questioned.

The man's face was no longer as handsome as before, but was covered with blood and distorted, like an evil ghost.

These changes were not caused by the heavenly soldiers, but his nature was revealed in the battle.

"Haha, that's right, I'm going to take you to a place where no one is, and then eat you, hahaha... sizzle, you are so lucky." The sinister words came out of the mouth spurting blood.

Lin Shan narrowed his eyes and slightly increased the strength of his hand. The evil ghost's eyeballs suddenly bulged out, as if it was under great pressure.

As Lin Shan continued to exert force, there was a slight "bang" sound, and the two eyeballs burst instantly. The evil ghost's neck was pinched into a rope by Lin Shan, and it was on the verge of death.

Lin Shan casually threw it to a heavenly soldier, "How could such a thing appear in a place like Yuanting?"

"God, this kind of soul body suddenly appeared ten thousand years ago. As time goes by, the number increases day by day, and new ones appear almost every day. We are just ordinary heavenly soldiers, responsible for cleaning, and we don't know the specific source of these soul bodies." The heavenly soldier replied respectfully.

"Well, where is the sky track? Take me there." Lin Shan ordered calmly. He was quite satisfied with the vision of the heavenly soldier in front of him.

"God, please follow me." The heavenly soldier immediately stood up straight, put the long spear in front of him, and then led the way.

Another heavenly soldier stayed to deal with the captured evil spirits. After Lin Shan walked away, he turned around and disappeared.

The heavenly soldier took Lin Shan to a huge pot-shaped building.

"Teacher Lin, you are finally here." Xiaoduo was relieved to see Lin Shan.

"Let's go to the border quickly. It's almost the agreed time, and there is still a long way to go there." Xiaoduo said.

"Okay, you lead the way." Lin Shan nodded.

The heavenly soldier behind him stood straight, "I wish you peace." His blessing was sonorous and powerful.

"Thank you." Lin Shan responded.

As he walked forward, Lin Shan looked at the building in front of him. It stood above the clouds and mist, and one-third of it was surrounded by clouds and mist. The whole building looked like a big pot.

Lin Shan followed Xiao Duo into the base of the big pot, and rich energy began to gather inside the big pot.

A crack was torn in the space in front, and the light gathered into rays and poured into the crack.

After a while, the energy fluctuations above the big pot gradually calmed down, and the crack had closed. Only the Tianbing was still standing there, looking in the direction of the original crack, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

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