Above the gray fog

Chapter 1384 Flesh Prison

[Enter the complete body (no suppression), the middle dimension plane, the plane is dominated by humanoid races. ]

[The dome sky track is gathering energy, and the plane ejection track has successfully planned the course and is ready. ]

[The system is waiting...receiving the receipt information from the mechanical sanctuary...]

[Verification successful: key matching, world selection has been completed, the particle network has taken over the designated area, and the gray fog coordinates are being cleared...]

[Start projection! ]

A bright blue light fell from the sky, enveloping everyone.

In the change without feeling, everyone has passed through the gray fog barrier and came to the outside world.

The system sound rang in my ears again.

[This world is a middle dimension plane, which can withstand the highest level of sequence 3 life. Attention, the destruction of the world will cause the gray fog to fail directly. ]


[! ]

"What are these '*'?" Lin Shan was puzzled.

"Huh?" Lin Shan found that his body became very stiff for some reason.

His arms and legs couldn't stretch out, as if they were curled up together. He tried hard to shake his head left and right to see if his companions were still there, but he found that everything in front of him was blood red, and everything was very blurry.

He couldn't feel his mental power or his soul.

Now the only thing that could function in his body was a little bit of consciousness.

But he could clearly feel the power in his body. The power that should belong to him was bound in a thick cocoon and couldn't be taken out.

"What's going on again?" This thought flashed through his mind, and the last bit of thought also dissipated.

I don't know how long it has passed.

A ray of light appeared in front of him, breaking through the shadows around him like dawn.

Lin Shan's senses were awakened by the sudden light, and he suddenly opened his eyes.

For a moment, light and shadow and bright red intertwined in his eyes.

He instinctively struggled to get up, but found that his limbs were abnormally stiff and uncontrollable.

After taking a few breaths, he could only turn his head with difficulty to observe the surroundings.

The scene in front of him was like a postmodern landscape painting, extremely messy.

He was now in a shabby street filled with interlaced iron pipes and irregular contours that were partially rusted.

On both sides of the street, garbage piled up like mountains, emitting a disgusting smell of corruption, and rats shuttled through it from time to time.

On the ground, a group of children lay scattered and curled up tightly, like abandoned toys, their faces covered with thick dirt, like the strong colors deliberately painted on oil paintings.

Lin Shan subconsciously lowered his head and found that he was also a child now. The width and lines of his palms were incompatible with his memory. This was not his body.

He raised his hand with great effort and found that this body now had no spirituality at all, let alone divine power. It was an extremely ordinary mortal body.

Lin Shan closed his eyes.

He could clearly feel the tremendous power in his body, as if he could destroy this world with a little effort.

This ordinary body was like a cocoon, sealing his original body.

It was simple to restore his strength. As long as this body died, he would naturally recover. In short, he could commit suicide now.

But Lin Shan didn't do that. Things were a little weird.

Could it be a conscious start?

But the system had clearly indicated that it was a complete body entering. Even if it was a conscious start, it couldn't be so miserable...

When he opened his eyes again, he found that his hands were also covered with blood, sticky and warm, and the wound was still bleeding. If this continued, he didn't have to commit suicide, and this body would not be able to hold on.

Unconsciously, he wiped his cheek with the back of his hand, and this action brought a stinging pain.

Lin Shan suddenly understood that there was a hazy red light in his eyes, and it was the blood that oozed that dyed his vision red.

What should I do now? Is he waiting to die here? He can't move now. The only thing he can do is wait for his life to slowly pass away. Although he won't really die, this feeling still makes Lin Shan a little unhappy.

"Unhappy..." This thought is like a spark that has been ignited, igniting a flame in Lin Shan's consciousness.

He began to try to feel his body. Although it was just a slight tremor at first, as time went on, those seemingly paralyzed muscles seemed to be awakened by the call of his heart.

He clenched his teeth, the veins on his forehead throbbed, and his arms groped on the ground, looking for a point to support his body.

Again and again, his body involuntarily returned to the cold ground.

At a certain moment, Lin Shan used all his strength, and the muscles of his shoulders and back propped him up from the ground.

His knees bent, trembling to bear the weight of his body, his breathing became heavy, and every breath seemed to tear his lungs apart.

Although he was shaky, he always stood up.

Lin Shan smiled, blood flowing from his mouth, "It's not that difficult to surpass the limit."

"Ah, it's really a bit tiring. With this effort, I can kill a sequence 3."

As he spoke, Lin Shan felt that his throat was leaking a little, as if there was a hole.

But there was no way. Now he couldn't even lift his hands. Let it bleed. At worst, he would die.

Lin Shan stood in the street, his feet were worn tiles, the only sound was the intermittent sound of water dripping in the distance and his own rapid breathing.

"Where should I go? The others... could they be these children?" Lin Shan lowered his head slightly. Not far from him, there were three young children curled up.

"The number of people doesn't seem to match." Lin Shan used all his muscles to frantically move his body. He only took one step forward and fell down.

After a while, Lin Shan stood up again, muttering, "Ordinary people's bodies are too fragile."

Finally, Lin Shan staggered to a boy who looked thirteen or fourteen years old.

Lin Shan bent down, gently placed his trembling hands on the tip of the boy's nose, and checked his breathing, "Well, there's still air..."

Then, he used all his strength to give the child two light palm strikes, "Wake up!"

The child slowly opened his eyes under Lin Shan's patting, recognized Lin Shan, and shouted with surprise and surprise, "Evan! You're not dead!" The excitement made him forget the pain on his body. He stood up excitedly, but because of his excessive movement, new pain came. He also had injuries on his body, but compared with the wounds on Lin Shan's body, they were somewhat insignificant.

"Jieyi Mission." Lin Shan looked at him and spit out four words.

"What? What mission?" The boy's face was confused, not understanding what Lin Shan was talking about.

"Trouble." Lin Shan muttered in his heart, and finally, the sequelae of breaking through the limit countless times came.

His consciousness gradually blurred, and before falling into darkness, his body fell down with a bang, and his consciousness was swallowed by darkness.

In a dark space.

A cage made of golden beams stood here, and the light it emitted formed a strong contrast with the darkness around it.

In the cage, Lin Shan suddenly opened his eyes and understood his situation in an instant.

This cage is the body of the child outside.

Lin Shan's sight penetrated the golden beams and stared at the deep shadows around him. In this deep darkness, it seemed that something was approaching quietly.

An invisible tense atmosphere spread in the darkness, and a large mass of darkness was creeping like a living creature.

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