Above the gray fog

Chapter 1391: Get the news and verify the hypothesis

"Since it is prepared for lovers, of course it has negative effects. If one of them dies, the mind of the other party will also suffer a very serious blow." Xiao explained, "The heart governs the gods, that is, the spirit and consciousness. Of course, the spirit Your brain and consciousness are carried by your brain, but losing your mind means that you have no control over your empty spirit and consciousness. You can think of your brain as your rational heart and your sensibility. Damage to your mind will directly It causes your humanity to be damaged from the inside out, which is even more serious than divinity being exceeded.”

"It's too negative, or else you should use me..." Before Huan Yue could finish her words, Xiao Xiao continued to answer, "Those two people locked in a concentric lock have serious side effects, but neither party can deceive anything. "

"I'll do it, lock me with a concentric lock, it's more secure." Carol Henry didn't wait for everyone to continue the discussion, and directly took on the matter, "My old man can do this."

Hearing this, no one, not even Huanyue, came to stop him. Although the information obtained by Tongxinsuo was accurate, damaging the mind was a very serious matter, and the harm was much greater than damaging the soul. Naturally, no one would do such a thing. Will rush to come.

"Since God Henry is willing to sacrifice, it's settled. Please stand next to the humanoid creature. I believe you don't want to communicate with the alien god like that ball of thread." Xiao Xiao took out a transparent piece of unknown material. Silk thread pointed at the empty space next to the humanoid creature.

"Yeah." After hearing this, Carol Henry hummed lightly and walked to the designated position.

Xiao Xiao first wrapped the transparent silk thread around Carol Henry's wrist, then looked at the chaotic man and directly wrapped the other end of the silk thread around his neck.

"Be prepared, both of you are Sequence 3, so I'm having a hard time." He said with a smile, he raised his hand and stretched out a finger. A light red bubble appeared in front of his finger. The bubble gradually expanded, swallowing Carol Henry and that one. All three people were bundled up.

The light red bubbles blocked the outside world's view, and no one knew what was happening inside. After about ten minutes, the bubbles gradually faded until they dissipated.

"Okay, Henry, God, you can tell me the information you got.

Almost everyone's eyes were on Henry.

Only Lin Shan was bearing Xiaoduo's weak fist.

"Ah, damn it, you actually forgot about me, it's too much!!"

Seeing that there was a result here, Lin Shan also hurriedly gathered around him. Xiaoduo grabbed the hem of his clothes and was dragged along.

The expression on Carol Henry's face was a little painful, and she said intermittently, "Two people came from Chaos in this operation. In fact, these two people have always been in this world and have not left. They entered this world through the boundary contract mission. There are three outer gods. The two outer gods and the two chaotic people are currently suppressing the world spirit in this world. "

"God Henry, are you okay?" Huanyue was a little concerned about Carol Henry's condition. This was her mission. These people were all here to help him, but now they let the people who helped her endure this pain. , a deep sense of self-blame haunted her.

"Do you know where those two foreign gods are?" He asked Carol Henry with a smile.

From the conversation between the two, we can understand their respective attitudes. Xiao Xiao is only thinking about completing the mission. He doesn't particularly care about the life and death of his teammates.

Karui, the talkative goddess of technological pedigree, was speechless throughout the whole process, but her eyes were always aimed at Xiao Duo behind Lin Shan, not knowing what she was planning.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little mentally disturbed..." Carol Henry first answered Huanyue, and then said, "I know the location. They are underground, in the center of the earth, or in the core of the world."

"The core of the world...it's hard to find." Xiao touched his chin and asked accidentally, "Do you know where we were just now? What methods did they use to restrict us?"

"It's the 'Imaginary Stadium'. They created a pseudo-'Imaginary Stadium'. Although it is not as powerful as the real 'Imaginary Stadium', it is still enough to shut down our consciousness." Carol Henry said with a solemn expression, " They were able to connect our consciousness to the 'imaginary playground' without even knowing it, because there was something wrong with the Jie Qi mission."

"There are people from Chaos in the Mechanical Sanctuary. They adjusted the landing point of the aerial orbit, which caused our consciousness to be directly sucked into the quasi-'fictional playground'."

"Fortunately, God Lin Shan broke the pseudo-'imaginary playground'. Otherwise, our consciousness will be trapped in it forever and cannot get out." Carol Henry said with lingering fear, "We in the outside world are no different from death, unless Only when the body is severely damaged can consciousness return."

"What?" Huanyue's pupils contracted. The amount of information contained in these simple sentences was too huge.

The people of Chaos have infiltrated the Mechanical Sanctuary and are still changing the gods within the lineage?

Are they trying to evade Yuanting without anyone noticing? If Chaos really succeeds, wouldn't Chaos have the final say in the gray fog universe in the future?

No wonder there has been a lot of uproar within Yuanting recently. The top management always makes some strange actions. This matter is most likely related to Chaos.

Even the rumored crystal world may be caused by Chaos!

Lin Shan could probably understand what she was thinking by seeing the change in her expression.

She should have pushed all the negative aspects of Yuanting to Chaos.

Lin Shan would not think so. According to the information he had, there were invaders among some of the senior officials of Yuanting. Lin Shan was not yet sure where the invaders came from, but what was certain was that they were not from the Gray Mist Universe. The native creatures are not found in recent years or even in recent eras.

When Yuanting was about to die, Chaos stepped in again, and Yuanting is now completely ruined.

There are invaders inside and chaos outside. Do those high-level officials in the Source Court who really care about the gray mist universe still have a chance?

"It's really interesting." Xiao Xiao, standing next to Lin Shan, said to himself, "Just by simulating a 'fictitious playground', you can create a possible universe at the level of consciousness. What will the real 'fictitious playground' be like?" Like this? It’s a pity that I won’t be able to experience it in this life.”

"The 'fictional playground' is not a possible universe, and the two are not the same concept. The possible universe is a causal world fictionalized by Yuan Ting that may exist that does not actually exist, and the 'fictional playground' is, to put it bluntly, a self-copying Chaos has the ability to create a strange space, and so can Source Court, but there is a difference in strength and size," Carol Henry explained.

"Is that so... I thought the universe of possibility was just a larger universe full of infinite possibilities. I didn't expect it to be the universe of cause and effect..." Xiao sighed softly, "I don't want to think about it anymore. I have a headache, let’s go find those two alien gods and get rid of them.”

"Well, without further ado, let's leave quickly." Huanyue nodded solemnly, "Delay will lead to changes."

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